1. The Wizard of Oz. Chapter 1
  2. The Wizard of Oz. Chapter 2
  3. The Wizard of Oz. Chapter 3
  4. The Wizard of Oz. Chapter 4
  5. The Wizard of Oz. Chapter 5
  6. The Wizard of Oz. Chapter 6
  7. The Wizard of Oz. Chapter 7
  8. The Wizard of Oz. Chapter 8
  9. The Wizard of Oz. Chapter 9

Ellie had been walking for several hours and was tired. She sat down to rest at the blue hedge, behind which a field of ripe wheat was spread.

A long pole stood beside the hedge, a straw figure stuck out on it - to drive the birds away.

Ellie carefully examined the ridiculous painted face of a stuffed animal and was surprised to see that it suddenly winked at her with her right eye. She decided that she thought: after all, stuffed animals never blink in Kansas. But the figure nodded her head with the most friendly look.

Ellie was frightened, and the brave Totoshka with barking attacked the hedge, behind which was a pole with a stuffed animal.

- Good night! - said the effigy in a little hoarse voice.

- What are you, crazy? - surprised Ellie - Tell me, do you have a cherished desire?

- I have? Oh, I have a whole bunch of desires!

- What is the most cherished?

- The most thing? - Scarecrow thought. - To put me on a stake!

“You're sitting on a Coke anyway,” Allie laughed.

“But indeed, indeed,” the scarecrow agreed. - See, what a traveler I am ... that is, no, confusion. So I need to be removed.

Ellie bent down the stake and, clutching at the dummy with both hands, pulled it off.

“Extremely conscious ... that is, grateful,” the effigy puffed up, finding himself on the ground. - I feel like a new person.

The scarecrow carefully straightened the caftan, shook off the straws and, shaking a leg on the ground, presented itself to the girl:

- Pedrila!

- What are you saying? - did not understand Allie.

- I say: Pedril. This is what they called me: the owner said that once a stake in the ass means Pedrila!

“Ah, Pedrila, how glad I am that I have fulfilled your most cherished desire!” - said Allie.

“Sorry, Ellie,” the scarecrow shuffled his foot again, “but it turns out I was wrong. My dearest wish is to get wise!

- Mudya?

- Well, yes, muddy. Very good ... sorry, it's unpleasant when you don't have them ...

- How are you not ashamed to deceive? - Allie asked with reproach.

- What does it mean to deceive? I was only made yesterday, and I know nothing ...

- How did you know that you do not have eggs, and people have?

“A crow told me this when I quarreled with her.” The point, you see, Ellie, was like that. This morning, a large disheveled crow flew close to me and did not so much pick up the wheat as it knocked the seeds out of it. Then she brazenly sat on my shoulder and pecked me on the cheek. “Kaggi-carr! Shouted the crow derisively. - That's so stuffed! And without Moody! Something from him at all! All people have wisdom, but you don't! ”

That's how I learned that people are wise, but I do not have them. I am sad ... that is fun, shouted: “Hey gay gay! Long live the wise! I will get them myself for sure! ... “And soon you came with Totoshka,” concluded the story. - Now, Ellie, say: can you give me a muddle?

- No, that you! Only Goodwin in the Emerald City can do this. I myself am going to ask him to bring me back to Kansas. Although, you know ... I don’t have any Mudas, and nothing, I completely do without them ...

- How!? Not at all !? - surprised Pedrila - Show me!

Ellie really wanted to fulfill his request, but she remembered how livings laughed at her and said sharply:

- Well, I do not! You will manage!

- Woof! She really has nothing there! Only a hole! - barked Totoshka - Yes, and show - it does not need anything - she has shortened the hem so that everything is already visible!

Remembering a very indecently short dress, Ellie sat down, covering her hands with the pantalonchiki sticking out from under her dress and blushed deeply.

“Nothing, only a hole ...” said Pedrila thoughtfully. “Well, I also have a hole, but you need to get all the same ... And where is the Emerald City, and who is Goodwin? - He jumped to another topic.

- Do not you know?

“No,” answered the Monster sadly. - And if I go with you to the Emerald City, Goodwin will surely give me a mudd?

- I do not know. But if the great Goodwin does not give you a muddle, it will not be worse than now.

  • December 21, 2018 7:13

    Fine. I look forward to the Iron Gomosek and the lustful Leo.


    • Rating: 1
  • December 21, 2018 9:21

    Iron is of course homosexual, but I didn’t guess about Lev ...))


    • Rating: 0
  • December 21, 2018 12:43

    Damn, I did not think it would be so interesting (well written, although I already wrote).
    Let the author burn on.
    It is a pity that the heads are so small.
    A bit missing the original.
    1) The house fell on the witch (why she was called a fairy because no one could kill Gingem)
    2) Red shoes with the function “Porn costumes” (depending on how many times to strike with heels), in the style (“BDSM” “Latex” and a couple more), and vibrators.
    You can add, as a small indent in the fourth chapter, to make something like a reference to the end of the second chapter, "Flash Biaki."

    Py Sy.
    I can throw off the edited version of the "Three Chapters" (If necessary).


    • Rating: 1
  • December 22, 2018 12:02

    Thank you for rating!
    As for the reworked version ... I think if they are ready for you, then the easiest way is to post this version here as an independent work. In the end, I don’t have a monopoly on remaking the classics.))))


    • Rating: 2
  • December 22, 2018 15:50

    Yes, there is mainly editing from errors, and so on the little things, especially that did not add. Just thought to throw you, and then you would have laid out a ready-made option ...

    Well, or wait for the ending and lay out completely.


    • Rating: 1
  • December 22, 2018 16:48

    I think I will finish soon. Chapter 4 on moderation


    • Rating: 0
  • December 21, 2018 23:04

    ahaha))) son recently read the original, but then the banter is still!


    • Rating: 1
  • December 22, 2018 12:03

    I myself came to the idea of ​​writing when I read this fairy tale to a little ...))))


    • Rating: 0
  • December 22, 2018 12:22

    Fine. With a dozen of me!


    • Rating: 1
  • December 22, 2018 16:46



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