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“Did you today something painfully quickly returned, baby?” - Uncle Seryozha looked at Alina, who was confused, and tried to understand what it was that she was all running from the kitchen to the corridor and peering into the peephole. At the same time, she was somehow strangely afraid that he would notice her actions and would certainly begin to ask why and why.

Taking advantage of the fact that the baby fell asleep, Alina ran to the market for groceries, and then went to the next apartment, which wasn’t by the way imposed on her for cleaning by the omnipresent uncle Seryozha, in order to finish everything and get some rest for dinner.

“After all, I only had time to go there, I began to pour water, suddenly I saw a sheepskin coat on the floor, picked it up, listened - someone is talking in the bedroom. I would immediately leave, but then I thought that maybe someone would come out and find me like a thief. From fear, I heard every knock of my heart, ”Alina said very confusedly.

"Yes, this is probably the owner was at home, he sometimes calls in" - Uncle Sergei slyly smiled - "Maybe something forgot or some other need appeared."

"It was the owner, only he was not alone, but with a girl."

“Yes, and why were you so surprised, he is a young man, the blood boils, and in the market you know how many such people are spinning, even a dime a dozen, maybe what kind of stealing he brought for an hour or two.”

“No, Uncle Serezha, I heard that it was some very young girl.”

How do you know if she is a girl or not? So I’ll look at you, you are a husband’s wife, 25 will be knocked out soon, and you still don’t know what men and women are doing. ”

In confusion, Alina paused for a bit, and then added: "She asked to let her go, called for help to my mother, but I did not dare to move from the place and go there."

“You are a fool, they are all behaving like this, bawling, mother is asked to help, and surely, she herself has trodden her legs, nobody has dragged her.”

“She told him that she had just come in for a minute.”

“You think he will take her by force, you dismissed the nurses here, and they may have found a common language for a long time and are making love to themselves. What do you think, horan girl just let go? Maybe she owed him money or something else, and that will work out in full. When did you get out of there? Hour ago?"

"Yes, I suppose so."

“You see, two little doves have paired and cooed themselves, and you are worried. He will now roast her for three hours, if not more. Are you saying a very young girl or have you not seen her? ”

“I didn’t see anyone, only voices, it even seemed to me that he was pinching something in her mouth so that she wouldn’t scream.”

“You see, his apartment is opposite, complete silence, no one shouts, does not call for help, or maybe shouts, so that’s for joy. If we lived under them in our neighbors, then the bed would be dug, and so ... "

Uncle Seryozha did not let up, the story of his resident, apparently, stirred up the old horse that he could not just calm down so much: in three steps the girl was beaten. "

“I was afraid to even move while they were loudly cursing, and then suddenly it was quiet, I even thought they were kissing, only then she broke out again, and ... the bed creaked heavily ...”

"So you missed the fun part."

“I didn’t want to be a witness, it’s better to let them understand themselves. Maybe you are right, now what kind of people there are, only strive to break off more and more sweetly. ”

Uncle Seryozha now himself began to glance from time to time through the peephole, he wanted to peek over the edge - what kind of bird had Khoren got on the hook. He also saw that Alina, too, could not calm down and continued the piquant topic: “After all, when I agreed with you about him, he asked me first of all:“ How is she? Young or not? ”I told him that he was twenty-five years old, the child was small, only she gave birth, she needed work closer, and her husband is there, she works at the construction site all the days long, only they don’t meet ends. And he says to me: "If you have recently given birth, it means that it should be good." I just wanted to describe you, and he was ahead of me: “Just look to clean up at a time when we are not at home, I’m not going to see what I’m married to, feel for the mood, then her man disappeared.Sometimes he even has a friend here, also the same, only older. ”

Alina was all covered with paint, not knowing what she was doing, aimlessly rearranging the pots in the kitchen. That girl didn’t get out of her head. She imagined herself in her place for a moment and immediately ran to the bathroom to wash with cold water.

From her stupor, Uncle Serezha’s insinuating voice brought her out: "Look, look here, come out."

The doors of the next apartment were slowly opened, at first a girl, very short in stature, fluttered out of the apartment, but a little plump, and then with a noise, Khoren began to close the doors. At the elevator, he hugged her tightly, the girl did not resist. Predatory looking around and not noticing anything suspicious, he stuck his paws inside her not fastened fascinating fur coat.

“Look how they are being pardoned. Do you think they kissed there for two hours? But indeed the girl in this cover did not often happen. See how full? ”

“Let's go to the window,” he almost commanded, and was not at all surprised that Alina could not move even from her place, and he continued to comment: “Watch how they rush to the car, as if they had stood in the cold for two hours.”

"Uncle Seryozha, I am now afraid to come into this apartment alone."

"So let's go together, I'm not averse to gawk at what they have done there."

With caution, as if doubting that there was no one in the apartment, Alina opened the door of the neighbor's apartment.

“Didn't you tell your peasant that I found additional work for you?”

"What do you? Not".

“That's right, you don’t need to know him, then you’ll tell me everything when you get good grandmothers ... Look, you've covered all the tracks, and even made a bed."

But not a single trifle could have escaped his tenacious gaze.

“But the bed was worked for — not a sheet, but a battlefield — not for life, but for death. Look, all the same in one place, he told her at least a little, but he jerked well. So did you notice that girl? ”

Alina nodded in agreement.

“He probably likes them like this, plump, roomy, just right for such an elk” - and he winked at the conspiratorially at the completely somlevuyu Alina.

Opening the door to the bathroom, Uncle Serozha noted that there was a whole mountain of dirty linen. "If you want to please, collect all this and wash it."

Alina tried to open her mouth to protest, because there was no persuasion about this.

“I know that it is not your responsibility, but be respectful - you will be rewarded with interest. And you will dry on the balcony in my room. Bed also do not forget.

Having tied in a huge knot, Alina was upset and went to wash the clothes of a man who was not at all familiar to her. Locking herself in the bathroom, she tried to do all this before her husband came home from work, and only occasionally ran out to feed the baby, and the initiative uncle Seryozha took care of the baby.

By the evening, having previously called the door of the neighbor's apartment and waited a few minutes to make sure that no one was at home, she brought the laundry and made the bed. Only nearly dried-out towels remained, which Alina hid in the room of the village of Seryozha, who continuously smiled and said everything: “Well done, girl, diligent, now I can do something.”

Alina's husband, who came, as always, late in the evening, was a little surprised that his wife, after feeding her husband with delicious borsch, somehow pressed herself to him in bed in a special way, that he, despite her fatigue, performed her debt.

In the morning, having bathed and put to sleep the baby, Alina at the stipulated time called the neighbor's apartment and started cleaning. She hurried more than ever, faster ...

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