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in her, as he did with the vagina of his girlfriend. As they did with the priests of the girls great in porn. Only here it was wildly cramped and stupidly sweet.

Marina, not accustomed to such invasions, somehow kept a cry and clutched at a chair. She instinctively jerked forward, bent over to leap off, but only slammed her hips into the edge of the seat. The chair jerked and rested against the wall. "Fuck, how narrow is there!" - the thought flashed. Swept panic. There were tears in her eyes. It seemed that they had nailed it over the backside with something huge and were continuing to slowly nail it. At that moment, she almost ran out into the porch, as she was, with her panties lowered. But she was afraid to stop Sasha, to confuse - he is clearly at the limit, can be confused and ruin her plans. She bit her finger and tolerated how strong she was.

He had more than Vadim, much later she found it even funny. But now, when he made his way into it from behind, she mentally praised herself that she sternly warned him to move slowly. She was afraid that otherwise she would sweat and this would give her away when she returned to her husband.

The first fright passed, it became easier and instead of fear excitement came. For so many years of marriage, she has already forgotten what another man is. I saw myself from the side, standing with cancer on the floor, while a foreign member painfully stretches her ass, while her husband is waiting downstairs. She embraced desire, she began slowly at first, then pushing toward him more and more, holding back moans again, but now she was enjoying herself. Vagina, as if bursting from this onslaught, like a notched ripe fruit, dripped with moisture.

The next few minutes stretched into eternity. He moved, pushing into her all the abstinence, all the time spent without women. It seemed - the air filled with its smell, darkness, everything around turned into this taut damp pulsating depth. She opened to meet the sweet precipice, pulled over the edge, he felt that he was about to fall into it ... but did not break. Maybe not enough short, but wild and quick final bout; maybe he was overexcited; I got nervous, thinking to be in time, or simply the unusual feeling of tightness, which gave incredible feelings, at the same time overwhelmed him. The more he wanted to finish, the harder and more difficult it became to do. “Come on, my boy, come on,” Marina whispered hoarsely over and over again. But Sasha is stuck ...

Suddenly she grabbed his arm, urging him to stop. When he came out of it, Marina lay down on the floor and carried him along. He lay down on her and entered, feeling a slippery vagina on his stomach. She squeezed his legs and pulled her neck. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and began to slowly move him, as if trying to reach his throat. Now she ruled him. Sasha obediently moved in time with this wet, sucking mouth ...

... Vadim looked at his watch - twenty minutes had passed, and Marina was not there yet. “Quickly called!” He thought and got out of the car. He was angry that she was lingering, but still enraged that she started him up with sudden caresses and interrupted her at the most interesting place. He had already forgotten when she sucked him in the car for the last time. Earlier, when passion between them was struck by lightning, they did it everywhere, including at the wheel. Then it was not yet the Rover ... memories swept over. He wanted to continue, wanted her mouth. Wanted her like before. He looked at the windows of the house where she had walked, walked around the car, inspecting the wheels. It was chilly, and he sat back. He did not even ask for the apartment number. Nothing left to wait ...

Marina needed a dirty betrayal, needed sperm. She squeezed his face with his palms: "Stop." Sasha froze. Then Marina wetted a finger and pressed his anus. Sasha whined, she only squeezed his neck. For a few seconds he felt a slow, sucking kiss on his shoulder. Then, biting the skin, she stuck her finger in his ass and began to lick his mouth open, moving her finger.He convulsed, his eyes flared white, and he shouted.

Marina only managed to pull out a finger and unclench her legs, as he crushed her under himself and held it like this all the time while the white jets beat, filled her. Marina shuddered taking it. "... I love you ... I love you ..." he whispered like mad and pressed his wet face to her. He cried.

It was all over. He lay on her, unable to move. I came to myself when she whispered: "I have to go." He gently got out of it, somehow found a cork and a towel. Sperm was a lot, part leaked on a blanket. Marina spread her buttocks, and he sealed the crowded Marina, wiped it around with a towel, and rose to his feet. My head was spinning. She pulled on her panties, straightened her dress and, turning his face to the wall, got back on her knees. I didn’t have the strength to feel, already detached he understood that Marina, for some reason, licks his ass, then gets up and gently pushes him into the room. He obediently, staggering, leaves and falls on the sofa.

