1. Mom part time. Chapter 1
  2. Mom part time. Chapter 2

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Exhausted and tired, fell asleep last night with a dead dream, not forgetting, of course, once again to accrue his new acquisition. In the morning, barely opened his eyes, he was surprised to see Svetlana next to him. The memory helpfully explained why this woman is with me under one blanket and smiling. This her sincere and bright smile put me on my guard, but not enough to forget that under this blanket she was naked. It lies so seductively, holding the head on the arm bent at the elbow, from which the edge of the blanket is raised and demonstrates the well-groomed skin of the chest.

- What is so happy? - Hiding behind a drawy yawn embarrassment, I asked.

- I look at you, and I can not believe everything. - She admitted and moved closer, put her head on my chest, clasped her hands, even threw her leg, from which her pussy tightly pressed against my thigh. I had a very distinct sense of incorrectness of what was happening, something was wrong here, and I already see what.

- Yes, the situation is not the most standard. - I stroked her shoulder, somehow, without thinking about my actions, I kissed the top of my head.

- I am glad that everything turned out that way. - Turned her head and looked into my face Svetlana, in her eyes sparkled sparks, and it was not clear which ones.

- Something the day before yesterday and yesterday you were not very happy. - I recalled.

- Then I did not understand, too much was mistaken. And tonight I thought for a long time over your words and I see that you are right in everything. After all, you are here now, with me, beside, so real and warm. - She purred like a cat, gently stroking my chest, as if trying to make sure that I really exist.

- The real me, the real. - I was even more embarrassed, looked around.

- This is the first night in recent years, when I slept peacefully. - Again, laying on my chest and hugging tight, Svetlana quietly confessed, rubbed her cheek.

- And what prevented you sleep? I understand more, before, I do not know what was happening to you, but you spent the last six months here. - I postponed thinking about her strange behavior, judged that having received more information, I would easily find answers to all questions.

- You get angry if I tell. - Without refusing, just warned Svetlana. I skeptically raised an eyebrow, no matter what she said to me right now, it is very difficult to get angry at a beautiful woman who cares so much about you, and also in such a cozy and calm atmosphere.

- I will try not to get angry, tell me everything, and honestly, I really don't like it when they lie to me. - Just in case, I warned, stroking her waist under a blanket.

- When dad died, a lot of problems appeared. I could not fully preserve his legacy, I missed most of the assets. Adventurous “well-wishers” got their hands on more than half of everything, all I had left was what was written directly to my name. It was possible to try to return everything through the courts, but it would have been delayed for many years, and I really wanted to find you as soon as possible. - Svetlana spoke smoothly, with a slight sadness, my touches soothed her, I feel it because of her heartbeat, pressed so tightly that it echoes in my chest.

- Having learned what city the family went to, adopted you, sold off all their property in Vladimir, quit and flew here. Here I did not have a single person I knew, no one with whom to talk, discuss problems, and my days were spent in the silence of the human hubbub. Your parents drove me away and scared me, no, I was ready to violate the agreement, but in that case they would put me in jail and we wouldn’t see each other for a long time, and you wouldn’t want to talk to the outgoing criminal mother. - Her voice broke, I immediately soothingly stroked, mentally noting that she thinks quite sensibly, which pleases.Svetlana felt my support and continued, clinging even tighter, as if trying to flatten her chest on my ribs.

- I found out where you live, the next day I saw for the first time, I really wanted to come to you, hug, explain everything, because I have so much to tell. You were with your parents, you went somewhere together, you smiled and laughed, and I ... I could not ... - Not holding back, she still sobbed, a tear rolled down my cheek and spread on my chest with a cooling drop.

- Hush, calm down, everything is fine. - Touched, I kissed her again and hugged me tight too.

- Then I bought this apartment, a woman lived here, very harmful, she did not want to sell the house, and I had to pay her double price. There is enough money, and I really wanted to live opposite, to see you, to be at least a little closer than all these years. - Warm, affectionate, in my arms, it became so cozy, as if we have known each other for a thousand years.

- Yes, I saw binoculars on the balcony. - In order not to be silent, I added with a slight conviction.

“Forgive me, please, I know that it is not good to pry, but ...” She hesitated, trying to pick up words softer.

“You wanted to see me very much.” - I have already memorized it.

- Yes, a lot. - she threw, shaking her cheek on my chest.

- With this it is clear, you bought this apartment, and then what? What prevented you from sleeping at night? Really so worried all six months?

- It is here now, and when I just moved in, it was impossible to live here. I had to do repairs, change everything, I paid extra for urgency, but I had to stay in a hotel for another month. The whole month had to get up at half past four in the morning and go here.

- What for? - I did not understand.

- To see you, carry on to study. Although you did not notice me, I was always there when you left the house. - Svetlana admitted and was silent, waiting for my reaction. And I silently fell into the sediment, what I said about the soundness of her reasoning, I take my words back.

- Go on. - After a pause, I asked.

- When finished repair here, it became easier. I got up at six in the morning, watched from the balcony how you wake up, you are going to classes, and how you come, and how you ... - Light bit her tongue.

- And as I masturbate on the bed, three times a day. - Feeling that I blush, I finished for her as calmly as possible.

- I almost always turned away. - She whispered quite quietly, and this “almost” spoke for itself.

- Your voyeurism is not very surprising, after the recognition in total surveillance. - With a sneer I encouraged, remembering the form in which we were lying and that it was too late to be embarrassed.

- This is not snooping ...

- Yes, yes, yes, I remember, observation, it changes everything radically. - Not refraining from malice, I recovered.

“Every evening I waited for you to fall asleep, and at night, when you went to bed, I was afraid that I would wake up later and you would leave earlier.” I did not want to part with you ever again. And today I slept very calmly, because I felt that you were nearby. - Finally she finished, and the room became quiet. In the first moments, her story seemed very nice, filled with love, but her mind quickly proved that it was very insane, that it was mania, and more like the actions of maniacs. Even if so, I like this maniac, especially now, so warm and pleasantly smelling, most importantly, to watch her carefully and keep under control, so as not to miss the moment when she becomes truly dangerous.

We lay in silence for a few more minutes while I digested the new data and tried to structure them somehow. My initial plan flew to hell, I was expecting a quiet, passive-aggressive resistance, whims, rejection of his new subordinate position. I invented methods by which I will stop attempts to intercept the power, to appease discontent, as I will gradually bring it to obedience, and here you are, get it and sign it. Svetlana was pleased with everyone, she seemed stuck, however, she brought a bunch of other difficulties, far more serious and threatening big troubles in the future.Okay, we will deal with problems as they arrive, and then, trying to foresee everything, you can go crazy.

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