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With my friend Oksana, we have been together for almost 10 years. She, being very advanced, attracted me to seminars and trainings. Together we did not live, but met regularly, most often in her spare apartment, and spent the evening, the night, and in the morning we went about our business. Sex with her was always wonderful, though, sometimes it took a long time to start it. But it was with her that I learned to work with the language for an hour or more.

And now new instructors for the new training soon had to come to our city. The owner of the Center, who organized various trainings — the coach herself — Galya, our good friend, strongly recommended that both of us go through this training. And his name is unusual - “Nakedness of feelings. Revived emotions are the harmony of yin and yang. ” Energy training, that is, not just psychological exercises, but also various other elements are added. We thought and agreed.

The training was conducted on the basis of the Center, and for this a large room was rented, which was empty on Saturday. It had a hall, a tea room, and a small kitchen. We got together there 15 girls, and me. And two coaches - Zhanna and Olga.

The first half was devoted to the main points, which is the yin-yang energy relationship. In addition, conducted a dynamic meditation on OSHO. We were engaged in their tracksuits. After this hour of meditation, they were really all wet. The sweat just dripped. The instructors corrected us and encouraged us. For many, this action was the first time. We with Oksana and Galya, as well as with several other participants of the training have already passed this.

But after lunch, after resting for about 20 minutes - while we just lay on a large carpet - our instructors offered us to listen to their new instructions. Joan came forward - the younger of them both.

- Our dear cadets, how do you like meditation?

“Good,” answered many.

- And such a question - clothes do not disturb you much? - and silence. After a pause there was a question.

- What do you mean?

- And then there was an ambiguous question?

- It is strange, - all the same voice.

- Who else will say that? - Jeanne was waiting for an answer.

“If I were at home, I would know how to do it, I would probably have undressed,” said my Oksana.

“I was hot, and my sweat prevented me from concentrating,” I said.

- There is no need to focus on meditation - this is the exit to the subconscious and other energy paths. But, I correctly understood that without clothes you would be more comfortable?

- Yes of course.

- Who else will say that? - after a short pause the statements went.

- If there were only girls, and there would be such an instruction ...

- One guy does not matter - it was not said about it ...

- What for?

And the hum of discussion began. After five minutes, many concluded that yes, it would have been easier without clothes.

- So, my dear - what is the name of our training? - already asked Olga

- "Harmony of yin and yang."

- And what else?

“Nakedness of feelings,” said Galya.

- Right. What is the first word? “REMAINS,” concluded Olga.

- So nudity of feeling, - someone did not let up.

- Yes, and what, feelings at nudity disappear? Or on the contrary strengthen?

- Do you want to strip us?

- Yes, God forbid! We conduct training. And the best result will be when the exercises are performed in the nude.

- And if not? - all the same voice.

- There will be no violence, - you will carry out in this clothes, but the result will be different. And besides, admit it, because you have never been offered this? And never was such a confidential atmosphere. Moreover, it is unlikely when such an opportunity will appear. So I suggest to think a little.

- And here is a man with us ...

- And this, I tell you, is the most valuable for you! It is the presence of a man that will allow all of you to fully complete the training, do all the exercises, and find something new, for which you came here. You are incredibly lucky! I will explain this point later.And yet - what will happen here soon - and I am sure of it - will be yours alone. None of you, for sure, will not talk about it, and there is no point in it. And the benefits will be extraordinary. Once again I recall the name of the training “Nudity of feelings. Revived emotions are the harmony of yin and yang. ” Every word here is significant. But however, for whom it is unacceptable - your choice, either in a suit, or you leave us. Contemplation will not. All in the same environment. We have no theater and no movies. The rest will work. I clearly said?

And a pause. Jeanne and Olga sat on the carpet, too, so as not to stand over others. Soon the girls began to whisper. And Oksana just looked at me and nodded her head. We have already had considerable experience with this, including through a nudist bath. With an embarrassed smile, Galya looked at me. I nodded to her too. And then I broke the silence:

- I am ready and agree. What do we do next?

- Are there any consonants? - asked Jeanne.

- I, - answered Oksana.

- And I, - Galya.

A few minutes later, at Olga’s suggestion, the consonants began to rise from the carpet to their feet. And, oddly enough, everyone got up. Olga calmly took off her T-shirt, and her naked breasts called everyone forward - in a new and unknown, sports pants and panties, and appeared before us in a natural way. Jeanne did the same. I went to the window, undressed by the chairs, and walked over to the instructors. He stood between them and turned to the hall. They put their arms around my waist and thanked me. Soon all stood before us in the most beautiful form. At Olga's direction, they all lined up. I just looked at such an abundance and variety of bodies. Of course, most of all my eyes stayed on pubes. Those who did not cover it with hands had absolutely clean-shaven ones, like Oksana’s - I’ve recently shaved her myself - neatly trimmed triangles, rectangles and stripes, and some had natural, but no less beautiful curvatures ! I didn’t miss the attention and the rest - the breasts were different, most of them were beautifully shaped like mountains of volcanoes, some sagging a little, only a few were of small size. But the stomachs! Just a fairy tale! The form is the most amazing - and at all! Hips slightly inferior to other parts of the body. So far about the ass could not say anything. I just knew what Oksana was like - a little without a special dividing fold between the buttocks and the thigh. But in Gali - when I saw her in tight-fitting leotard - this is just a masterpiece! And the form, and all mates !!!

And then Olga said:

- Girls, to you one request. Our man is real, courageous and decisive. However, with your beauty is not excluded the very case of which many of you, I just dream. He will be very necessary to us in the next work. If he starts to get excited - do not focus on this. This is very normal, moreover, it is so necessary! Agreed?

“Yes,” the girls answered almost in unison.

And almost immediately, Olga announced the beginning of a new exercise. In her words, this is the central exercise of the entire training. She asked everyone to sit on the carpet, and left me standing. While a member did not show itself, although the reasons were already enough. Jeanne got up and continued:

- And so, I am very glad that we all accepted the condition of training in the field of clothes. Now begin the basic exercise. Our beloved man will help you in physical contact. You will have the opportunity to calmly feel the body of a man. At the same time, to enhance the sensations, he, and each of you who will perform the exercise, will have bandages before your eyes. Only sensations, only feelings. Remember the "nakedness of feelings"? At the same time, time is not particularly limited, but, of course, this is not an hour, because everyone must pass. I will show you how it will be about to happen. The condition is to cling to your body, you can use your hands - hug, touch, and both you and him. Do not forget that it is possible for him, but in fact there will definitely be excitement. Use!

Olga tied a tight bandage over my eyes, through which nothing came to me ...

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