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On this day, more than ever, I slept comfortably. Perhaps, the open window or the bed linen updated the day before were forced to bask in bed until 11 o'clock in the morning. I heard the girls roommates going somewhere, unsuccessfully woke me up, and I lay quietly and thought about my life, which in the near future was supposed to change for the better.

Today, as usual, I wanted to be alone, as the crowd of familiar people always just annoyed me. It was in the crowd that no one noticed me already, but I so wanted to be in plain sight. I didn’t like local parties with the boys from our hostel, which usually ended with some sorting out and sighing around the corners of the hostel, so among my classmates I had the reputation of being impatient and waiting for my prince without complaint.

While still an applicant, I thought that I had a boyfriend who served in the army, and I promised to wait for him. This version somehow imperceptibly shifted to the first course, and practically no one bothered me, and if someone broke, he received the appropriate general rebuff and condemnation. At first, it amused me, sometimes it was a little scarecrow, and more I was thrilled by the thought that I was the most, for them. Only no one knew what was really going on in my soul.

Very often, I wandered alone in exhibitions, theaters, stadiums, looking for the very one at the sight of which was dizzy. Sometimes it took me one minute to enjoy his presence and then remember him for a long time and draw a wide variety of life situations.

Today I didn’t know where I was going, but I knew exactly what I would wear. I bought myself a very thin blouse a long time ago and did not dare to put it on to the university at all, for that it was too frank. But today, this blouse is fully consistent with my mood. I noted to myself how well it was that everyone left the walls of their home hostel so early, otherwise there would be many questions.

Suddenly, my brand-new panties with raspberries in the most interesting place were caught in my eyes, and I, too, were embarrassed by them and pulled on my butt with difficulty.

The day was sunny, and I really wanted to be somewhere on the air. I remembered that I had not been to the zoo for a long time, and the subway quickly brought me to Red Presnya. I understood very well that it was difficult to meet a man from “beautiful dreams” at the zoo, but at the same time it was all so easy and completely safe. Sunny weather was very useful for long walks and outright enticing clothes. There were a lot of people at the zoo, but everyone seemed to be with their families. Soon I began to realize that my frank outfit did not cause even the slightest interest in anyone, because there were too many people like me. I had already completely decided to leave, but suddenly I paid attention to a small family, or rather, to its head, so unexpectedly appearing because of the turn.

In a trained man, there was some kind of unusual breed, and the light T-shirt and shorts that tightly fit him only emphasized the man’s virtues. True, it was a little bit tight belly, but it did not even spoil it at all. He continuously filmed his family on camera and did not notice anything around. I was completely satisfied with this situation. I could calmly walk alongside, come very close to him and at the same time remain completely unnoticed.

I began to invent various situations, as if he paid attention to me and even took my hand. But all this was nothing more than dreams, since his companion, most likely, his wife with three children was near.

At the first moment, when I only saw this tall uncle, I stopped on the spot, but then I realized that I could not look at a stranger so frankly, so I began to glance at him occasionally, just enough to cover my secret emotions. I even imagined myself in his full power. I really wanted to, if someone was the first, then certainly the same as He. Now I was not afraid of his bulging shape. Yes, and none of the others did not particularly think to pay attention to this instance. I very much hoped that such a man would not cause me any physical pain, and if she did, she would definitely drown in the joy of communicating with him.

“Well, why such hens,” I thought, looking at his companion, “get such men?”

The longer I watched him, the more I felt at the bottom of my tummy. I even tried to lean a little on the railing, to snuggle tightly against the front end to feel the hardness and warmth of at least a piece of wood heated in the sun. For some reason, my secret desires were noticed by two drunken boys, and right there, passing by, they “prokokali” with their children's lips.

And then something happened that I could only dream of. Having kissed the smallest, probably daughter, the man waved his brood with his hand and headed for the exit. I stopped breathing, but immediately found the strength to quickly follow him. Although he walked very impressively, on his heels I could hardly keep up with him. To me, he alone, without a family, seemed completely different. Now he paid attention to pretty women, even looked after him, sneaking up on him now also looked at, which inflamed and excited me even more. I was very afraid that I would not be able to cope with my emotions if he approached someone.

Coming out of the park, I almost lost sight of him, and at that time he stopped at the tent and bought water. And only thanks to his growth, he again fell into my field of vision.

I saw that he was coming to a hefty jeep. In the head

a desperate thought flashed — either now or never. I rushed to the car as soon as he opened the door.

- “Man, sorry, you are not through the Garden Ring?” I was counting solely on a positive response, because there was simply no other direction.

The man looked at me in surprise from head to toe, but did not have time to answer, because I beat him: "I only need to get to the nearest metro station, you see, I really need it." Again, he did not have time to agree or object, because I had already opened the front doors and tried to get into the car. Somehow he looked at me condescendingly, looked around and, as if playing up to me in the speed of decision making, he quickly shut the door behind him. I immediately located next. Inserting the keys, he spoke to me for the first time: “Have the wolves been chasing you? ... Or are you late for something?”

Having turned into an obedient lamb, and having thought up an answer on the way, I whispered with difficulty: "Wolves ... just not a flock, but one."

The man, who was now very close to me, seemed to me even healthier, he took almost the whole space of the car with him.

"He saw what car you got into?"

The question was more than understandable, and I answered that yes.

“I wouldn’t have missed you either,” he said with a certain mock, appreciating my frank blouse. I pretended that I understood everything, and unsuccessfully closing my bare knees suddenly with a completely shortened skirt, very modestly cooed: “But it’s hot as well.”

The man understood everything, but, as if hearing a hint, turned on the air conditioner at full capacity. The air jet was so powerfully directed in my direction that I didn’t even realize what had happened, but only my light, naughty little skirt, like a parachute, filled with air, shot up. I began to correct her quickly, at the same time feeling embarrassment and resentment at my neighbor. But it was a game, and there, far, far away, behind seven seals, I forgave him everything, experiencing an extraordinary state from the fact that he was near.After all, more recently, he drove his family around the zoo, taking pictures of everything, carried a hefty tray to the cafe, and did not pay attention to any girl at all. And now, imposingly placing his hefty muscular arms on the steering wheel, he famously taxied, paying attention not only to the road, but also to me.

“Do you study somewhere?”



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