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My good old friend Slava, of course, stayed overnight with us. We studied together, started working together. Then he went to Moscow, and we have not seen for more than two years.

Slavik was more to me than a friend. You can say that Svetlana I inherited from him by inheritance. They had a stormy and lengthy romance, which somehow began at once and abruptly left Slavik as well. Since we were one company, Svetlanka often came to my bachelor room in a hostel, and once stayed overnight. Then she moved to me for good, and for the past two years we have lived together, without starting, however, talking about formalizing relations.

We were well together in our twelve-meter room with a bathroom in the near end of the corridor. We had a sofa bed in a straightened state, with a double wadded mattress placed on it, on which guests were usually laid on the floor or, conceding to them the sofa, they laid down on it themselves. There was a big wardrobe, a table, three stools, a floor lamp, a TV set and a stereo system, and if we wanted to buy something else, we would have no place to put it anyway.

Svetlana in sex turned out to be more experienced and more temperamental than me and almost always was the initiator of our comfort and their director. In general, it seemed to me that the desire did not leave her even in a dream, while eating, at work. She flirted with all the reckless, but, strange thing, it did not cause me jealousy, but on the contrary, I liked it.

Of the unfulfilled sexual fantasies, she had a desire to try to make love with a woman, but she did not see any of her friends for this role, and therefore the fulfillment of the dream was postponed all the time. She would also like to watch others make love and make love, knowing that someone is looking at her at that time too.

I thought that there was nothing unusual in these Svetlank fantasies, which probably happens with almost everyone who wants diversity. As for sex together, then we tried with her literally everything.

In the evenings Svetlana liked to wind me up sometimes at the most unexpected time. Sometimes she started just stroking me, gradually dropping to the crotch, sometimes arranging a hell of exciting striptease, often before my eyes began to masturbate, received two or three orgasms, after which I could not stand, threw their activities and connected to her, to her love games.

... The evening we flew pretty quickly, Slavik figuratively and picturesquely told about his life in the capital, about his work, his adventures, including sexual ones. We drank quite a lot, pretty much got drunk, Slavik took the guitar and started to sing, but neighbors knocked to the wall to get up early, and we also began to pack.

While Setlanka cleared the table and washed the dishes, I pulled the mattress off the sofa and laid Slavik on the sofa, and we were not on the floor to creak springs - I suddenly had a crazy idea to make love with a guest to realize the old dream of my girlfriend. This, as I thought, she should have especially liked, because it should happen with her former lover.

Our room space is such that the second bed could only be made between the sofa and the closet, leaving no narrow trail for cockroaches between them. When Svetlana returned from our common kitchen with washed dishes, and Slavik came from the balcony on which he smoked, we poured the remnants of alcohol, so as not to leave evil. For Svetlana, this dose was clearly superfluous, because even without that, she moved with an unsteady gait. Yes, and we both got drunk strongly.

Heated by the sun for the afternoon, the room, despite the open balcony door, remained hot and stuffy, because it was about twenty degrees outside. We lay down as always: I'm at the closet, Svetlana at the sofa.She was wearing a light short silk robe thrown over her naked body, covered only by a narrow strip of lace panties.

We threw a sheet, Slavik lay down without turning, turned to the wall. I immediately embraced Svetlana and began to stroke her desired body through the slippery dressing-gown fabric, which was damn exciting. We began to kiss quietly, and my hand was already playfully pulling off her panties. Svetlana was resisted, but desire and hops overpowered, and she lost. And maybe that was not at all timidity, not modesty, but just like that, resistance to order, the desire to break in the presence of a former lover.

And suddenly a crazy thought came into my head. And what will former lovers do if I fall asleep? Renew their old relationship or do nothing? And I decided to pretend to be asleep to check it out.

I stroked the girlfriend’s desired body, I was more and more excited myself, I was awakened in her desire, which I felt was growing, but my movements were becoming slower, more and more sluggish, and finally, I stopped completely. I pretended to fall asleep, having almost buried my nose in the pillow and Svetlanka's hair.

For a while we lay motionless. For persuasiveness, I began to breathe evenly and noisily, occasionally smacking my lips. My whole body turned into one big ear, which perceived not just any rustling, but, probably, even a stir of the brains.

So it took about ten minutes. I felt that Svetlana, despite the severe intoxication, could not sleep, and Slavik was not sleeping either. After some time he turned around, got up from the couch and went out onto the balcony to smoke another cigarette.

Svetlana gently freed herself from my arms, lowered her hand between her legs and began to lightly stroke the excited vagina. Very quickly she was on the verge of an orgasm and began to quickly move her fingers, loudly rustling the sheets in the quiet of the room. The interfering fabric was thrown to the side, and my beloved girl, spreading her legs to the sides, soon achieved what she wanted and remained lying with her hand on the crotch.

It was heard, as Slavik took another deep puff, slowly released smoke and began to extinguish the cigarette butt on the lid of the tin can carried to the balcony. Even in the room it was rather dark, but only so that not to see my open eyes but not surrounding objects and the naked body of the girl lying on the bed.

Slavik cautiously stepped over Svetlanka’s leg, but she didn’t even move, did not remove her hand from the perineum, sat on the edge of the sofa, hesitated a little, then lay down on her back, threw her legs. Strange, but for some reason the excitement grew in me, and I was afraid that it would bring in a nervous tremor to my body, kill my even breathing of a person who was in deep drunk sleep. Actually, I no longer felt the hops in my head.

After some time, Svetlana resumed stroking her vagina. Her light touches surely strongly swollen from the excitement of the labia were inaudible, but occasionally no-no and yes, similar to cautious smacking kisses were heard. It was felt that she was again close to orgasm, but either wants to prolong the moment of its occurrence, or is afraid to moan, not wanting to be heard.

Lying on his back on the edge of the sofa, Slavik at this time hung his hand, found Svetlanka’s face to the touch and began to stroke her cheek with the back of his hand, then ran his fingers over the plump lips. Now sounds of lips kissing fingers were added to the almost inaudible smudging of the lips of the vagina.

After some time, the palm of my face sank lower, stroked my neck, slipped into the open chest of a robe that was wide open — the object of my lust and pride. The palm made several cautious circular movements on the near left breast, fingers touched the nipple, then squeezed tightly. Svetlana either from pain, or from an excess of feelings groaned softly, her hand began again to quickly stroke the vagina, and now the body began to quiver in a long fit of orgasm.

There was something abnormal in that being between two passionately wanting her men, the girl gets orgasms with her own efforts. But this piquancy only added passion ....

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