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I, as usual, returned from the institute by metro. It was already evening, but the people were unusually many. Finally, the coveted train arrived, and the crowd brought me into it. I began to look with my eyes at least some kind of lumen, but with my not very tall growth it was almost impossible to do so. So I almost drove two stops, and then the long-awaited stop at the intersection with the ring line let me go a little, I even noticed one very narrow spot in the middle of the car. Taking advantage of the fact that the new party of people had not yet entered, I rushed to the only free space.

Already almost near the goal, a tall man blocked my way. It seemed to me that he also wants to sit down. I instantly reacted by turning to the side, but he, who was half a turn to me, tried to clear my way to the seating position, and again found myself on my way. I peeked at him - he seemed to be giving way to such a cherished place. I hardly squeezed through two well-fed aunts who, without reacting in any way, were engaged in reading. I had no choice but to get out of their grip, sit on the edge of the seat and rest my eyes on the floor. A man with a high-shaven, powerful neck stood right in front of me, with one hand he held on the top rail, and the other unusually often straightened the collar of his leather jacket, which was already standing flawlessly. He looked at a magazine, often stepping over his feet, which I involuntarily noticed his flawless shoes, and I felt somehow embarrassed about my slightly worn boots, which I wore for the third season. The aunt, who was sitting next to her, broke away from the reading for a few seconds, defiantly turned away to the side, thereby expressing her displeasure. At this moment, trying to understand what was going on, I looked at the other neighbor, who also sat with me in half a turn. Not understanding anything, I looked up - in front of me was an unfolded magazine, which the man casually flipped through, I did not see his face. The only thing that was in front of me was his strong body, tightly pulled together by a belt, peeking out from under a short leather jacket. Looking at his expensive shoes, it seemed to me that the fabric of the trousers on him was very thin and, in some places, too thick, had strong legs.

My neighbors at the next station stood up as if on cue and quietly moved in different directions to the doors, I tried to move to the temporarily vacated places, but they found themselves busy with quickly finding old women who had entered. The only thing I managed to do was to snuggle up against the back of the seat. The man standing next to me immediately noticed my confusion and, as if taking this opportunity, completely loomed in my own way and continued to look at the magazine without much interest. I decided not to react to it in any way, and, chained to the back of the seat, looked only forward. It became clear to me why my former neighbors behaved so nervously. The thin fabric of the pants so tightly covered his legs that the male organ was presented as an exhibition. I felt that he was looking at me over a magazine, and I also looked up. The man, leaning even lower, broke into his huge mouth: "Like?". I was gripped by fear, I felt like a little child who was very guilty, and, if not now, then soon, I should receive punishment. I began to realize that the people who were sitting nearby, already considered him as my friends, because no one reacted to his words, they were addressed only to me. And strangers can not be so close.

"How's yours with this?" Is everything all right? ”Croaked over my ear.

When I came to my senses, I tried to look at him as strictly as possible, but, meeting my eyes, I was even more agitated by his self-confident hard look.I didn’t see, but I heard how he nervously took off and again with force pulled the gloves on his sledgehammers so that the thin skin from such pressure only crackled. He unkindly saw off everyone who, at least somehow, tried to express disagreement with his behavior. At that moment, his mobile phone rang, I immediately felt some relief, hoping that the conversation would distract him for a while, and I could get away from this place. However, only by moving my legs, I realized that I had nowhere to step, my almost imploring glance from bottom to top, while continuing to listen to the phone, he shook his head negatively and added to the phone: “Fired her right now, I found ... new You'll like it... ".

His huge figure hung over me again: “Will you go to work with me? Dustless work ... ". I looked up at him again, trying to figure out where this pressure came from, and I felt a slight smell of alcohol. He pulled out a business card from the narrow bar-net that was hanging on his hand and thrust it to me. I saw the name of some unknown company and the position - CEO.

“The head is not spinning? You will be my secretary. And then we'll see ... Well, how is it going? ”.

I involuntarily began to correct the package in which my notes and textbooks lay, and the stranger, having opened the package with two fingers, became quite bold: “Do you study? It's good. It won't hurt one another; now I will be your teacher. ” On the last line, the red-haired guy, who was sitting near me, somehow laughed awkwardly, and at once his cap turned out to be with a crash pulled over his chin. All the others silently looked around, but not at him.

I remembered all the instructions that I had received since childhood, how to behave in such a situation, but I could not think of anything, I was overcome with fear because I silently listened to him, as if confirming agreement. At the same time, my inner voice told me that it was necessary to endure all this without scandal, although the surrounding people just waited for me to give a real rebuff to this “bastard” and, without waiting, lost all sympathy for me.

I began to worry that there were fewer and fewer people left in the carriage, and before my stop I had to go another twenty minutes or more. I decided to go out at the first stop and quickly went to the door of the car, but when I felt that he had followed me, I went to the end of the car and sat in the empty seat. It was not difficult for him to get close to him - the “noble” passengers moved actively, giving way to his menacing look. Having settled down next to him, he unceremoniously threw one arm behind my back, and, leaning so that I could feel his breath, began to carefully examine me. From childhood I was given red spots that appeared on my face if I was very worried and he could not help noticing.

"Are you all" okumakhela "? I didn’t even touch you, ”and his hand already imperceptibly slid over my neck, while the other dived into my bag again and pulled out a notebook. After reading the title page, he voiced with satisfaction: “Here we are, Sasha, and we met. So you study medicine. It's good. And you were in the morgue? ”Such an unexpected question caught me off guard, and I immediately blurted out:“ No! ”He broke into a smile in his wide mouth, and already quite seriously explained:“ Finally, I heard your voice. Now you will talk to me for a long time, is it true? ... And you still have time to visit the morgue. " From this perspective, my hand reached for a notebook to pick it up, he just held the notebook, and then he threw it into a bag in a businesslike manner.

“What is your medical specialty?” - he looked at me conspiratorially and, having thrown a look at my legs, continued: “Not gynecology?”

I was in a fever. Why does he know everything about me and why does he ask such questions? Who gave him the right?

"Maybe we study science together? ... In practice?" He pulled out his darkened glasses from his pocket and, putting them between his legs, almost gnawed on: “How do you like my professor? He even now ... give you ... credit. "

“Or do you have your own professor?” - the stranger did not let up.I suddenly thought of Vadik, with whom we broke up a week ago, and whom ...

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