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Marina woke up half an hour ago from the sweet languor and intolerable desire for sex. Stasik was at work on the night shift, and should appear only after an hour and a half. If you do some fiddly chores around the house, time flies by quickly. But from the very first minutes of awakening, the desire was so great that there was no reason to wait.

Marina was lying on a wide bed, slightly spreading her legs and stroking her index finger along the already wet from the excitation of the vagina. Maybe the reason for her hypersexuality was the current hot summer, not giving mercy and short nights for which the air in the apartment did not have time to cool down even with the windows open? They say this happens sometimes with young girls and women over forty. True, in recent winter Marina’s sexual desire was no less, which is why she almost tortured her young husband, insisting on daily intimacy. Sometimes, if there was time, they made love in the morning and evening. Engaged in no hurry, with feeling and pleasure.

The young people have already lived for three years, and according to all forecasts, they should have had to temper their ardor a little, having ordered and reduced the number of their bed games, but Marina’s every year, on the contrary, the desire for sex only increased. Before marriage, there was almost no sexual experience: for example, several random men in drunken companies, one of which was her, did not understand anything drunk and famously prepared for exploits, and two guys seized right away. Marina was not at that time disgusting and delightful; therefore, as before, she did not strive for bedding, but in certain situations did not resist the lusty males who desired her. She delivered the pleasure to herself independently, pulling at the clitoris and receiving several orgasms each time.

After becoming acquainted with Stasik, a woman suddenly awakened in her with such force that Marina most often fell asleep without the usual masturbation and did not engage in self-satisfaction from weekends to weekends. After about a year of marriage, the fervor of the young spouse gradually began to subside, and Marina, on the contrary, wanted more and more, and again, at every opportunity, she began to practice her handcuffs. First, when Stasik was at work on the night shift, and then at night, when he, tired of love games, instantly fell asleep. Alarmed by her intimacy with her husband and dissatisfied with passion, the lascivious vagina demanded a continuation, and for the first time Marina, carefully afraid to wake her husband and fearing his conviction, began to masturbate. The orgasm came almost immediately, although usually it was necessary to stroke yourself for about fifteen minutes before receiving it. After the third orgasm, Marina also quickly fell asleep.

Then she began to act bolder, and once, with her fingers, the enjoyment of her “hairy baby” continued so violently that the barely asleep husband opened her eyes and watched for a long time his passionate wife. Stasik continued to pretend. As if she was fast asleep, even for persuasiveness she sweetly smacked her lips, but it seemed that the girl captured by passion did not notice anything of this. Inflamed with a contented husband, she stroked her vagina with both hands, inserted the fingers of one hand inside, massaging the clitoris with the fingers of the other. After several orgasms, the girl relaxedly stretched out and took a deep breath, no longer afraid to wake her husband, because her arms, like an exemplary child, were stretched along the body. But this presentation of a masturbating wife aroused Stasik, and as if he woke up, stretched his lips to his wife's nipple, and stretched his hand to her wet from the discharge of the perineum. His member poured, hardened and rested on the side of the faithful.

After inserting two fingers into his wife's vagina, Stasik quickly brought his wife to the next orgasm and lay down on top, immediately inserting a hard member into a wet cave and pushing it all the way.Marina shook in a new fit of orgasm. Excited by what he had just seen, Stasik also quickly poured seed.

- Why are you suddenly in the middle of the night? - Marina asked playfully.

Stasik doubted for some time whether to tell the truth, and whispered:

“You were so awesome masturbating that I couldn't take it anymore.”

- What are you making up? - Marina waved away.

- Come on! You were so passionately engaged in self-satisfaction that I immediately woke up and watched for a long time how great you were to caress yourself.

- Did you like it? - after some pause Marina asked.

- Still would! - enthusiastically answered her startled husband.

After this, young spouses often made love in a new way. Marina lay on her back, stretching her legs, Stasik laid on her side with her head in the opposite direction so that her wife could throw one leg on him, thus opening a full view of the vagina. Sometimes Stas would be the first to stroke his wife's labia, bringing her to orgasm, more often she did not trust him and from the very beginning took the initiative completely in her hands. Stas eagerly watched the clitoris's fingers gently twitch the clitoris's fingers, the fingers of the other hand sinking in the pink wet excitement of the depth of the opened bud, and at that time he masturbated slowly, holding the member so close to his wife's face that at any moment she could take the head in mouth. Marina did it almost every time, and as soon as the head was in her mouth, the body began to shake with convulsions caused by the influx of orgasm.

Then on his birthday, Stas presented his wife with an impressive size masturbator, saying that now she can have fun with a toy at any time so as not to depend on her husband’s physical condition or his absence.

- Yes, I could have enjoyed it without you before, - Marina intimate games playfully reminded me, but when my husband started asking for an update in the evening, she didn’t dare to do it with her husband, promising that she would try the mechanism in private first.

Stas immediately, despite the protests of his wife, left the room to the kitchen, from where he tiptoed cautiously and began to wade back to sneak a peek at how his wife would master the novelty. With bated breath, Stas stared at the lower part of his naked wife lying in bed for a few minutes because of the obdoderina, not seeing her head and upper body. Judging by the fact that there was no visible hand or gift, his wife turned it in her hands before her eyes and considered, not daring to use it for its intended purpose.

A member of Stas stood like a stake, and he already wanted to enter the room to start making love, when he saw that his wife’s hands with a massive toy in their palms had gone down, their legs spread widely to the sides, and the silicone member, guided by skillful hands, began to rub his head along the vagina. Two or three minutes later, when the vagina was completely moistened with excitement, the artificial member slowly went inside and soon almost completely drowned in dimensionless depth. And at the same time he heard the stifled moan of his wife caused by pleasure.

For several minutes, Stas watched his wife masturbating with a massive toy, replacing short fingers, then quietly entered the room and lay down beside him. Not allowing to remove the dummy, Stas perched on top and squeezed inside the heated vagina with his tight member. Surprisingly, the manipulator did not bother him at all, but his wife immediately shook her whole body and groaned loudly. After the second stormy orgasm, Marina took out a masturbator:

- That's all, I can not !:

A minute later, Stas let his wife into the vagina a substantial portion of semen. Since then, Marina has often satisfied her passion in the presence of her husband with an amusing toy. Sometimes in her vagina again, as on the day of the update, at the same time a member of her husband and a masturbator appeared. Sometimes the husband just watched as Marina brings himself to a frenzy with an artificial member.During the observations, he often masturbated, and more often he simply looked into the eyes of what was happening, receiving pleasure from just one spectacle.

Busy with her memories, Marina opened her eyes to ...

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