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The first thing I saw when I woke up was an almost bare ass of a fellow traveler from the opposite shelf. My eyes rested on this ass barely covered by a piece of fabric of translucent panties and did not want to break away from a pleasant sight. It was hot and stuffy in the compartment, and therefore it is not surprising that the girl was turning in her sleep, the sheet got off and treacherously put on the intimate part of the body.

Dedok on the lower shelf peacefully snored, bringing some kind of "Marseillaise", the second lower shelf was free, and therefore no one prevented me from enjoying the vision. I already have a very strong erection in the morning, is it worth saying what I felt at the sight of such a picture. The member simply rang like Czech crystal.

Twenty minutes passed when the girl began to toss and turn. I quickly closed my eyes, so as not to be caught peeping. After a while, I slightly opened my eyelids. The fellow traveler, without waking, turned on her back. Now the sheet revealed almost half of her body. It was evident that on the girl, except for those semi-dispersed panties, nothing was worn, and he waited for her to turn around again and put her bosom on display that she was bristling under a thin print of a sheet that was washed to yellowness. Not wait.

After a while, the neighbor woke up, sweetly stretched and turned on her side. Our eyes met.

- Good morning! - I greeted in a whisper, so as not to wake Grandpa.

“Uh-huh,” she greeted her in reply, and without being embarrassed at all by the nudity exposed to the show, pulled the sheet up, showed me my chest and then closed her eyes again. I had to spend almost a day in this inhospitable company, even if it was nice.

I waited for a member to fall off, then got up, went to wash and shaved. The girl during this time put on a long T-shirt and lay on top of the linen.

I took the book, but what I read was not fixed by the brain occupied by recent observations, and besides, every now and then slipped past the book into a mirror in which were slender legs, barely covered with a T-shirt, slightly plump. The girl parted them slightly, and again I could see those very thin panties, under which dark pubic hair overgrown with hair. My fellow traveler obviously mocked me.

Dedok also woke up, went to the toilet, came back smooth-shaven and fragrant with a good cologne.

- Well, what, young people, will we have breakfast?

To get rid of the contemplation of the naked female legs, I readily moved to the free lower shelf, took out the supplies taken to the road and laid them out on the table. Grandfather also laid out their own. This could be enough for us for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and even feed the passengers of the next compartment.

- Elechka, get up for breakfast, otherwise it will take you a long time to go, and who will feed you in Moscow?

Ella sat up, hung her legs and began to clumsily descend right in front of my nose. Her T-shirt ripped up and filled the body down to the panties.

- Good morning, Viktor Petrovich!

- Why don't you say hello with a young man?

- And we already greeted him while you were sleeping.

- By the way, we have not met.

- Yes, I have already heard your names, and my name is Ruslan.

- Great. Well, let's get started?

- I only wash first.

Ella got up on the sofa and pulled out her towel from the shelf. Her legs were almost at my face again.

When the girl came out of the coupe, grandfather enthusiastically said:

- Here is a slut! If I had been twenty years younger, I’d beat them up.

With this phrase, he kind of gave me a recommendation.

- A married woman, a child of five years old, a handsome husband, yesterday she was escorted, but come and you, she twists her ass, exposes everything, tease men. And we are susceptible to such shalaputy.

I got up during this old obese monologue and went to the conductors for coffee. While he was paying, while he was pouring boiling water, Ella had already returned and sat by the window. I put the cups and sat next.

- And you, Ruslan, in what part?

- According to the scientific.

- Teaching?

- In a scientific research institute.

- Candidate defended?

- Already, and doctoral too.

- Yes, now it is fast.

- Mr. Professor, let me take care of you. Let me make you a sandwich. - And again in her manner, in intonation there was more mockery than simple coquetry. - Actually, I always terribly disliked share-boys, such intellectuals.

Viktor Petrovich turned the conversation to life, to prices, to political predictions. Our breakfast for conversations took about an hour and a half. And I went twice for coffee.

It was clear that these conversations to our fellow traveler are boring, and finally she could not stand it:

- Well, why do we have men forever only in the forest about women, and with women - about the forest. Tell me, Mr. Professor, what women do you like?

- Any, just to be nice to talk.

- A sexy or "blue stocking"?

- If you talk about sex, then it’s probably nicer with a sexy one, and if it’s about enhancing oil recovery, then it’s possible with a blue stocking. We parried for quite some time, then Viktor Petrovich said:

- Well, your business is young, and after a meal I take a nap not a sin. Do not blame me.

He lay down, turned to the wall and in a couple of minutes began to snore.

We went out into the corridor in order not to interfere with his seeing his party dreams.

I can not stand standing in the carriageway. Constantly people go by, pushing, you have to look around all the time to miss the next passenger in or out of the restaurant.

“Or maybe we’ll go to a restaurant and sit there,” I suggested.

The restaurant was in the next car. Visitors were entertained by some militant with a sea of ​​blood and dozens of people shot and crushed by cars. The benefit of the film was long overdue. We sipped wine and talked about trivia. The next film turned out to be erotic.

- Yes, the ride, I stretched. - All day a solid erotic.

- Oh, just do not say that you did not like to look at me.

- On the contrary! At the beautiful woman and even nude why not look.

- So what didn't you like?

- - I'm a living person. Any emotions should have a way out. Sexy - including.

- And this is your problem.

- And you can’t solve them?

“Well, I don’t know, I don’t know,” Ella drawled, lifted her wine glass and looked over it.

“What shall we drink to?”

- Of course, for beautiful and seductive women. Which are near.

So behind the trivial conversations, we watched the film, which could only be called erotic by closing eyes and ears, so as not to see how almost half of the screen time the heroes openly make love to two, three and more participants, not to hear the voluptuous moans of hot girls roaring male-receiving orgasms. It seems that Ellochka’s film, taking into account the wine that it had been drunk, very much aroused her: her cheeks were flushed, her earlobes were filled with blood, like large berries of a ripe cranberry.

When the captions appeared on the monitor, we got up and went to our car. I was hoping to send a neighbor to dinner, in case he did not want, to negotiate with the conductor about the relocation to a free compartment. I was even ready to have sex in a cramped closet not with spices of a fragrant carriage toilet.

In the compartment, there was a surprise waiting for us in the face of a pretty slim girl with player headphones. She did not react to our appearance and greeting, as if she had not seen anything in front of her. Viktor Petrovich turned his head:

- have come? Well, I still sleep. - Turned away and soon again thin snoring. Time was ...

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