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It was six o'clock. The high illuminated tower of the business center, the mercury-blue convex facade, looked at the central square of the city. On the sixteenth floor, where the management of a large company occupying half the center was located, Marina stopped at the transparent wall-window of her office, and for some time looked at the city below lying in the coming twilight turning into a scattering of lights. Then, glancing at the clock, went back and forth again, trying to calm down. She was very nervous, feeling, despite the fear, strong excitement. Half an hour ago, she locked herself in a closet to prepare herself and now deeply washed with soaped fingers and anus that had become soft from hand cream, tingled with warm needles. This heat rose to the stomach, and, despite the shell of cold goosebumps under the woolen dress, it melted from the inside — it was noticeably wet between the legs. To this, to her shame and amazement, she could not help it ...

Marina was a tall, slim woman, with wavy black hair, and dressed with impeccable taste, with a bright, slightly oriental appearance at her age of thirty-six looked ten years younger. She came to the company eight years ago, and becoming a spectacular business woman, remained as fresh and attractive. Her gait on sharp high heels turned boring office corridors into a podium, and looking after men forced her to experience acute bouts of lust. She adored her work and, strict with herself and her subordinates, made a successful career over the years, and she was rightly proud of her. She liked the sincere, without ingratiating, respect of colleagues and subordinates, and the place at the head of a long table for meetings in a spacious private office with a glass wall, which opened a wonderful view of the city below. When she went home, she often kept her eyes on the black “Financial Director” sign, with its strict golden letters, and smiled to herself secretly. Those rare people who happened to see her in those moments had the feeling that they were confronted with a well-fed, and therefore now non-dangerous, panther ...

But today, from thinking about the upcoming evening she was not up to work. Tense, she tried to concentrate all day in vain, and only iron restraint hid her condition from those around her. It seems no one noticed ...

The smart phone on the table made me flinch. Having answered shortly: “I am getting out!”, She began to gather quickly. After a couple of minutes, wearing a gray coat and shoving a thickly prepared folder of documents in the bag, she was already walking along the corridor towards the elevator.

It was uncommon to leave so early, when around, in the depths of offices, red-hot during the day, business life was still seething, filling the corridor with sounds. There was an advertisement for a popular city FM station, someone was arguing over the phone, printers were buzzing. There was a lively discussion in the office of the chief — voices humming, smelled of cigarette smoke. Eve, a young secretary, emerged from there to meet her. She was a petite blonde with a short haircut and a long bangs. Closing the door, Eva nearly dropped the tray, which was lined with dirty coffee cups. Seeing her, Marina shuddered in disgust. Eve, noticing her, smiled guiltily, and when she realized that she was going home, she politely said goodbye. Marina nodded slightly, not looking in her direction and finding herself at the end of the corridor, called the elevator.

While the elevator was rising, buzzing somewhere downstairs, she watched Eve stumble twice, and again almost dropping the tray, mincing along the corridor towards the kitchen. For a year now she worked as a secretary to the director, and everything was as good as new. She tried and was not stupid, but by nature awkward and fussy, all the time something dropped or smashed.Of course, her secretary would not have lasted even three days, but at first Marina even liked her. Something in this twenty-year-old girl was disarmingly naive, and they often chatted in the kitchen about all sorts of trivia. When, in the first month of clumsy Evin's work, her favorite boss mug, a gift from her friends, ended her life on the floor, he did not dismiss her. Someone from the workers was at that moment in the office and saw how the chief boiled. The next day, behind his door, there was a strong female cry, and then she was seen running to the toilet, flushed like after the gym. After that, rumors spread that Eve performed several “other” duties. Over time, this has ceased to be a secret.

Eve actually performed these duties. She knew a lot about them - here she had both dexterity and skills, and there were no equal. She clearly hinted at these personal skills to the director in a personal interview when she came to get settled. And now, during the year, every day she almost worked with her mouth under the table, diligently swallowing the fruits of her labors. Only once in her skill did she blunder - she could not stand the pressure of the director during a diligent sodomy for a broken mug, screamed, and by that gave them away. Since then, in the ass, he took it, just shutting his mouth with crumpled panties ...

When it became clear to Marina, for what merits Eve is being held here, she, like the whole team, stopped all communication with her, except for business. The director was married, had children, and Marina began to despise this, trying to seem naive, with a salary pacifier. At times I was perplexed - how slim Eva copes - the director was a powerful, athletic man. For the rest, she was not particularly surprised; she treated her as the inevitable evil of high offices and big finances. But then, when everything in life turned upside down, she hated her. This is because of such as Eva, today she stood in the toilet today, bent over and lubricated the anus, was walking past her now, in soaking wet pants, preparing to step over herself ...

The elevator came up, and Marina drove down.

In the lobby, the guard obligingly took the keys given to him, after which the glass door silently parted before her, and Marina left the center on a dank autumn evening.


The yellow light of street lamps poured into the windows and dissolved the darkness of the apartment. From the window of the eighth floor, the yard of new houses, where he had rented an apartment for a year, was in full view. The neon sign "Laundry" was burning on the next house with a purple-green neon sign. Outside the window, a cold autumn wind was blowing, people coming from work were quickening their pace, holding onto their hoods. From every female figure going to his doorway or approaching car, everything inside him stopped. She ... No There was no conditional knock on the door. From excitement, naked, he was slightly shivering. Trying to relax, he went out into the hall to check everything again.

On the floor, almost at the front door, a blanket was spread out, under which he was sleeping. Right there, next to it is a clean orange towel, a black shiny bottle of lubricant and standing on the ground like a miniature glass, a poison-pink butt plug.

For ten minutes, any little thing could interfere. Thinking, he took the tube, opened the cork and put it back. He knelt on the blanket and tried several times to quickly find these items. The smooth bottle pleasantly cooled the skin, after which the warm softness of the silicone tube seemed almost alive. Standing like that, he once again noted that the blanket is soft enough and it does not hurt the legs. She will be comfortable.

“It's okay, relax,” he told himself again. He tried not to represent her here, in this position ... - three weeks of abstinence turned him into a crowded bowl, ready to spill from any drop. The member tensed, startled from every movement. Leaning his back against the cool wall, he stood like that, thinking about work, about the upcoming Monday meeting ... Soon letting go.

Reassured, he went into the room and lay down on the bed with the phone.Viewing the endless tapes of social networks with memes and news eased the tormenting wait - he did not know when she would come and whether she would come. Only wrote that tonight and only. Therefore, when he came home, he did not even eat, immediately took a shower, prepared everything and began to wait. I also decided to switch off the light right away so that at the right moment it would be perfectly oriented in the dark.

Ten minutes is so little! He had the first time and that was longer. Although ...

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