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For example, I, for example, have a premarital sex life of the Deviata class.

- Ha, ninth! At the sixth I have known the trustee of sex life. No, look, really useful, patting! In FIG Mine this beremennost, I will deal with a friend of the patting. And with venereal diseases, I don’t want more bolati, but this parasite is so sexually active, it’s not enough for me alone. Let him give others his #uy, and change teper, only patting is needed!

- Well, enough, magpies! Sho there further, kid?

“There are superficial and deep petting. Under surface petting is understood as direct irritation of erogenous zones, usually naked in everyday life (other zones, including the genital, are irritated only through clothing). The most frequent case of surface petting is the deliberate forcing of kisses and close embraces to obtain an orgasmic discharge from one or both partners. Deep petting involves direct manual irritation of the erogenous zones, usually covered with clothes. Elements of petting are present in the prelude to sexual intercourse, special cases of deep petting include orogenital petting — cunnilingus and blowjob. ”

- Listen, lad! And you can show, sho such superficial patting?

- Can.

With these words, the guy stood behind the woman asking, pressed her to him and, stroking her breasts through the dress, began to kiss hotly on the back of the head and neck. In this case, his erect member through his clothes rested on the partner’s lower back.

- Oh, ne need! Get off, lad! Shchekotno. From ne like menver poverhnostny patting! My recently wanted to drink more vodka, so this is, let's do it during the time of obeda, suck lick, after shshey, pered potatoes with lard, deliberately forced me to kiss those prisoners obyattya. Fool! Well, I was already full of that time. Instead of this orgasmic discharge, I farted so much that the cat jumped out of the room. Ne loves the loud sounds of that smell.

- Yes, I agree with you. Deep petting is better. Just how are these “petting elements present in humans for sexual intercourse”? Is it possible to go with people ##? Even without people, I often refer to a headache, we have very uninteresting sex. Husband will come, eat, drink, poke - and it is ready, and already on its side falls asleep. But in public, I myself would never give anything! Shamelessness!

- Yes, not in public. "Elements of petting are present in the prelude to sexual intercourse ..." Prelude is a concept from music. This is an introduction, introduction to a great work. That is, if sexual intercourse is a great piece of music, then petting is a prelude to it.

- And why did you think that sexual intercourse is a great work? Well I say, my only insert - immediately ends! Hey, lad, and manual irritation of erogenous zones, usually covered with clothes, sho tak?

- This is when your boyfriend caresses you to those places that are usually closed by cowards.

With these words, the guy lifted the skirt with the questioner, with one hand pulled the elastic of the underpants, and with the other he began to stroke ...

- Hm! Take your hands, lad, sho you, like a tram let loose! Let sperva deal to get on, and then - 3. 14zdu iron. So, means, manually annoyed - this is a bare 3. 14zdu and ass Laskati? No, these katsapy poganie, things are capital, nothing human can build up ne!

- And sho take in the mouth ingenious caress - Horses in Lingus and Minuet? The minuet is, it seems, an old dance, and Koni to Lingus? Where are these horses moving?

- Orogenital caress is when one of the partners caresses the genitalia of the other with his mouth (lips, tongue). Cunnilingus makes men to women, and blowjob - women to men.

- Shaw? When I suck at the husband is a blowjob, and he licks at me - a cunnilingus? ABOUT! Then it is clear why oro-genital. I scream so much when he works in my language there! Ne, lad, no need to change a cunnilingus here, I'm embarrassed. And you on the blowjob on the street do not hope.

- Yeah! Got it.Here I am a supporter of deep patting.

- I, too, love when he licks me TAM.

- Well, do not be distracted, sometimes it is also nice to suck a peasant. Minet him do. Read, lad, on.

“Upper petting (neking) is limited to caressing the face, neck, head, chest, nipples. In the lower petting, there is an impact on the areas directly adjacent to the genitals (buttocks, perineum, the inner part of the thighs), and on the genitals themselves. In some circumstances (prolonged separation, high personal evaluation of a partner, high sensitivity of erogenous zones, the ability to caress and excite a partner, etc.), even without nekinge, it is possible to achieve orgasm. When petting, a certain sequence in the application of caress gradually increasing sexual arousal is desirable (from stimulation of less responsive erogenous zones to caressing areas of the body that are more exciting). The use of petting techniques does not cause conflicts. ”

- Uh, sometimes the top patting so meni gets! When he kisses tits and nipples bites, wild boar!

- No, lower patting is better! Just wait, again incomprehensible. Well, the buttocks are an ass, the inner thighs are the thighs from the inside. And sho take about tenderness? Where is it?

- According to Brockhaus and Efron: "Crotch (perineum), the area between the anus and urinogenital openings in females (and the root penis in males) of mammals." This is all that you have here, the girl, the crotch is called.

- Where are you putting your hands, lad? I f you fathers fit. That is, in mothers. Yes sho these Muscovites again namudri? Although these Brygaus and Ifron were not Muscovites! Oh, I smell, they really are! Anal hole - it is clear to the child, sho ass. Genitourinary is a manda, right? And the root of tennis? There's a racket in tennis, and she has a pen, what's the root?

- The root of the penis - here it is.

- Oh, lad! Shame on you # do u show aunts ?! Is he a penis? I understand! And you see what they call slyly: about tenderness! There, really, as he begins to stroke me, this is about tenderness, I can only moan.

- And I, too, especially when Mykola gets to my anal orifice, shob shopping is done.

- And necking - tse sho all the same?

- I read:

NECKING (eng. Necking): mutual caress and stroking, but without touching the genitals. Most often, necking is only a brief phase at the beginning of the sexual relationship, which soon turns to petting. It corresponds to a certain theory of stages in the sexual behavior of young people: from dating (dating), through necking to petting and, finally, to sexual intercourse. However, today this scheme does not correspond to the actual variants of the sexual behavior of young people. ”

- So sho - Nekking - iron hands, neck and plachets, how?

- Breasts and nipples, too, when nekinge caress.

- Yes, tits are good, but ne we will get accustomed to this necking - patting. We have daiting at once in ## liu goes.

- Yes, what's the schema there: dating - necking - petting - sexual intercourse? We will come to the dating, we vivify the vodka, we will bite the lard with hlib, and sexual intercourse begins. Hey, man, did you read everything? Do you have condoms with you? So this reading of meni brought a lot. You, I see, a master in bed is a pleasure for women to do. Chi only in words, how? Come, I will give you where you want. Necking, petting, shopping, pro tenderness!

- What is frisky! And we also want!

- Women, yes, I can not satisfy everyone.

“Drop the phone then, as you can, wait.”

“And write me down, lad.”

- And mine.


Having opened, the petting salon “At Uncle Petit” began to act here as a meeting house. Gathered, crammed up, and went further on business. Do not live on our Slavic soil this tricky dating - nekingu - patting. Even if the salon holds Don Pedro. Give us this immediately # liu with pereplyas!

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