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Nadya, a wealthy young woman, was looking for new sexual sensations. She turned to the Bureau of Sexual Diversity. The bureau offered several options for diversity, such as: on the water (on an inflatable mattress), in the water (near the pool wall), under water (with an aqualung), standing in a hammock, at night in the Zoo, in an airplane (in the toilet, a la Britney Spears - in "Toxic"), in the slaughterhouse, on the elevator, in the shop at the lathe and in the elevator. Nadia decided to start with the elevator, and there - it will be clear. No prepayment was required due to the fact that the list of services included “Rape in the elevator”. According to the “rapist” scenario, he must wait for the “victim” at the entrance, enter the elevator with the woman, stop him, force Nadia to intercede with him (gentleman's set: three sweet holes) and “take away” the money she has with her (100). e., for such a pleasure is quite tolerable). After that, the “rapist” should put “traces of beatings” on her face in case the doorway neighbors call a lifter for repairs, and will have to leave the elevator when there are people on the stairs who are thirsty to go up or down. The “rapist” himself was not afraid of detention, hoping for his fast legs and strong fists.

In the morning, on the Great Fucking Day, Nadia was shaking with excitement. She left her panties at home, but put on a belt, stockings, a skirt of such length that the top edge of the stockings was almost visible from under it (almost, but not quite) and a semi-transparent blouse (nipples of breasts shone through it). In the bag put 100 dollars. In the office on this day, men were keen from morning to evening. The woman, feeling the lustful looks of the males, was gradually aroused herself. In the evening, at the appointed bureau hour, Nadia went to her porch. Behind her, three strong, handsome young men in sports suits, with large gym bags, entered the porch. “They probably decided to change the script for intrigue. Instead of one, three were sent. Ltd! How sweet! Already, the lower abdomen and pubis is covered. And somewhere inside ... "- thought the woman. The passenger elevator was busy, approached the freight. Three went after the woman in the elevator. Nadia said for order:

- I - the twelfth.

- We are higher.

The elevator got under way. One of the guys pressed the button "STOP", "conjured" over the remote. The second and the third turned to Nadya and pressed her against the wall.

- Quiet, pussy, do not scream, but we will do something more. Now quickly enjoy and peacefully disperse. Guys, let's pace.

Nadia did not think to scream. Everything, it seems, went according to the plan stipulated in the “Sexual Diversity”, except perhaps three instead of one, but that does not matter. The guys got a tourist rug out of one bag, spread it on the floor, undressed and put the clothes in the bags.

- And what are you standing? Now it will be hot, but time is short, we will quickly e, you will soon be troubled tenants of the master, time is short. Come on, help.

Their fast strong hands removed the shoes, the skirt and the blouse from the woman, and neatly put everything in a bag. "What pedants," thought Nadia. “He walks without panties,” thought the young people, as one. Belt with stockings decided not to take off, so - more erotic. During Nada’s undressing, the three men didn’t waste time stroking her back, chest, tummy, butt, spreading her hips and stroking her pubis.

- What is your name?

- Nadia.

- Well, Nadya, first suck a candy. Valera, you are the first. And you, girl, kneel down, on a rug softer than on the floor.

Nadia knelt, muscular blond poked his slightly swollen member in her lips. The woman licked the toy and took it in her mouth. Valera slowly began to fuck her. The other two caressed the breast and ass of the woman. With priests fingers moved to the vagina.

- Flowed pussy, all wet. And the smell! Just a cool female! What's on the stairs, quiet?

Just at that time on the stairs heard the steps and voices of, apparently, elderly women.

“Hey, is there anyone in the elevator?”

- Yes, maybe it's empty.

- No, someone is sitting there. Hear, there is some movement.

- E # ut, probably someone. Eh, Egorovna, I just got so caught up in the elevator! How did he dryuil me! And I let it down into my mouth, I almost choked, and between the tits I rubbed, and vpendyur in the ass. Ehh, sweet!

- No, I was not in the elevator. On the shore of the reservoir, under a blanket, in public, it was. Drunk were we do not care. And in the elevator, I would have wanted, if I hadn’t been outraged.

“Okay, Egorovna, that we have struck memories, we are not going to insult anyone even now on tepericha, we went to the control room to call.”

- Come on, Ivanovna.

In the elevator took note of the call to the dispatcher.

- Nadia, heard everything? More active sponges and tongue, time is running out.

The woman blinked her eyes, as the affirmative nod of her head did not work out, and she sped up the movement, grabbing Valera for her ass and inserting a finger between her buttocks. The finger rested on the anus and began to massage it. Valera snarled heavily, pressed the head of the woman closer to his body, the amplitude of the movements increased. Finally, the sperm gushed into Nadi’s mouth, part of it was on her lips and chin.

- Denis, wipe her mouth and lie on the mat, on her back. Girl, get on top of a horse. In the ass are not afraid?

- No, I do. And what is your name?

- Max.

- Very nice.

- Me too. And now it will be even nicer.

Nadya climbed on Denis, Max smeared her anus with gel and entered from behind. The woman enjoyed picking these guys, they knew a lot about sex. Max asked Valera:

- Valer! You can, of course, contemplate the power, but slowly get dressed, get towels, wipe yourself clean and prepare for us.

Yes, it was time to hurry. On the stairs again he heard footsteps and the roar of voices, now masculine.

- What, the elevator is not working?

- Not. In the control room they called already, Egorovna from the 16th told me that the master was in no hurry.

- Is there anyone in the cabin? Hey! Call out.

- Fuck, probably. You smell, the smell of debauchery comes from there.

- Come on. I once saw my girlfriend in an elevator. Nice to remember. What breasts, what lyazhechki!

- Clear. What are your thighs, what kind of buffers, let me go an hour and a half.

- Well, all vulgarized. Okay, let's go, we will not disturb people.

Denis and Nadia finished at the same time, Max - a little later. Guys in a businesslike manner wiped the front and back of a woman, their personal belongings. Gentlemen helped the lady get dressed and put on shoes, quickly outfitted themselves. Each pressed Nadia to himself and kissed her firmly on the lips. The woman decided to joke:

- And the act of the work performed where?

* The act has already been completed. Maybe you still invoice, commodity and fiscal receipt?

Max lifted Nadi's skirt and thrust 100 bucks behind the elastic of her stocking.

- This is for your services. Thank.

A chill ran down the back of the woman. - How? Are you not from “Sexual Diversity”?

- From where ?!

Nadya briefly explained that she ordered rape in the elevator, but they fucked her unplanned. The guys laughed.

- You do not tremble, Nadia. I realized that I didn’t give myself to them, and I was afraid that everything could be much worse? We are not sadists. Rather, adventurers. Sometimes, however, it is necessary to use force when a woman does not agree. But no beatings, we hold tight and take everything that we need.

Looking at the tall, well-knit and well-built guys, Nadya realized that they were not lying. With their physical strength, the victim has no chance of escaping neotrahan

- Okay. It's time to scatter. That's what, girl. If you want to chat with us, call this phone. The girl will respond, called the dispatcher. Tell me ...

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