Mr. Triton. "After the banquet"

“How she got excited” - Max thought, kissing her beloved Victoria in the back of a taxi ...

His hand playfully stroked the inner surface of the thighs, covered with smooth tights, and his lips did not get tired again and again to walk on the tender neck of the leaning back girl. Vika closed her eyes and enjoyed petting. Looking from under her eyelashes forward, she suddenly caught her eye on the mirror of the salon. With him looking at her greedy eyes of the driver. He simply hypnotized her with his oily dark holes ...

Vika was so a little sober and scared, but her dear hand found her clit, and through the fabric she began to make forward movements ...

The sweet feeling in the lower abdomen made the girl arch the arch. And the thought that came to mind was amused.

"So, love, watch ... okay, I will arrange a show for you, so that I will be offended later ..."

- Wait, she whispered hoarsely ...

- What? Max asked uncomprehendingly, looking at his Goddess ...

- Now, now ... Muttered Vika, lifting her hips and pulling off her tights with her panties - well, help ...

Stunned for a moment, the guy, smiling idiotically and shaking his head, pulled the linen stuck on his knees.

Vika, resting her left foot in the driver's seat, widely spread the lovely legs freed from the close captivity. Firmly taking the dear by the head, kissed her, and then began to tilt his head down ...

He understood everything, slipping into the narrow gap between the seats, happily plunged into the teasing aroma of the desired woman.

Vika covered his head with the hem of her skirt. Enjoying his skillful tongue, she again looked in the rearview mirror. Eyes were there. The girl smiled at them.

Then, bringing to her face wet panties with pantyhose, deeply dragged the smell emanating from them. His eyes seemed to widen even more ... The girl threw his clothes at the driver, he quickly grabbed him and pressed his nostrils to the trembling from the wait ...

Having slowed down at the traffic light the driver turned around, holding out his hand back, he brazenly grabbed this outright fucking chest. Not paying attention to the young man who was rummaging about downstairs, with pleasure he felt elastic flesh, covered only with a thin cloth of a T-shirt.

- Let's go, green ... I heard an excited male.

With difficulty, looking up from her laughing gaze and the desired body, the driver turned around and hit the gas ...

- Max, we came, climb out, - Vika laughed - extracting the dear from under the hem ...

Everything seemed wet and happy face guy ...

- How many of us ...

- Here is my business card, the driver interrupted, - you will need to go call ...

Vika took a stretched square of cardboard ...

- Thank you, and came out of the cabin, pulling Max along ...

- And what, he does not need money?

- We paid him, and so, with a laugh, said Victoria - a sight ...

And the two of them laughed after the departing car ...

- I want you, kissing the guy, cooed slut - immediately! Now!

Capturing Max behind her into the porch, the girl felt such a desire that she wanted to growl and scratch ...

Without losing a moment, Vika unzipped her belt with skillful movements and jerked her pants down along with her underpants. The snake leaping, swaying, straightened to its fullest extent. Sensing intense salivation, the girl with madness attacked the hot lollipop. Burning it with her breath, she tried to swallow it - too big!

Max in ecstasy began furiously fucking his beloved's mouth. Unexpectedly, he squeezed Vicki’s head and shot straight into the throat. She tried to pull away, but the animal that woke up in the boy continued to lower her divine nectar directly into her mouth.

The girl, twitching once again, fell out of her weak hands, and began to gurgle with a coughing ...

Feeling guilty for having finished so quickly and rudely, Max rushed to his beloved and mumbled mournfully, forgive me, forgive me, began kissing this native face, wet from tears and my own sperm.

- Well, you're a bitch! Vika said with feeling! And if I drowned ...

- Forgive, forgive, - muttered the guy, the look of sperm on his face and chest was so exciting that the member, not having time to completely relax, began to rise again with pushes ...

- I will punish you, the girl has already conciliatingly said, later ...

- Now fuck me finally ...

Vika, holding up the hem of her skirt, appealed to her appetizing ass, appealed to the wall.

The guy did not have to ask twice, he immediately fell in behind and became short jerks to dive deeper and deeper. Gradually increasing the amplitude of the movement, Max with one hand grabbed her chest and the other lowered to the lower abdomen.

- Love you! Princess! - the guy wheezed to the beat of his movements ...

The princess felt that the stake in her reaches the uterus and with each push tries to push her as far as possible.

“Oh my God, what a huge he is in his life! My Monster! Come on, fuck me! Tear me ... "Vika herself did not notice that she was saying out loud her thoughts ...

She wanted even more, so as the first time, to feel this sweet pain again ... With her knees jointed, she squeezed her guest with the muscles, trying to grasp it full length.

The boa jerked in fright and slipped out of the hot cave, eager to swallow it.

- Now, now, the owner of the boa concurred guiltily, clasping his trunk with his hand, he directed him back, into the flesh oozing with juice. His Goddess somehow tightly clamped, that his member rested against the barrier and did not want to return. Running up and down along the gap, he tried again. Feeling like the head went forward slowly, Max was delighted and already in a proven way - with slow jolts - he went on the attack.

What are you doing? I wanted to shout Vick, when she felt the dick rested against her anus. But then he changed his mind and slid up and down pleasantly tickling the lips, back to the starting point? What? But the thought “Oh, let it be ...” stopped the words that were ready to break the lips. Instead, they heard only a moan of pain, and the girl instinctively leaned forward, fleeing the pain that she was carrying to her.

But strong man's hands lying on his tummy again planted her trembling body on the stake. And one of the fingers teasing clitoris eased the pain ...

The movements of the guy gradually accelerated, and the amplitude increased steadily.

There were voiced slaps.

- I want to pierce through you - Max wheezed.

He did not understand what was happening, it felt like you were fucking a virgin: narrow, squeezed and dry. As so, she just oozed juice. Where is the bottom of her cave, because on the first approach he clearly felt the elastic wall ...

Tears flooded Vika: - stop, she prayed ...

Max slid his right hand along the bend line of the body, scratching the rough skin, the clitoris and unexpectedly fell into a wet crevice.

Understanding what is happening reached the guy a few seconds. And when it came, he froze. Breathing heavily, he murmured,

- How are you, honey?

Vick grunted smiled dirty wall ...

- I'm fine, go on, just be careful, please, and, lubricate, please ...

Carefully taking his fighter out of the defeated fortress, he abruptly drove him into a spacious vagina, which had been waiting for his boy for a long time ... but after several movements, he hurried to return to such a desirable close captivity ...

Vika was a little easier, she spread her buttock wide apart, and began to diligently pull at the clitoris. His large eggs nicely spanked right on the cave that did not want to close ... Having closed her eyes, the girl completely surrendered to the waves of passion, her wish came true - it was the first time again. But that first time was only a weak likeness of this storm of emotions and feelings that swept Vika now.

She felt the approaching tide, and howled like a wounded wolf.

The tsunami swept over her body, twisted in an incredible convulsion and threw on the dirty floor ...

The member was already confidently moving into the new house he had chosen, and Max felt that this blissful crowdedness would not last long ... Under his palm the elastic tummy of his girlfriend fluttered, then the member grabbed some kind of force and pushed it out of the mutilated intestines is a foreign body ...

Vika fell to the floor, her spasm whirled over her entire body ...

Max grabbed his boyfriend and began to furiously masturbate looking at the body writhing in an orgasm ... A friend did not keep himself waiting - spitting on a long jet of a fallen girlfriend, he continued to pour out his nectar ...

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