Gala reception ended late in the evening. Saying goodbye to the owners, we went out into the courtyard, where Ksyukhin the G-8 was lonely beside the Mercedes. The girls went quiet, especially Oksana changed greatly. Only now she "took off the mask" and it became clear how much alien wealth struck her pride.

- Glory, get behind the wheel, - she asked and held out the keys.

- And what for?

“I really want to write,” she admitted.

- Oh, hold me seven! - I laughed, - Oksana learned to be shy.

- I was not shy, I just do not want this ... to be obliged to something.

- Well, you fool! - Lenka grumbled, climbing into the cold car interior.

Frozen Samara didn’t want to start. I drove the starter for about three minutes while the engine “picked up” and started spitting smoke.

- Slava went faster, - Oksana cringed.

“Wait, the engine is cold,” I protested.

- And you quietly, just to get away from here.

- Where we go? - I asked when the car rolled out on the road to the city.

“Go to my grandmother,” suggested Helen. - She is now staying with her sister, so no one is at home.

- Agree! And at the same time let's drink something, otherwise my head is spinning, ”Oksana supported her.


- Lord! How do I want to piss? - mumbled Oksanka, dancing in the elevator, and answered herself, - I madly want to piss.

- And this says an adult girl, the secretary of the CEO?

- Well, so what with the fact that an adult - retorted Ksenia. - If I get more, then more will come out of me.

“I'm not talking about that,” I continued. - What kind of words are these? After all, I can say I want to go to the toilet, I want to write, finally.

- No, no! - Oksana protested, shifting from foot to foot - I wanted to write when I got into the car. And now I want to PUT! I want shamefully, I want to eerily, like a regimental horse.

- Just think, - Lenochka gave a voice, - I also want to go to the toilet, but I do not shout about it at the top of my voice ...

“So you don’t want that much,” Ksyuha snapped.

- And you check who wants more, - I laughed.

- What is it like?

“This is it,” I replied, and pressed Stop.

- Bastard! Sadist! - Cried Oksana, bustling on the button fussily. The elevator jerked and continued moving to the fourteenth floor.

- Letter-letter. Letter-letter-letter. - I heard from behind my back. This little Lena began to mock the poor girlfriend.

- I'll kill you, you bastards! - snarled Ksyuha. But she could not fulfill her promise, as her hands were clamped between her legs.

Finally, the elevator stopped and opened the doors hospitably. Lenochka first jumped out onto the landing, and, ringing with her keys, ran to open the door.

- Can I help you? - I asked, seeing that Oksana froze in the cab in a deep sitting.

- Put a bucket ... - she snorted and shouted into the depths of the floor - Toilet does not hold!

“How come,” answered Lena and disappeared into the apartment.

Relying on my hand, Oksana hardly walked to the corridor, but only to see Lenochka take off her coat and hide in the treasured room.

- Open, I was the first to occupy, - Ksyuha pleaded, banging on the door.

“I'm not rubber either,” the friend replied cheekily. She rustled clothes, and then knocked the lid of the toilet. Oksana straightened up, and looking around helplessly, asked: - Glory, hug me.

I pulled the sufferer to myself, - What is easier to endure? - I asked.

“A little easier, and not so lonely,” she agreed.

There was a murmur from behind the door. The sound of a thin Lenkina jet, with the power of a cutting water surface, finally “killed” Oksana.

- Help someone! Hold me a hole! She moaned.

“Be patient for a minute,” I urged, tightly clutching my buttocks.

- It's late! - Ksyuha gasped, - I piss!

I did not take my word for my girlfriend and lowered my hand lower, in fact, the skirt was rapidly heating up. The heat of the Oksankinsky organism, leaking through the clothes, accumulated in a puddle on the floor.

- What will you stand? - I asked.

- And what can I do if this “shit” has locked herself in the toilet? It will come out, let her clean in her apartment.

- Then at least do not cling to me.

- Do you want to stay dry?

“Not for the first time,” I recalled.

In the dusk of the corridor, Oksankina's eyes glittered wetly. Her lips opened, and through rapid breathing, I realized that the girl was very excited. A wave of merry insanity seized me, waving a hand to the propriety, I right in the corridor lifted up Xyukhin's skirt, and put my hands into wet leggings. She giggled and splashed a portion of urine in my palm, in retaliation, I inserted two fingers at once into the most intimate female hole. Ksenia groaned and put her foot on a tall galley shoe, inviting me to continue unusual caress.

