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but I myself knew what we were going. He, in his time, introduced me to a nudist society. There were bathhouses where women and men were together. It was he who helped me enter this world, and, in the end, I accepted him! Although before that I was tormented by nighttime half-nightmares, when I was naked in front of people ... Now it is very easy for me. And I want to thank for all my man for all that he agreed to come here, although he did not know anything and that he helped the girls to feel.

After that, she came up to me, and kissed me very passionately with a standing ovation.

And then just burst through! The girls spoke and talked, talked. There was no limit to anything - they talked about their fears, prejudices, hidden desires, timidity, lust, disbelief in themselves, and in men ... Everyone thanked me for helping them. Probably, many have overcome some kind of complexes. True, one girl said that she would very much like to repeat the exercise, but without blindfolds. To which Olga said that this is vryat, it will work out.

And then Olga gave the floor to me. And she asked to go to them in front of the girls.

- Thank you, dear! You really have become family for me today. Oksana, do not worry, the day will pass and this fairytale will evaporate. And we will only be together. Thank you for your frankness - not only in the exercise, but also in statements. For me it is also very important! Perhaps, I began to understand women better - their fears, complexes. Most likely, a specific man is behind each of them ... If today's training will help you - I will be only happy! I am glad that I contributed in such an unusual way. In addition, you can not even imagine how you are all pleasant, tender, thirsty for love, trusting ... I got a thousand-fold harem at its best! I am not sure that there are many like me, not only in our city, but also in the world! From the whole bow to you, beauties! - and I bowed to them in a belt. And then he stepped back a bit and bowed to the coaches. Then I was applauded for a long time.

The discussion took about an hour and a half. I needed a break. And Jeanne turned on the tape recorder with music. And these went dancing !!! 18 naked and happy people "pulled over" in full! Everything was appropriate - a group cancan, and a belly dancing solo, and more often shaking breasts ... Gali jumped into a chair and, stretched out into a string, began to swing her hips languidly and slowly rotate around its axis. And when her posh priest was turned to the hall, she was unusually pleasant, beautiful and mischievous, she began to turn it!

The room quickly began to fill with the smell of sweat. This confused few people, but, nevertheless, the dancing began to wane. Jeanne turned off the music, and opened the window. And everyone went to drink tea.

During tea drinking many people expressed the idea that it is easy to be without clothes. Moreover, this was said with such enthusiasm that I really understood that it was a discovery for them. And maybe more common relations!

And the time has come to close the training. All sat on the carpet, Olga came out.

- Yes, the training is coming to an end. How do you like him? - and a flurry of applause, cheers ...

- I understand that he is accepted by you. Moreover, he will start working with you already behind the door of this building. And yet - you needed him. It is not by chance that we all gathered here. Now tell me, have you not regretted that you are without clothes for half a day?

General "NO"!

- This is another your acquisition. You all have relatives, friends, acquaintances, including future ones. Keep in mind that in order to have an idea, it is necessary to study or try it. And now you can create your own mini-group on your own experience, and maybe not a mini one in order to quietly enjoy the sun, air, movements, touches ... It is clear in what form! So, dear ones, Zhanna and I really liked your company, you Galya, many thanks. You can talk a lot about our man today, I just thank him on your behalf! - again applause.

- It is likely that we will come to your city again.It is not yet clear when this will happen, but keep in touch with Galya. By the way, Galya, did you want to say something at the end?

- Yes, I myself have received an extraordinary discovery. To me, my men - what to hide, there were a lot of them - they always said that I had a beautiful body. But I did not believe them! Because they had to stick, and then disappear for a long time. And I decided that these compliments were deceitful, and I'm not beautiful, and not worthy of good companies ... However, I'm not about that. I had a moment when in Bulgaria my friend — just a friend in a group — called me to a nudist beach. For me it was a shock, and I, of course, refused. And then - for 5 years now - I still remember it. And why? Yes, I just was curious, but stupid taboo. And now ... See, I am in front of you the way I am. And I like it! Now I will decide with men whether I need him or not! - applause drowned out her last words.

- I will definitely do everything for these lovely women to come to us. And you keep in touch with me. I love you all!

In conclusion, Zhanna suggested taking a picture for those who are ready for this. Many have volunteered. Some only after having heard that these photos are only for our instructors. Those who were not ready yet took the camera, while we, the rest of us, sat down and stood around our coaches. Some, with their hands covered Tits, who pubis. Most did not cover anything, just when it was necessary to fit everything in the frame, unwittingly the most interesting places were not visible.

When they started to dress - and how it was unpleasant - to constrain the freedom of the body! - Zhanna said that the thought does not leave her to make a video from the course, or, in extreme cases, a photo. But for this you need the consent of the participants. While this is not talking. But she thanked us for the overall photo.

Zhanna, Olga, Galya, Oksana and I were in no hurry to dress. We accompanied the already dressed girls - they hugged them, kissed them ... Many regretted that we live constantly in clothes, they asked, and maybe we could meet without her. Galya promised to think ...

When everyone dressed left, we wiped the floor, put all the chairs in place and went into the room. Olga, as was most likely agreed with Galya, took out a bottle of wine. Galya got fruit and sweets. And another two hours we discussed the last training. The main conclusion - he succeeded! I thanked them for this form of performance, spoke a little more about my feelings, recalling bodily contacts. He said that he was almost ready for that if they wanted to do the shooting. Oksana has not yet decided for herself whether she wants to. Galya too. And her hunting and interesting, but something is holding back. On that and finished.

Oksana and I - in clothes - went to her house, where I was so good with her! The springs creaked, she was moaning all over, I was almost growling! As she said, he poured two liters of boiling water to her!

And we decided that such trainings only strengthen our relationship. For which she thanks a lot! And we talked about it in the morning, because in the evening and at night we were busy ...


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