1. Fall of the elf princess. Part 1
  2. Fall of the elf princess. Part 2
  3. Fall of the elf princess. Part 3

Liel woke up with difficulty opening her eyes. It is the third day since they were captured by people in a forest on the border, taken to a nearby town and thrown into this barn. All this time she spent in it, behind the locked gate, in the dark and alone. Her bodyguard, apparently, was kept separately - Liel had never seen her in that time. The only one she had ever seen since she came here was the person who came to feed her, if you could call it that. Once a day he opened the heavy doors of the gate, threw a metal bowl with some kind of brew on the floor, covered with a thin layer of straw, and left. On the first day, the princess even tried to rush at him to escape from prison, but he laid her down with one blow, and now, when he began to rattle the castle, Liel was huddling in the far corner of the barn. In addition, the very brew, to which she did not touch on the first day, on the second, from hunger, seemed to her the best of all dishes in the palace of her parents. True, she did not bring any devices, so she had to eat with her hands.

Now the princess was awakened again by this roar - her jailer unlocked the doors. Liel jumped up and, not yet waking to the end, rushed to the haystack, which was standing in the corner. However, she was mistaken - instead of the jailer, the one who captivated her there, in the forest, entered the barn. Along with him were three other men, one of whom led her bodyguard, Ciel, in front of her. Her hands were tied, her mouth was tied with some kind of rag, and bruises and bruises were on her face. She was not wearing clothes.

The scarred man whistled loudly and shouted:

- Hey, witty, come out! Do not force go to you ...

Liel obeyed. With each day of being here, her elven pride and arrogance diminished, she was ALREADY ready to obey any order. Stepping out from behind the stack, she stood before the man who addressed her. Elven princess stood in front of a man completely naked.

“So,” the man grinned. - Well done. I see, I understand who is the boss here. - He signaled a comrade holding Ciel, and he pushed her toward the princess. She fell to Liel in her arms.

“Tomorrow,” continued the man, “we will take you to the market.” And before that, we still have fun with you, finally. At the same time, and check what you can do, forest animals ...

As he spoke, Ciel looked at the hostess with guilty eyes. Her short blond hair fell off, and now looked more like a dirty washcloth. On her face, there was some blood clotting, and a long cut was under the eye. Apparently, Ciel behaved not so obediently as a princess.

The man ordered:

- Untie this bitch.

Liel obediently untied the knot on her wrists and lowered a rag covering her mouth to her neck. One of the men approached them and dragged Ciel to the wall. I pushed her so that she fell on all fours, then began to stroke and slap her buttocks. Liel watched indifferently. She knew that this was only the beginning, and much more awaited by Ciel and herself.

The man slapped Ciel's buttocks more and more, now she starts to shudder at every stroke. I bit my lips, trying not to scream ... I could not stand it, a soft cry broke from her mouth ... The man grunted in satisfaction, and began to unbutton his pants. When he immediately drove his dick standing in her ass, the elf screamed and jerked from under him, but he pressed her head hard to the ground, continuing to fuck her. Two more approached her, one of them crawled under her, getting ready to enter her as well, the second without ceremony took her mouth.

The scarred man approached Liel and whispered in her ear:

- Like, creature? Soon they will take you too ...

Liel was unpleasant to admit it, but the sight of her defenseless bodyguard being fucked by three huge human men excited her, she liked to look at it ...She already felt a slight tension in the lower abdomen, and waited for her turn to come ...

However, she did not have to wait long. Ciel, and so shook under the pressure of the three hollowing its members, after a minute began to shudder from an orgasm, but none of the people even thought to stop. On the contrary, they accelerated their movements, and Liel even noted to herself how Ciel clutched at the hips of one of the men, also accelerating the movements.
When she finished, the elf hung on her arms holding her, as if she had lost consciousness, but the princess saw how she quietly moaned with every movement. After some ten minutes, she again began to shake in her orgasm.

When all three men finished inside Ciel, the princess was at the peak of excitement. She expected all three to take on her now. However, they began to dress slowly. The princess looked inquiringly at the host. He laughed.

- I see you can not wait to do business? Call the following!

A minute later, four more men entered the barn. They silently approached Liel and one of them put her on her knees. Soon there were four big cocks in front of her, and she dutifully took them in turns into her mouth. Sometimes she took two at a time, massaging the remaining two with her hands. Soon one of the people got tired of it, and he ordered her to lift her ass.

Now her mouth had three members in turn, and the fourth was plunging into her anus, bringing her unbearable pain mixed with pleasure. She was so hungry for these three days that she pounced on the members with violent obsession, forcing people to moan at her every touch. One of them took her by the long ears sticking out from under her hair, and began to fuck her lips ever stronger while she was massaging the two remaining members.

At this time, entered three more. Apparently, the man who captured the elfies decided to use them to the fullest before getting gold for them. The three entered walked over to Ciel, who had recovered herself and sat leaning against the wall. A minute later she moaned, torn to pieces by their members. (Especially for eroticspace.infosexitails.org) This is even more excited Liel, she lay back, lifting the pelvis, as if urging one of his partners to use it. They did not take long to wait - one abruptly inserted his dick into her, and began to fuck, holding her waist and loudly slapping her thighs with her. Liel howled, looked up at him, her lips whispered something that even she did not understand ... And then she felt like an explosion inside herself. She was twitched by convulsions of pleasure, one after another, so strong that she could throw off this person from herself if one more did not hold her hands ... She screamed, not hearing herself, arching her back ...

When she awoke, the princess realized that she was lying on the floor ... Her first thought was that people had finished with her, and then left ... But she heard a voice above her ear, ordering her to stand up. Hardly getting up on all fours, Liel turned in his direction ... It was her new owner. He grabbed her by the shoulders and jerked her to her feet. Consciousness surprisingly quickly returned to her.

“You're doing great,” he said into her ear, “but your girlfriend seems to be too proud.” Just bit one of my guys.

The princess just now noticed that Ciel was sitting on the floor not far from them, hiding in a corner.

- I want, - continued the man, - that you punish her ... Come on, witty ...

He pushed the princess to Ciel. That seemed to have gotten all together. Liel stood for a couple of seconds, not knowing what to do ... Then a voice came from behind her again:

- I said punish her! Do not dare to delay!

Liel looked around and saw that the man was holding a whip in his hand. She did not yet know how sick his blows could be, and did not want to find out ... After a pause for a couple of seconds, she resolutely approached Ciel ... She whispered barely audible:

- I beg you ... Do not ... My lady ...

The next second, Liel interrupted her with a ringing slap in the face. She was followed by another one. Liel beat her more and more violently. Then she grabbed her hair and pulled her away from the wall. Ciel screamed. Liel grabbed her ears and, sticking out her groin, poked her face into her crotch.Then she began to move her pelvis so that Ciel’s face rubbed against her. Hitting her clitoris with her nose and lips, the princess became more and more excited ... Her bodyguard did not resist anymore, she submissively went limp in Liel’s hands until she finished, splashing her face with her juices ... Then, Ciel collapsed to the floor without strength. .. Next to her, Liel also fell heavily ...

The owner all this time stood behind them and watched ... grinning with satisfaction, he abruptly turned around and left the room.

  • Anonymous (a guest)
    May 24, 2013 17:11



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  • May 25, 2013 14:02

    I look forward to continue!


    • Rating: 1
  • May 26, 2013 0:55

    "Forest animals ..." = D
    The phrase delivered))))

    And so - I liked it!) It turned out better than the past))))))))))))) I wonder what surprises the elves will present in the next part ...


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