Even before the toilet flushed, Oksana trembled and, with a quiet laugh, knelt in her own puddle. So in the Lenkin corridor, in a matter of minutes, she managed to piss off, get aroused and finish safely.

Washed and wrapped in a grandmother's robe, Oksana appeared in the room, - Slavik, will you have to stay with us? You understand that in this form I will not go anywhere and I can not take you.

- What to do, - I pretended to sigh, - will have to stay. Here are just mom call, that would not worry.

Dialing a home phone number, I turned away from the girls to hide my contented physiognomy. Or the night promises to be stormy, or I do not know my girlfriends badly.

Lena and Oksana lay down on the couch, and they laid me down on a narrow couch. When Lenochka stayed with her grandmother, she slept on the couch. For the granddaughter of the place was just right, but I hardly settled on an uncomfortable bed. The room disappeared into the darkness, and I lay awkwardly against the wall, waiting for my adventures. It had already begun to seem to me that nothing would happen when the sofa creaked and bare footsteps were heard. Whose hands then began to aggressively look for me under the covers.

- And who is it? I asked in a whisper. The spy froze, and from the couch there was a disgruntled Lenkin voice, - And you yourself, do you think?

In the darkness, the sofa creaked again, and steps were heard again.

- Wait, girls! - I got worried, - three of them will not stand the couch. I'd rather go to you myself.

In the darkness, Lenochka and Oksana began a verbal skirmish about which one of them would lie down in the middle. Then they decided to lie down around me, but then I was opposed, saying that I would be tired between two hooligans. As a result, a slight scuffle ensued again, in which, despite the lower weight, Lenka won.

The winner settled down in the middle. I turned on my side, pulled Lenochka towards me, and at the same time managed to embrace Ksenia too. Silence reigned in the room again, the smaller of her friends nodded waryly under my chin, and her hand hugged a soft "watermelon" - the eldest.

Oksana was the first to withstand the strain, her fingers found my hand, and without disengaging they began to stroke the elastic belly. Lenka twitched, moaned discontentedly, but was silenced under the caress of several hands and joined the game. After a few minutes of fussing in the dark, I got the impression that I was too much on the sofa. The girls so enthusiastically engaged in each other that I was ready to argue on my left hand - they did it not for the first time.

In vain I thought that they forgot about me. At that moment, when I was going to move to the couch, Oksana felt a switch on the wall, and the tiny light of a night lamp broke the darkness over the bed. Interlaced naked female bodies appeared in the dim yellow light. Lena was lying on top, actively pawing Ksyuhin on her nipple, and her fingers were buried in the lush vegetation of the pubis. Here is the game of these fingers and struck me. Lena's throat mired her clitoris with her thumb, the middle one was immersed in the vagina, and the nameless one massaged the area between two holes, occasionally sinking into the anus. Oksanku simply arched with pleasure, her breathing breathed in half from her lips in half with a groan. Helen, playing on the erogenous zones of a friend, got excited herself. Her round buttocks and the open vulva flickered before my eyes. "No, I won't be superfluous here," I decided, and put my hands on the girls hips.

Sensing that something was bursting inside her, Lenka stopped for a moment, and then exhaled, - Finally! I really thought you would never decide.

I didn’t say anything, but simply covered her fingers on Ksyuhin pubic and joined the general dance of love.

- Wait! - Interrupted me Lenka and, jumping off from a member, ran into the corridor. She returned with a pink-and-white box. On the move, I took two huge pills from it and tore off the wrapper with sharp teeth.

- Push, - she commanded, putting one capsule into Oksana's vagina. I willingly executed the order.

- And now to me. - With no less pleasure, I repeated the movement.

- Let's go, - I ordered and added, - Oksana turn off the light. We are not perverts!

Once in bed between two girls, I needed to correctly calculate the forces, so that if not to satisfy both, then at least not to deprive any one of them. Alternately inserting a member in one friend, then in another, I dreamed of only one thing: to finish as late as possible. But it became harder and harder to do it, Ksyuha and Lenka went their separate ways. Their wet bodies rubbed against each other, and besides, I felt that someone’s fingers touched my scrotum. “If Lenochkin’s hands are occupied, it means that Oksanka is having fun,” I reasoned. In the last seconds released by nature, I squeezed both partners and, crushing them both, finished in the eldest of them.

Exhausted we lay on wet sheets. That night I swore to myself: Never to repeat such feats. Two women are wonderful, but very tiring.

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