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It became quite boring at home, my mother took a vacation and left for the dacha, but she did not take me, she said that it was too early. Then our grandmother came to visit us from the village and my father immediately moved to his mother at the dacha. That's how I was left alone in the house. All my friends were gone from the yard, who with their parents went to the sea, and who was taken to the camps. Only I alone walked around the empty yard, where even the birds and dogs hid in their little houses.

- Grisha, go home! - This is a grandmother went to the balcony and screamed at the whole yard, as if in her village.

- Well, what else is there? I grumbled to myself as I went up to the apartment. - I just had breakfast before lunch is far away.

- Grisha, my mother called. A friend will go to visit her, she can take you with you, can you go?

My joy knew no bounds, all day I did not argue with anyone, and even without scandal I went to sleep, that would get up early tomorrow and soon set off on the road. But grandmother rose even earlier. When I woke up, the aroma of hot pies and something else was already floating around the apartment. From the kitchen, my grandmother kicked me out, so as not to burn a burner on the stove, and sent me to collect things on the road.

While I was sorting out the toys and deciding what I would take with me, a sharp trill of the bell rang in the hallway. I managed to reach the door before everyone else and the first clicked the lock.

- Bah-a! This Zhenya came! - I shouted, so that would be audible in the kitchen.

Aunt Zhenya, or just as I called her - Zhenya, was my mother's friend from work. They worked in the same room and often when I called my mother, Zhenya took the phone, that's why we knew each other well.

“Call the guests into the room,” Grandma said, “I'll be right there, my hands are in agony.”

We went into the big room. While the guest looked around, I admired her.

- What is your beautiful dress!

- True! Do you like? - Zhenya spun on the heel of even the races, throwing her skirt high. Personally, I didn’t care what kind of dress she had, but I knew that adults like these words, and I really liked Zhenya.

- Only this is not a dress, it is called a sundress. Really good ?! - and she spun again.

- Yes, good! Why are your legs brown and your butt white?

- How do you know? - Eugene leaned, stared into my eyes.

- And when you spun, it was clear. Are you so tanned?

Zhenya laughed and pulled me to her. I resisted and started pushing off her soft breasts.

“Good afternoon,” the grandmother stood in the doorway and did not look at us approvingly, “go into the kitchen, I’ll put the pies in my bag and go.”

Zhenya was embarrassed and took up her bag.

Unfortunately it was not possible to quickly get together. I looked into the kitchen several times, but my grandmother and Aunt Zhenya were all sitting and talking.

“You, sweetie, don't worry,” said grandmother, pouring tea, “Grisha is a calm boy, you’ll take him on the road with something and everything will be fine.” Take another pie, I'll brew you some tea with herbs. My grasses are good, strong, they clean my body at times, every sickness is thrown out once. And you, girl still children to give birth, health is useful.

When my patience ran out a second time, Grandma finished giving her advice and let us go. Faster, until she remembered anything else, we grabbed the bags and ran out onto the stairs. But in the courtyard our grandmother’s voice caught up with us: “Yevgeny, do not be afraid. Grisha knows the road, if that:, then ask him! ”Trying to leave the yard as quickly as possible, I pulled Zhenya more by the hand.

When we crossed the square and went out on the road, Zhenya prayed:

- Not so fast, Grisha! Are we late for the bus?

- Yeah.

- Well, let's not go so fast.

I silently continued to drag Zhenya. It just seemed to me that the grandmother was about to catch up with us and start loading again with useful tips, but in the end we would be late for the train.

“Well, here we are,” Zhenya said wearily and dropped the bags on the bench of the bus stop.

“Phew, it's hot,” she breathed, and began to fan herself with a handkerchief. “Why was I in such a hurry, I was soaked all over, and there would be no bus for a long time.” - She said, looking around.

- Grisha, take care of things, and I will run away for a minute - Zhenya asked me, took out a purse from the bag and headed to the other side of the street. There, in the shade of houses, a bright barrel with kvass turned yellow.

Aunt quickly knocking heels got to the middle of the road, for a moment lingered on the marking line, passing the car, and ran on. The burning summer sun pierced through her sundress, and for a moment it seemed to me as if there was nothing at all on Zhenya, so that her slim figure with long strong legs was so visible.

- Where are you, goat, staring? - hissed a poisonous voice over my head.

- I? No where, just too kvass want, - answered another voice.

I looked around, standing behind me was an uncle wearing a cap with the word “Rechflot” and an aunt with a wicker bag.

- You will manage, you already drank beer.

- And now I want kvass.

- You are the eyes of the cuffs of the girls, you look again - you will remember for a long time!

I was disgusted to listen to them further. Quietly calling my aunt "Baba Yaga", I took a gun out of my bag and started walking in circles - guarding our belongings. At the same time he constantly looked on the road, whether the bus would seem to warn the aunt in time. But Zhenya was not late.

“So much better,” she said, smiling. - That's just me wet.

Zhenya took out a familiar scarf, wiped their foreheads, necks, then, pulling the top of the sundress off, launched her hand inside. The uncle in the cap gasped gasping when I looked back, he rubbed his hurt leg, and “Baba Yaga” stood with an evil face.

Approached our bus. It was not interesting to drive around the city, I knew the way to the station by heart and could drive a car instead of the driver. As soon as we entered the station square and stopped, all the passengers rushed to the door, as if the bus was on fire. Eugene frightened pressed me and did not let go until the interior was empty. On the street, dividing things equally, I was a backpack, and Zhenya did everything else, we walked to the station building. But, once inside the station, Zhenya was confused and helplessly let out the bags. She at the same time had to take a queue at the cashier, pushing over the schedule of electric trains to find out the departure time and, at the same time, try not to lose neither me nor things. She looked around in search of a solution, and people indifferently ran past, almost knocking us down.

- Problems, sis? - Two military men stopped near us, - Can we help?

Zhenya took out her handkerchief, this time to wipe the flowed mascara, and briefly described the situation.

- And it's all? - smiled the eldest of the military.

- So listen to my team! Semyon, you will know when the nearest train departs, and you find me at the ticket office. You, sis, take this eagle, ”he nodded at me,“ I take the bags, and we all run to queue up for tickets. ”

After half an hour, all problems were solved safely. Zhenya was worried for nothing, our train did not leave soon. Having found a place in the shade, we conveniently folded the bags on the bench at the beginning of the platform. The military bought lemonade, I took out my grandmother's pies, and everyone began to wait for the departure of the train. It was very cool to sit in the shade of the bushes and not to hurry. Aunt calmed down and happily chatted with new acquaintances.

“Zhenya,” I called.

- What do you want? - she, for a moment interrupting the conversation, turned to me.

- I want to write.

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