Already from there he heard the package rustle again, the door slammed. Knocking heels, as quickly as at the beginning retired.

In her head rang emptiness.

At the entrance Marina leaned against the wall, her legs were not kept. Light hitting the eyes brought back to reality. Marina finally came to her senses, checked her clothes and slowly went down, feeling a burring ass stopper. The footsteps were done in sweet thrusts. As if he was still in her ...

“Zai, forgive me, get a little longer ...” she began when she got into the car, but Vadim did not let her finish. As soon as the door slammed, he pulled her to him and literally dug into her mouth with a greedy kiss. She readily answered him while he was unbuttoning his pants. It was impossible to think of a better one. Marina was ready now for anything, so long as he didn’t notice anything. A hand on the back of her neck raked her hair and pulled it down. Marina opened her mouth and the next second was already nuzzling his stomach, feeling the blow of the penis to the very throat. He firmly held her hair and ruled like a doll. Not she did blowjob, but he just masturbated her mouth. For a long time Marina didn’t see such fury in him. Maybe he had some sort of sixth sense of lust coming from her waves.

There was not enough air - it would not last so long. But it didn't take long. He growled, arched in the seat, and her mouth began to swell with sperm. The feeling of own shamelessness surged and broke it. Suddenly, she somehow shrank, slid her knees to the floor, a small tremor hammered the body ... and the next instant the lightning bolt of an orgasm hit her. She screamed. Cum splashed Vadim on the penis, pants, on the seat, ran down the chin. She hugged his hips, howling, moaning, wriggling with her whole body, pounding her legs around the cabin. Vadim was holding her and muttered in a discouraged voice: “My girl ... you ... you finished ... yes ... good girl ... oh yes ...".

They were silent right up to the house. Marina was lying on his shoulder, and he hugged her and stroked her hair. At the traffic lights they kissed.


Having come to work on Monday, Sasha first of all rushed to open the correspondence, but there was no user with that name on the site. Marina deleted profile.

Three months have passed. The three-storey mansion outside the town was dozing in the silence of the snow-covered pines. Vadim took the boys to the rink, and Marina was at home alone. She was sitting in one of the rooms of the upper floor at the computer, and for half an hour she was looking absently looking somewhere over the monitor. The cursor blinked at the beginning of the blank page. She recalled. A smile crossed her face.

Vadim did not know anything. That evening he was tired, and satisfied in the car did not even think about pestering her. She immediately slipped into the bathroom, got rid of traffic jams, odors and traces. Clean and updated, having stopped worrying, taking the load off her shoulders, she slept like a log.

They still had a surge in sex life. Marina, first with vengeful joy, let him in the anus, remembering that evening. She raged, growled and Vadim, not understanding what was going on with his wife, went crazy with her, ending in her almost with tears. “Marinochka! Marinochka! - whispered they covered her with frequent, some kind of almost boyish kisses.Surrendering to him in an already accustomed ass, she remembered herself crucified on the hallway floor, and orgasms beat her almost every sex with her husband. Everything was getting better. He became more attentive to her and was constantly "hungry." It seems that he stopped fucking his assistant, he became gentle, as before. All was good.

The hand fell between the legs and began to stroke it. She straightened her legs, her face tightened, as if in pain ... Then, startled, she looked at her watch. They will not be another couple of hours. “Sasha, forgive me!” Thought Marina, as she thought of him whenever she remembered. Tormented conscience. Since everything happened, she increasingly came up with the idea of ​​actually writing about it. She hoped that someday he would read it and forgive her. She also hoped that her priest was a good gift for everything.

She concentrated, sat for a while, and then typed the headline at the top of the page: "Stranger in me."

  • May 30, 2018 20:48

    Beautiful story with a non-standard plot.
    Thanks for him.
    +10 and to favorites.


    • Rating: 4
  • June 1, 2018 18:15

    Exciting story, awesome plot.


    • Rating: 1
  • July 26, 2018 17:11

    Hello. Chic story! Do not throw us, readers)))


    • Rating: 1
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