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already enough to fall asleep, as the train arrived early in the morning, and taking into account the sanitary zone, the guides begin to lift passengers two hours before stopping on the platform.

The conductor to my question about the free compartment smiled knowingly and spread her hands:

- To the eyeballs. Others also know that they do not.

When, after unsuccessful negotiations, I returned to my room, the new passenger, whom I mentally christened with the mouse, disassembled the bed and lay on top of the sheets. Her ears were still covered with headphones. Viktor Petrovich was fast asleep, Ella smiled coquettishly from her regiment, teasing with a dramatic smile and bare legs with a short T-shirt. As the mouse lay with closed eyes, I turned off the light, plunging the compartment into thick darkness, easily jumped into place and stretched out, putting my hands under my head.

For a while I lay with my eyes open, getting used to the darkness. A couple of minutes from the lights of the still nearby city, we had a dense twilight in which it was possible to distinguish the outlines of a small space. There was a rustle from the next shelf, I squinted my eyes and saw Ellochka tugging off her T-shirt, staying in some transparent narrow lace of her panties.

The girl put a T-shirt on the shelf for a towel and lay on her back over the sheets, putting up her tight breasts that swayed sexually from the movement of the car. I could not stand the torture, stretched out my hand and began to gently stroke the girl's shoulder. She immediately put her hand on top of mine. My fingers moved from the shoulder to the neck, then to the cheek, touched the lips. Ella turned her head slightly to make it easier for me.

For five minutes I drove my middle finger over her parched lips, barely touching them, then my palm began to drop lower. I slowly passed over the neck and began to wade to the chest. And now it is already in my palm, so desirable and exciting. I completely covered her with my palm, squeezed tightly, loosened it, squeezed again, let go, touched the swollen nipple, moved my finger around it. All this time the hand of the girl was on top of mine, as if controlling her movements, but not at all interfering with the display of liberties.

I carefully removed my hand from the girl's chest. She turned her head in bewilderment. But I turned to the side and pulled my right hand out onto the next shelf, so that it was much more convenient.

I do not know how long these caress lasted, but I wanted more. I again removed my hand and in some knitted swimming trunks went down to the floor. Dedok peacefully snored, turning to the wall, the girl-mouse, too, was facing the wall of the car. Her breath could not be heard, and I decided to assume that she was sleeping peacefully.

I leaned close to the shelf, pressing my hip against the cold edge of the table, with impatient hands took Ellochka's head, moved it to the edge of the shelf. She did not resist, licked her lips and eagerly pressed them to my parched ones. For a while we just kissed passionately. At first, trying in vain not to make any noise, and then completely forgetting about all the precautions and the fact that there are two more passengers in the compartment besides us.

After some time, my hand fell on Ellochka's chest. I then squeezed it tightly, then only gently touched the nipple, drove it with the tip of my finger. Then I broke away from my lips and took a kiss to the girl's free right breast. Her body immediately strained, her back arched. Now, taking possession of the second breast, I could leave one of them. My palm began to fall lower, stroked the strained belly, reached the edge of narrow panties, stroked the hips to the knees, crawled back on the inner side of the thigh. Ellochka spread her legs wider so as not to interfere with these caresses.

My fingers reached across the inside of my thighs to light fabric. I began to drive my fingers over the slippery silk of the panties around the swollen vagina. The fabric disturbed me, but I was in no hurry.After a few more minutes of such affection with simultaneous kissing of the breast, my lips began to cover the girl’s abdomen with light kisses, her fingers playfully climbed under the narrow strip of panties, lay on the puffy lips of the vagina and began to gently drive along their edge. I would have done this for quite a long time, rousing the girl more and more, but her hand covered mine and pressed tightly, drowning her fingers in the hot depths of the crotch. My legs tightly squeezed my hand and convulsed. I quickly pressed my lips to the open mouth of the girl, she made a low, lingering moan, and then passionately squeezed a kiss at me, holding my very tight hand between my still trembling legs.

At this time I heard a slight stirring on the bottom shelf, apparently, the girl-mouse turned more comfortable in a dream. I didn’t care even if she woke up. Who is she? Just a fellow traveler, with whom we will part forever in the early morning, maybe without even looking into each other’s eyes. Did I think about her, about her assessment of our behavior with Ella in the heat of such wild passion. I was ready to jump on the top shelf, take a fellow traveler into a tight embrace, drive my sticking out member into her vagina, inflamed by my fingers, and fight hard inside her, unsuccessfully trying to reach the bottom.

It seems that Ellochka was also ready for this, although the shaking in her body stopped, her legs relaxed, the palm no longer pressed my fingers so hard. But the fabric of the panty began to disturb and annoy me. I took my fingers out of the vagina and began to panties off the girl. She readily raised her ass and hand, which just captured my hand, helped get rid of the remnants of their clothes.

Her legs left Ellochka bent at the knees, but spread them to the sides as far as the width of the carriage shelf allowed. I again began to kiss the girl's chest, reached out with my hand to the vagina and began to barely touching his fingers, led along the edge of the plump labia. They were quite wet and impatiently waiting for me inside. I listened to the silence of the car. The grandfather was still asleep, the mouse-girls could not be heard. Before getting to Ella, I decided to bring her to orgasm with my fingers a couple of times. I rarely come across such sensual women who so easily reached the pinnacle of pleasure from only their fingers and kisses, and therefore I wanted to give pleasure a few more times in this way.

I began to lightly touch the lips of the girl with my lips and just gently run my fingers along her vagina and soon felt that my random friend was close to the second orgasm. I decided to bring it to a climax with just such light touches of the upper and lower lips. Another minute - and her legs squeezed my hand again, and arms wrapped around my neck and shoulders and squeezed tightly in my arms. And a low moan informed about orgasm.

And then, out of surprise, I jerked my whole body: on my leg above the knee lay the palm of a girl-mouse and began to slowly rise upwards. Ella felt me ​​twitch and whisper:

- What happened? Didn't you like something?

- Nothing, I just touched the cold edge of the table with my foot.

The girl laughed almost silently, not letting me out of her arms. She wanted to continue the love games. With all my heart, with all my heart and with the fact that I was strained in swimming trunks, I was in the same continuation, but the awkwardness was caused by the hot palm of a girl from the lower shelf, who stroked my hip, slowly rising higher and higher.

Again, I began to kiss Ellochka in her tight chest and again began to stroke the edges of her vagina with each new movement leading the girl to the next orgasm. And he did not keep himself waiting. Again - my hand, tightly compressed by the feet, again strong hugs and a stifled moan of pleasure.

Meanwhile, the palm of the girl-mouse was already ironing over my tense-looking pain in the scrotum, a tense penis, just about ready to tear the knitwear, arbitrarily break free, and splatter the accumulated sperm during the day.Now I couldn’t just concentrate on only Ellochka, who was forced to listen to what my neighbor was doing along the compartment with the lower part of my body, which always swayed my mind to satisfy its carnal needs.

When Ella was close ... Read more →

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