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Everything was ready for the experiment. The chemical composition of the gel is refined, the equipment is debugged, laboratory experiments on mice and dogs are conducted. One hundred percent result was obtained: mice and dogs became invisible for 6-7 hours. It remains to conduct an experiment on a person. Who will be tested? Of course, he, the inventor, the future man is invisible. You can not test the gel and the device on the other person, suddenly - allergic reactions, inflammation, death? And suddenly, for example, from the gel and stay in the field of the apparatus member will grow incredibly? Here is such a unit! Or completely fall off? How can a person live without this thing? Boring No, only experience yourself! It is necessary to do everything during working hours in order to leave the laboratory by the security guard, to make an experiment and have time to go back.

TV studio was chosen as a testing ground, from which the program “Good night, kids!” Was broadcast. The inventor since childhood did not like this program. After her he was forced to drink warm milk and go to bed, sleep. But in the evening there were still very interesting things in the apartment! For example, grandfather and grandmother watched the “Time” program with unrelenting interest every day. It seemed to the boy that the grandfather with the woman would not look at nonsense. That would be the very least one glimpse! It is now the inventor realized that there was nothing interesting in the information program. And then, earlier ... And mum and dad retired in their room. Neighbor Masha, who was two years older than the boy, told him that mom and dad fuck. Once under the stairs, she took off her panties and made the baby take off her pants. She explained to him how adults do IT, what exactly and where is inserted, how to move. Mashka said that Santa Claus sucks, and the stork, who allegedly finds children in cabbage, is a deception of the people, that is, children. The boy would like to see what this “Time” program is and how mum and dad fuck, but he had one feature that didn’t allow it. As soon as he was put in the crib, and his head touched the pillow, he immediately fell asleep. So now, as an adult, he often quarreled with familiar women, because he quickly fell asleep, even lying in bed with them. His hatred for the program "Good night, kids!" Was great, he believed that it was this program that stole his childhood. Therefore, he really wanted to recoup on the participants of the program, on all these pigs, Karkusha, Fili and Stepashki ...


A young woman entered the trolley. She drove one stop and suddenly felt the touch of someone's hands at the waist. The woman turned around - no one but some kind of "pensioner". Is Grandpa naughty? After some time, at the television station, the passenger went to the exit, followed by an elderly man. Holding the handrail at the door, the lady felt that someone gently massaged her ass with a palm. She turned round sharply - no one but the uncle!

- A vile old man!

She gave a man a slap in the face.

- What's the matter? Crazy!

- You will not give free rein to your hands.

- Yes, my hands are busy!

She looked. Yes, indeed, with one hand holding the rail, in the other - a string bag.

- Sorry, it seemed to me

- No shit yourself, sorry! And according to the Manda bag you don't want?

The old man did not fulfill his threat, as the trolley bus stopped, the doors opened. Both passengers got out of the trolley and went in different directions. The old man mumbled about the abnormality of today's youth, and the woman was confused. Invisible, pleased with his impunity, went after one of the staff members to the television center building, ran past the policeman, and went in search of the studio from which the “Good night, kids!” Program was broadcast.

When he, invisible to everyone, went into the studio, three minutes remained before the program began.Aunt Tanya was sitting at the table, behind the table covered with a tablecloth, on her knees, under which pillows were laid for convenience, “Khryusha” and “Stepashka” settled down, almost half-crusted, each one hand resting on the floor, and holding the doll with the other hand above the surface of the table. Aunt Tanya, as always, looked elegant. She was wearing a beautiful blouse and a short flared skirt. The skirt was so short that if the camera could be placed under the table, the viewers would see the thighs and panties leading. But it would be a completely different show for big boys. "Khryusha" with "Stepashka", women with experience, dressed for the convenience of working in sports pants and t-shirts. Invisible crept to the table and deftly dived under the tablecloth. Naturally, the edge of the tablecloth rose and fell when the invisible woman climbed under the table. The operator saw it and was indignant:

- Tanya, stop kicking off your feet! What are you doing with the tablecloth?

- Nothing. What are you carping about?

“Okay, hold your legs closer to the chair.” Readiness 1 minute.

The transfer has begun.

- Hello girls and boys! Today we will tell you a fairy tale about Kolobka.

When the story reached the place where the grandfather asked the grandmother to scrape the bottom of the barrel, Aunt Tanya with surprise and indignation felt that someone under the table was spreading her legs and crawling under the skirt, to the very secret place. What the hell are there! She, trying not to interrupt the fairy tale, tried to squeeze her legs and not let her opponent get to the sweet. But the enemy was strong, and Aunt Tanya’s legs gradually moved apart, one might even say, were unraveled to the sides. The tablecloth hid her widely spread legs, but the presenter realized that if she would actively resist the perpetrator, it would be noticeable. And Aunt Tanya, brought up in the best traditions of Russian TV presenters, decided not to show her mind and continue the tale so that all the girls and boys would watch the show, drink warm milk and go to bed. And only then the valiant Aunt Tanya was going to torture the monster, hiding under the table. The admiration, experienced by this “freak” before the extraordinary exposure of the TV presenter, did not prevent him from spreading Aunt Tania’s legs even wider, moving the strip of her panties to the side and plunging her finger into the hot vagina of our native TV’s right flank. Aunt Tanya blushed and could not hold back a groan. At this time, Kolobok in a fairy tale managed to get away from both his grandfather, his grandmother, and Zayats. "Khryusha", excited by the adventures of Kolobok and the reaction to them leading, asked:

- Aunt Tanya, what's wrong with you?

- They planted ... Uh-uh, grandfather and grandmother would have planted a field with a turnip better, and another fairy tale would have turned out. And so, I'm worried about our Kolobok. This is from the grandparents he left, they are old, and from the Hare, he is weak. We will not be distracted.

At that very moment, when Kolobok met Volk, a scoundrel hiding under a table, he put two fingers into the treasure of Russian television pride and moved them with pleasure. Aunt Tanya, the beauty of the RTR channel, despite the wildness of the situation, “flowed”. Not a trace is left of her honor and dignity. She was still trying to move her tired legs, but the villain would not let her do it. The presenter understood that she was being raped, but she could not prevent this scum, and this powerlessness, oddly enough, gave her pleasure. As the last whore, Aunt Tanya caught the buzz, not forgetting to regale her young viewers with Kolobok tuff. Waves of pleasure “ran” and “retreated”, one after another.

When the story reached the meeting with Kolobok and the Bear, the invisible being left alone the leader, who had experienced frustration because the sweet violence had ceased. She wanted to grind down all this garbage about Kolobok, stand up, lean on the table, otklyachiv ass, and allow the peasant, who is doing with her under the cover of the tablecloth with his own hands, to use his rod, which, as it seemed to her, should not be small . The invisible man crawled out from under the table, quickly moved his sports pants ...

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