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Lev went to the shower, and Stas began to help his wife to clear the table. Marina soap, and her husband handed her dirty plates, glasses of drinks and piles. He wiped the table with a sponge, soaked his hands with a towel and hugged his wife.

- Oh, how I want you! I will not save directly.

His risen member already poked a little higher than the buttocks. Stas slightly bent his knees, and a member squeezed between the legs of his wife, finishing washing dishes.

- Well, what did you invent? Now Lev's soul will come out. We are already with you today, as it were, crazy. I was naked in front of someone else's man, stuck here, when he can enter at any second.

But her voice sounded confused and betrayed poorly concealed arousal and desire for sex. Stas holding his wife's chest with one hand, with the other slightly tilted her forward and helping with his hand, easily inserted the penis into the spouse's vagina. Marina did not even have time to warm up, as the water jets in the bathroom died out.

- Well, everyone played enough.

- And I want. I will tell him to go to bed, and we will do some more love here. And then come on, let's go together to bed, and we will fuck with him. And if you want, we can try three. By the way, did you have time to get laid while I went to the store?

- What is it with you today?

- So you have time?

- Yes, if they had time? After all, you yourself today me all day provoke treason. What is the matter with you today?

- Yes, everything is fine, I'm just very excited. That you managed to be satisfied with me. Even a masturbator on the bed left.

- Oh, blii-in! Is he lying like that?

- Yes, I put it under the pillow, but Levk went right in and saw everything.

“What a shame!”

- Yes, why shame? The guy just saw that I have a sexually liberated wife, that you love sex. That’s all. And the fact that you are here in front of him for an hour with your charms you are painting, only confirms this.

“I'm ashamed anyway.” I will not go there.

“Come on, I won't go,” Stasik mocked his wife. - Well, let me carry you in my arms. - And he, while his wife did not have time to figure out anything, picked her up in his arms, carried him into the room and laid him on the bed.

- Well, what, sleep a bit, or since the dream has already been interrupted, let's see porn? Levka, you're there next to the video player. Put some. They are on the shelf.

- Which one? - without turning around again sticking member asked Lev in a stifled voice.

- Yes, any. On the left side of a few pieces, we ourselves have not seen.

Leva put the cassette in the TV, and immediately went cool porn. The guy struggled to hammer his girlfriend a member in the vagina, lying on top of it, then they swapped places, then the girl took the member in her mouth. Behind this story went exactly the same with the difference that the guy and the girl were already different. The third story began with a relentlessly masturbating girl, who then caressed herself with her fingers, then - for some reason, a large blue masturbator, or fingers again, then an empty bottle with a long beer neck.

Stasik had been lying for a long time, putting his left hand under his wife’s head and covering her right hand with her chest that did not fit in her palm.

- And what are you, so you will stand? - After a while, Stas asked his friend, frozen in the pose of a telephone pole in front of the TV. - Go lie down, there is enough space for three more. Lie down on the other side, showed the space from the side of Marina.

Backing away so as not to turn around with a sticking member, Leva, after a while, hesitantly approached the bed, sat down on the edge.

- Yes, you go to bed, because sitting you will not sleep.

Leva stretched out on the bed, immediately bending his knees, in order to at least a little try to hide the protruding organ.

Stas took Marina’s hand and placed it on the same hard member, and his palm habitually wrapped an instrument of pleasure. Lying a little sideways, Stas well saw the excitement of his wife's face flush with excitement from excitement.He understood that with her temperament, it is now very difficult for her to lie between two strong excited men and still hold on to a member of one of them. Out of simple mischief, Stas wanted to excite his wife even more. He did not intend to organize an orgy, although he was very excited by the idea that Levk had already raped his wife while he went to the store. After all, he left them under the hop, and even in the excitement and at that absolutely naked. Well, just according to the logic of things, if Marina and Levk couldn’t have dressed without him, they could not but copulate!

