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In languor Lenka rubbed her cheek against my chest. I tried to reach the nipple with my tongue, but it was too lazy to stretch, and she simply grabbed the skin on her triceps with her teeth.

- Did you get leprosy? - I grumbled and slapped her on the bare ass.

“What kind of leprosy are there,” she answered, “that before I was real rubbish.”

“From this moment on in more detail,” I raised my head to Lenkin and looked into my eyes. She squinted like a well-fed kitten and pressed herself against her chest again.

- Oh, there was a lot of things. You will not fight if I tell?

- Actually, it's time to pummel you, one trick is less than one, what a difference the pope has.

Lenka giggled, then settled on me more comfortably and began the story.

* * *

The minibus, drove into the parking lot of the boarding house, a girl immediately jumped out of it and began to jump in front of the car, pressing her legs. I went out on the porch and well heard how she begged: “Mom, let's go faster! I need to go to the toilet! ”The woman, on the contrary, continued to efficiently unload her bags, occasionally hiding in the cabin.

- Mommy, come on soon, otherwise I will be described right here! - shouted the girl into the depths of the van. I didn’t hear that her mother answered her, but she was silent.

The tall woman with a crash closed the door of the minibus, lifted the bags from the asphalt, and with great strides went to the administrative porch. I, hiding behind the door, closely followed this interesting couple. Looking at my mother's legs in thin beige trousers, for some reason it seemed to me that a woman after a long journey herself really wants to go to the toilet. And now the cries of her daughter strongly irritated her and attracted attention to her completely unnecessary.

I, too, was torn from the desire to pee, but seeing the suffering of others, I was seized with pleasant excitement. I knew the boarding house as my home, and at any moment I could run into a secluded corner and be relieved. Instead, holding myself under my skirt, I felt anxious sensations of near damp.

Quickly rushing through the parking lot, a familiar couple walked into the lobby. Mother began to talk about something with the administrator, impatiently stamping her feet, and the girl: the girl was just in a panic. With one hand she held her swollen belly, and the other sought to clamp the hole, which we both now thought about. Strange, at first glance, we were the same age, my bubble was inflated no less, but I would never in this world would show such despair. And now, I quietly sat on the bench, gently pinching the urethra with my finger and looked at the new holidaymakers.

The girl was very pretty, thin, athletic. Probably passed into the eighth grade, and maybe into the ninth grade, who knows, I was older, just no one gave me more than 14 years. Anyway, she was blond, with small breasts, smaller than the first size. Probably, she had never used her bra, wearing only a short sports shirt, through which small breasts were now showing through. The girl was really pretty.

Finally, the administrator completed the design and issued the keys to the room. Bending over things, the woman squeezed her knees tightly. She stood like this for about a second, and I watched with delight as she struggled with the tremendous pressure of urine that hit her crotch. I felt guilty for the pleasure that brought me the observation of other people's suffering, but excitement pushed my fantasies much further. Looking at the receding couple, I wanted them not to have time to run to the toilet, or even cooler, I wanted to see how they would fight for the toilet one for two.

Mom and daughter, quickly knocking her heels, headed for the left wing of the boarding house, in the direction of the cheapest rooms. A crazy thought came to me, but what if: From delight, I inadvertently missed a trickle of urine and my panties were instantly dampened, but now I was worried little about such trifles. Moreover, in my black leggings, a small leak was not at all noticeable.I shot out into the yard with a bullet, ran around the building, and again got into the corridor through the fire door. My efforts were crowned with success, my mother and daughter had just climbed to the second floor and stopped at the door of her room. From around the corner I could see how both women, impatiently crouching, cursing and snatching keys from each other, tried to open the door. Finally, the castle was defeated and both unfortunates burst into the room. I slipped past by a shadow and ran on tiptoe to the end of the corridor. My swollen bladder frantically protested against such treatment, small portions of urine were fired outside and settled in shorts. But now I was afraid of only one thing, as if from excitement not to drip onto the floor, and thus prematurely give out my presence. The fact is that in the rooms of the third class there were no toilets. All amenities for the residents were located at the end of the corridor, there was a small waiting room in the end, from which four doors went out, to the toilet rooms, combined with the washbasins. This is where I was in a hurry. Quickly opening the three doors, I clicked the locks on the dogs, and closed them back. Now the locks could be opened only with a special key that was kept by the administrator, there was such stupidity in cheap Turkish units. I did not touch the fourth door; the cleaning lady kept her buckets - rags behind her.

Less than two minutes later, as the girl rushed past me to the toilet and began frantically pulling the locked doors. I froze in the corner, almost pouring delight into my pants, “I succeeded! I completely failed insidious plan! - I screamed mentally. “Now the girl will dance and moan in a desperate desire to pee, and then, wetting her pants and covering the wet spots with her hands, she will run back to the room.”

The girl did not believe her bad luck, once again pulling all the doors, only then she noticed me.

- Are you there too? She asked. - Is everything busy? - I nodded.

- Oh my God! - She moaned and clamped her hand between her legs.

She stood for a while and began knocking gently on the door: - Please hurry up! I really need the toilet! The door answered with silence. The girl begged the second and third doors with the same result. My own desire to pee all increased. I watched a teenager writhe in front of me in suffering and wait for the first signs of a lesion in front of her bladder to appear on her jeans.

- Oh, please hurry, I will describe right here! - the girl already yelled at the closed doors. I could not believe my ears: this fool was going to piss and shouted about it on the floor of the floor.

- What's happening? What are you yelling for? - There was a voice behind my back. In the doorway stood the mother of the girl.

- Mommy, everything is busy! Here is a girl waiting too.

The woman looked at me, “Damn, but at the wrong time,” she swore and crossed her legs impatiently, then straightened, abruptly ran her hand along her crotch and looked at her palm. I froze with delight. Admit it is one thing to catch a little fool snot, and quite another - an adult beautiful woman. I thought that my heart would jump out of my chest, hammers pounded in my ears, and the first trickle flowed insidiously on my thigh.

- Mom, I'm about to describe myself! - the girl whined, shoving both hands between thin legs.

- Shut up! - Evil threw the mother, she went to the other door and pulled the handle. Then she stepped up to the third, gasped, bent sharply, her legs tightly pressed. It was good to hear her beige trousers chatter at the seams. The woman began to knock on the door: “Open immediately! What do you allow yourself? Here are the children, they can no longer tolerate! ". I was having fun, my aunt desperately burst into a closet with mops. In order not to laugh, I looked at my daughter.

The girl leaned back against the wall, crossed her legs, holding her right hand between them, and with her left wiped the tears that showed on her pretty face. Suddenly she turned to the door and started pounding with her fist too. I enjoyed ...

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