1. Fall of an elf princess. Part 1
  2. Fall of an elf princess. Part 2
  3. Fall of an elf princess. Part 3

It was a wonderful, truly sunny day. Liel, an elf princess, loved to stroll in the woods on such days, accompanied by her bodyguard. So on this day - right after breakfast, she slipped away behind the city gates, into the Border Forest. The border of their kingdom and the kingdom of the people passed through this forest. Until now, there was no disagreement between them, no one tried to invade foreign territory, so Liel often went deep into the forest, getting closer and closer to the border.

Dressed in one of her camping outfits, Liel made her way through the ever thicker branches of the ancient trees. Her legs, shod in sturdy brown leather shoes, walked lightly on a soft forest carpet, and her long white hair fluttered easily in the wind. The guard, dressed in light armor, followed her, holding her hand on the hilt of her sword. She was accustomed to such walks, and therefore did not expect any trouble.

Suddenly she stopped. Voices were heard from nearby bushes. The guard drawn her sword and stepped in front of the princess. Liel stood patiently behind.

Due to the greenness of the bushes, tall, broad-shouldered figures began to appear. One, second, third ... Someone noticed the elfiek, and pointed to them. Immediately, six tall men dressed in armor were beside them.

- You see who brought to us, - grinned one of them, with a long scar across his face. - Hey you, wit, you know who came to visit?

The guard wanted to answer, but Liel was ahead of her:

“I don't need to know who you are to tell you that you are breaking the treaty between my and your nations.” It will cost you dearly. You went into the territory of the elves, man, and you'd better get out of here quickly.

The man grinned wryly.

- Get out? I have a better idea ...

He signaled with his hand, and all six people drew their weapons, surrounding the elfies ... Bodyguard Liel raised her sword and rushed to the attack first ... But her arms were intercepted by an enormous man's hand in an iron glove, pulled it out and threw it on the ground ... Next second second hand in the same glove with one blow on the face knocked the elf down. Two men rushed at her, holding her hands, at the same second Liel felt her hands grab too.

A man with a scar approached her, grabbed his chin with his hand:

“They say you, witty, very beautiful ...” He looked at Liel with a glance, her legs, wrapped in brown leather pants, her jacket, her pale face with sharp features, her beautiful hair ... - Now we will see for ourselves is it true...

He began to unbutton Liel's clothes ... seeing this, her bodyguard tried to rise with a cry, but another crushing blow to the chin put her back. The man tore off her jacket with Liel and tore off his shirt with one jerk, exposing her small breast with small pink nipples ... Then he clasped her with his hands and bit his lips into this nipple, already beginning to harden, no matter how scary it was for Liel. (Especially for eroticspace.infosexitails.org) She screamed when the man began to roughly bite her chest, and knead so that she could barely withstand the pain. Those who held her hands, also did not miss their case and their free hands walked all over her body, and someone already undid her leather pants. Before her eyes, she covered everything with fog, out of shame and fear ... How dare they do this to her, to the elf princess ?! The next second, she seemed to lift a strong blow to the face. With her ripped off his pants, and her tormentor, stepping back a step, looked at her appraising ...

- Yeah, still as good as a whore, whore ... Now let's see how good you are in business ...

He began to take off his armor, at which time she was grabbed by her hair and forced to her knees. Her pale face turned red when she realized that she was coming.The next second, she felt a dagger pressed to her throat.

- If you are obedient, you will survive ...

A man approached her, lowering his pants. Liel closed her eyes, trying to distance herself from all of this, but failed. This man was almost two heads taller than her ... When he pulled his penis out of his pants, she almost screamed out of fear. She had never seen such a huge one, he was almost her elbow in length. The man grabbed her hair and jerked her lips on his penis, pushing him deeper ... At first she fluttered, trying to free herself and gasping, but six hands held her tight, and she had no choice but to calm down, gradually losing consciousness lack of air, but after a moment she felt her throat clear. However, not for long - the man simply fucked Liel in the mouth, inserting the dick into her completely, resting against her throat. Liel, out of the corner of her eye, noticed that the other three were also fucking her bodyguard, having already managed to undress her.

Tears streamed down the elf's face, she wheezed when a member tore at her throat, she wanted to die at that moment ... But she understood that this was only the beginning ...

A minute later, playing enough with her mouth, the man grabbed her hair again and pulled so that she fell on all fours. She pressed her hand to her neck, so that her head fell down, and the ass rose higher. A minute later he was attached to her ass, and almost immediately she felt that this huge member, just tormented her mouth, enters her vagina. She howled, from pain and hopelessness, she began to flick the ground with her teeth in a frenzy, wriggling like a snake, but the member did not stop until it entered into it completely. The elf continued to howl until the man began to move - then she squealed, trying to escape, but could not even move.

Soon another person came up to her face and, raising her face, immediately put his dick in her mouth. Now she was already torn by two members, and she felt that the third was about to be ... She, Liel, the elf princess was lying on the grass, and three people brutally fucked her ... She was ready to fall into the ground with shame, but on the other hand, she liked it ... Gradually, she felt how a feeling of desire builds up in her, lust, how she wants it to continue ... And now she herself began podmahivat their movements, more violently leaning on her limbs licking the third one and squeezing it with his lips, helping himself with his hands ...

Two behind her groaned alternately, and she felt her holes fill with their liquid. Then he finished the third, pouring over her beautiful face with a whole sea of ​​white liquid.

When she woke up 10 minutes later, she saw several people bending over her. Her bodyguard stood on all fours nearby. The men dragged her to her, and poked her face into her crotch, Liel began to obediently lick her guard, feeling the taste of human sperm ... Now nobody forced her, she liked it ... Like the guard.

Watching them, the scarred man grinned.

- When finished - take them with you. Such whores will go expensive in the slave market.

  • May 21, 2013 20:12

    Nothing like that))) Although it was possible to increase the development of events a bit) Everything is so fast)


    • Rating: 1
  • May 22, 2013 11:50

    Not bad, but for the first time. A little mean. you can expand it on a couple of pages))


    • Rating: 2
  • Anonymous (a guest)
    May 23, 2013 0:24



    • Rating: 2
  • May 23, 2013 1:12

    the idea is good, but too transient))) more plot and action)))


    • Rating: 2
  • El_djo (a guest)
    May 24, 2013 15:45



    • Rating: 0
  • Brown666Bear (a guest)
    May 25, 2013 0:38

    "So Liel often went deep into the forest, getting closer to the border, more and more," probably a little not logical is it?, But quite so))


    • Rating: 0

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