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I am not a hypocrite in matters of sex, just the voice of my body is still asleep in a sweet dream somewhere in the cozy depths of my mind.

Only occasionally did I hear his sleepy rumbling accidentally touching some parts of my body during hygiene procedures.

But these effects were random and not so long, so when I woke awake a couple of times, the voice of my body peacefully fell asleep without arousing my interest in sexual issues. Having accidentally got from a married friend to watch a pornographic tape, I experienced a whole range of feelings. The feeling of burning shame burned my skin, my internal nervous tremor prevented me from concentrating on what was happening.

With difficulty, pretending that what was happening on the screen was indifferent to me, with an indifferent gaze I threw short glances at the screen. The open side of the true relationship between a woman and a man shocked me. Stepping out into the air on the way home, I sneaked a glance at the oncoming men. Seen episodes appeared in my head and trying them on to myself could not believe that they could do this with me with their piece between their legs. This episode left in my memory a feeling of incomprehensible gravity in the lower abdomen and a feeling of tightening the skin in the place where the inner surface of the thighs touching each other goes into the crotch. They were caused by a drying out of my writing, which richly wetted my pants. It never occurred to me that my pussy can be used for something other than the usual purpose. But. But a little time passed and the hormones that did not receive further stimulation were silenced. What he saw began to seem something artificial, not real, specially invented for cinema life flowing on the other side of the screen and not having access to the real world. The voice of my body did not wake up, only began to toss and turn in me with unconscious desires, somehow languishing at night. So I would have led my student life in syshkakh audience in lectures and competitions in gymnastics. However, everything comes its time. My time has come to know the sexual side of being. Relations with the guys around me were short-lived and mostly related to my studies. Someone asked for notes, someone I asked to rewrite my tape. Someone, my appearance caused shyness, it was evident from the rapidly diverted view from my small breasts. Someone just slid indifferent look at me.

At the beginning of the new academic year, he appeared in our group. He was three years older than me and appeared in our group, having recovered from the institute after serving in the army. The first time I saw Valery, that was his name, at the entrance to the audience on the first couple. He stood at some distance from a group of my fellow students. Passing by him, I felt his attentive gaze on me. Our eyes met for a moment, and his gaze left me with some joyful expectations. I felt the wings behind my back.

The surrounding objects became somehow brighter and more colorful, and the surrounding fellow students became nice and kindred people. Soon the bell rang, everyone quickly sat down at the tables.

“Allow me,” came a questioningly masculine voice over my ear, instantly pulling me from my dreamy reverie into the real world. I could only nod in a frightened way. So began our romance. Valery surrounded me with unobtrusive attention. Being a man of many-sided views, possessing extensive knowledge and having a lot of his opinion, he was an interesting conversationalist. He had just the talent to appear at the very moment when I needed help. Very soon I began to need his company.

In the moments of his absence, I felt uncomfortable, I felt a sense of some kind of loss. As soon as he appeared on the horizon, spiritual comfort returned to me.But the platonic relationship could not make a guy in the prime of male forces and a systematic offensive began on my innocence. It began with light kisses of my ear, during a slow dance at a student party.

They were not even kisses, but just light touches of the edge of my ear with my lips. A soft twilight, a glass of champagne drunk, the faint noise of his breathing and the tickling touches of his lips formed an explosive mixture. My legs treacherously weakened, the lower abdomen began to fill with weight, and goosebumps ran along the spine. Compensating for the betrayal of the legs, I almost hung on Valeria, dropping my head on his shoulder.

His hand on my lower back seemed to catch, slightly pressing me against his body. Palm, making soothing pats on the back, turned her fingers down. Fingers, frozen for a moment at the bulge of the elastic of my pants, easily felt through the thin fabric of my dress, moved along it. Then the palm began to rise up, grabbing the skirt of the dress with her, and again went down, sliding her fingers along the elastic of her pants. My panties betrayed me and gradually slid down under my able hands. The dance ended at that moment when the panties were in the middle of my half-crops and wondered where they should go further, down or back up. The sensation of chill in the hollow of a dress ajar and the treacherous movements of my panties was dizzy, my heart was loudly thumping. I could not fix the panties in front of everyone. Fortunately, putting my left hand on my shoulders and twisting her fingers with the fingers of my left hand, holding my right hand on my thigh, Valery led me into the saving gloom of the far corner of the ballroom. So half-hugged, we went to the staircase of the service entrance. It was dark, only a half-span above the blue moonlight window. My cavalier also led me to him.

From walking, the panties finally betrayed me, they almost completely slipped behind my back, hardening with an elastic under my half-cops. I just needed to urgently get them back in place and I tragically thought about how to do this imperceptibly for my beau. We leaned against the wall. Valery, standing sideways to my right, began to shower my neck with light tickling kisses, and I forgot about my traitors for a long time. Turning the palm of my right hand to my chin, I dug a kiss into my lips. Everything swam before my eyes, my lips filled with indescribable tingling sensations. Through half-forgetting, I felt a man's hand on my left breast. Taking my chest from below into his palm, his hand stroked it from side to side. From such sensations, I involuntarily twitched, opening my eyes, and instantly understood the futility of my timid flutters. A whole complex was opposed to my modesty, my right hand was pressed against the wall and I could only hug her. The left hand was bound with interlaced fingers. My mouth was covered with a kiss, and I could not blurt something out of place, destroying the charm of the moment.

Only for a moment we stood, straining until my soothing modesty yielded to the insistent demands of the chest that demanded the continuation of the banquet. Having limped in skillful hands, I closed my eyes ... I once again critically examined the result of the creativity of my hands. The plasticine simulator corresponded to the prototype and stood on full alert on the bedside table. Perhaps you can try, I thought. Unexplored scarecrow and lured me.

Taking the phallus in my hands, feeling its heaviness, I subconsciously put off the decisive moment. Once again, checking the diameter of my fingers with a ring of fingers, I suddenly remembered the gentle softness of his skin, which was easily slid there along the trunk of the original under my hands. Alas, the copy surface was rough. Having imagined it in myself, I almost abandoned my idea. But the unknown beckoned, and this circumstance became only a plausible excuse to slightly push back decisive actions. After some time thinking, I applied what was most suitable for this purpose.At first, one condom was put on the phallus, and then several more.

The surface was almost suitable for what was intended, rather soft, but did not move. Having pulled the stack of condoms at the base of the head, half of the condoms I pulled off the plasticine member. Having rummaged a little in the bedside table of the sewing machine, I ...

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