Stroking his wife's chest, who was watching a film with eyes half-closed with excitement, after a while, Stasik began to gently kiss his neck, and then suddenly he stood up on his elbow and put a passionate kiss on his lips. Kissing his wife, he felt that she was in a very high degree of arousal, that she was about to end with just one kiss, and that she herself wanted even more excitement, not knowing when and where to stop.

After a long kiss on the lips, Stas sank a little lower and pressed his lips to the nipple, rolling his swollen pink berry with his lips. Through half-closed eyelashes, Stas saw that Levka was trying hard to focus his attention only on the TV, but at the same time he could not help seeing what was happening in bed and did not notice the extreme degree of arousal of the woman lying around. He just did not understand what role was prepared for him in this play today, with a play that he was not introduced to.

Stas is not stopping to kiss his wife in the chest. took hold of her free hand and put it on a sticking out member of a friend. Marina was twitching in surprise, not thinking that her husband would put her hand on exactly the place to which she herself would not have dared to touch, but which she wanted to grasp for so long. Leva immediately stretched his legs, because there was no need to hide his tense treasure. For some time, Marina simply held a pulsing member in her palm, then slowly began to move her palm along its entire length. Leva continued to lie flat on his bed and enjoy these manipulations.

Stas pulled himself a little higher and fell again with a kiss to his wife's lips. She passionately leaned forward. Leva stretched his hand down, stroked his wife on the lower abdomen, put his hand between the hot thighs. Marina obediently spread her legs, throwing one on her husband's feet. The palm of Stasik pushed the other, and Marina threw her onto Leva’s legs. Now she lay, spreading her legs wide and holding for two sticking out members at once. She dreamed about such a situation many times, some months ago, she and her husband, while watching porn, even jokingly discussed this possibility, and then, finally, the fantasy turned into reality. Only now if both of these men had even guessed to stroke her vagina, since they had occupied their hands, and she would not like to let go of such desirable toys from her hands.

As if reading her thoughts, Stas began to stroke his wife between her legs, where it was quite wet. Vagina willingly let his two fingers into the hot depths. Stas made several circular movements inside his wife, and she shook her whole body from the strong orgasm that had come. As soon as his wife recovered a little, Stas pulled a masturbator thrust from there under the pillow and slowly introduced him into Marina's vagina. At first, as if teasing, he held only one silicone head inside, then he inserted it in half, made several circular movements and pushed it to the full. And then Marina again received an orgasm. Masturbator Stas brought her to the top of pleasure twice more.

During this time, Leva, too, grew bolder and, turning to his friend's wife, began to stroke and kiss her breasts. Now the picture in the bed was damn delightful, and if that guy from the house across the street still continued his observation, he should have been delighted with what he saw.Stas kissed his passionately responding wife on the lips and worked with all his might into her vagina as a masturbator, Leva squeezed and kissed her breasts, Marina herself held on to two cocks on either side of her lying men and one after another received orgasms.

But the men wanted to be satisfied themselves, so Stas suddenly took out an artificial penis from the vagina, turned his wife on his stomach and, having attached himself to the back, inserted his stick sticking out into the open hole that was wet from the discharge. After several strong movements, he grabbed his wife by the hips and began to pull her body down so that Marina’s head was at the level of a friend’s member. It was not necessary to persuade his wife to blow job, she understood without a word what her excited husband wanted from her and without letting Leva's member out of her hand, she swallowed him in half. This action of the girl who was being worn from both sides became the limit of her strength, barely holding back Stas. He stuck his dick all the way to the stop and began to pour into his wife the entire stock of seed accumulated during the morning. Immediately poured into the mouth and Lev. Marina barely had time to swallow his thick sperm, jet after stream sprinkling on her tongue.

A few minutes later, the trio slept peacefully, tired of prolonged lovemaking, to go to an erotic show in the evening, which would in no way even remotely resemble what they did themselves.

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