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her hole Some wheezing began to come from her mouth, but they quickly subsided. Yanka relaxed and moved away from orgasm.

- You feel good? - I asked quietly and went up to her head, began to kiss her breasts and nipples.

Yanka just nodded in agreement. I lay on the side next to her. I wanted to finish again. I touched the crotch with my hand, everything was so wet there. Well, let Yanka rest for a while, I thought, and there it will be possible to continue. I lay down on the pillow next. She put her hand on her chest and gently fingered her nipple. I admired the naked body of my girlfriend in the twilight of the room. She was so beautiful and exciting. I did not notice how plunged into a deep sleep.

Any sounds of Yankee parents talk woke me up. I opened my eyes. It seemed to me that it was still early. Yankee was not around. I looked down. She wasn't there either. I did not notice how she got up. Things are no longer hung on the floor. All my clothes were neatly folded in a chair. It was already light outside. The rays of the autumn sun pleasantly looked into the room. I stretched. I did not want to get up. But from the noises coming, I realized that breakfast was already ready and apparently were waiting for my awakening. And I slept all night naked. On the bed in some places were stains from our nightly pleasures. I'll have to tell Janke what would change the sheets I thought. I went down to the bottom. Wore her panties and T-shirt. Threw robe Yankees. We had to go to the shower and put himself in order. Well, that took with her fresh panties.

I went out into the corridor. I immediately met with Yanka. She only said hello and quite smiled. I smiled at her as well. I wanted to kiss her, but we were not alone. I am going to take a shower. Further day passed quietly. We ate. Let's go for a walk around the city. Walked around the local shops. They looked at the market. I looked at local attractions. So nothing special. The weather was relatively warm. We talked about something all the time, although we didn’t remember about the last night’s event.

Then we returned home to Yanke. Ate again. She also chatted with her parents and little sister. Who wanted to go for a walk around the city with us, but Janka did not take it. Although I did not mind, let them walk with us. Saturday evening was approaching. Janka offered to go to the disco. I did not mind. Although she knew that discos in small regional centers are not very different from discos in the village. But still I did not want to sit all evening. Malaya again began to molest her going to the disco with us, but this time her parents did not let her go.

We all ate together. And I went with Yanka getting ready for a disco. Her sister kept spinning with us all the time. I decided to wear a dress. Well, perhaps in vain, I pulled him. The truth had to stroke him, in the backpack it was a bit crumpled. We both made up. I wore black tights, dress, boots. The jacket didn’t fit very well with the dress, but anyway it was already beginning to get dark, and in there it would come down. Took her purse. Yanka wore bodily tights, short tight black skirt, pink blouse with a neckline and long sleeves, threw on a red coat. Shoe booties on such a well, not small heel against me, but it looked very sexy. Already a slight tremor of excitement passed through the body.

Her father saw us so licked. I just made a couple of compliments in our direction and asked that we should not walk for a long time and return home until midnight so that they would not worry. We, banging our heels on the staircase, began to go to the disco, which was held in the district house of culture. As Yanka said, to go there is not very far for about 20 minutes. Twilight descended over the city. There were not many people on the street. Occasionally cars drove through the flow of cool autumn air. In the evening it was a bit cool. A bright orange sunset was visible on the horizon. On the way, we chatted again.Slightly remembered our night caresses. From what a pleasant heat of excitement spread over the body and immediately became not so cool.

In the distance, the house of culture has already appeared. A large two-story building with a small area in front of it. On which stood the youth. Some chatted, others smoked. Sounds of music came lightly. Yanka greeted the company of guys. They held us glances. We so climbed the granite stairs. I looked around the square. There were several cars. Everyone was busy with their business. We went inside. There was no one in the wardrobe. Or maybe someone worked there. But at the moment there was nobody. We hung our outerwear on empty hooks. In front of the mirror, we slightly trimmed our hairstyles and went along the semi-dark corridor to the dance hall.

He turned out to be quite beautiful. Mirrors on the walls. Traditional mirror ball on the ceiling. Light music, hung on the walls and a small stage. There was even a DJ. From the powerful speakers in the full thundered popular disco tracks. A little too loud for me. People are not so little b. Girls in short skirts and dresses moved beautifully to the beat of the music. The guys also tried to keep up with them, although the girls danced more. We stood a little while trying to adapt to the rhythms and also began to dance. I do not know how much time passed. It was generally cool, just a little extra loud sounds put pressure on the brain. There were also slow dances. One guy even invited me to one. We just smiled at each other. It was not realistic to speak there, it was necessary to scream in your ear.

Time passed unnoticed. Yanka shouted in my ear that she needed to move away and she would return in a few minutes. I did not want to go out yet. I just nodded in agreement and stayed to continue dancing. So scrolled a few tracks. The Yankee was never there. Where is she gone? I began to look for her eyes, but she did not come across to me. A few more songs passed. I saw a similar girl, but as I got closer, it was not her. I even began to worry. And if she left, she would scroll through my head. As I return, I did not particularly remember the road. I tried to find her among those present, but I did not succeed. I decided to go out and call her. I walked out of the noisy hall into the twilight of a long corridor. It was much brighter in the hall, and I decided to go there. The coolness immediately swept the body. I already started. It was much fresher than in a stuffy room. People moved in different directions. I reached the hall. I could see the wardrobe. I decided to check her coat. It was in place. She sighed with relief. Probably met someone from the old familiar and chatting with them. I tried to look at her on the street. But it was dark, and I did not see Yankee.

I took out my phone and started calling. But no one answered. So it took some time and the call automatically disconnected. Maybe she returned to the hall and there is no ring tone. I started typing again and moved down the hall. I was lucky I just got a little break and for a couple of minutes the music subsided. It seemed to me that I heard the familiar melody of a Yankee phone somewhere far away, but it was from the other side. I turned and walked down the long corridor to the other side of the hall. There was no light at all. Turn on the music again. Now I have not heard the ring tone. The phone only highlighted her feet. Turned back, looked at the hall. I was already somewhere in the middle of the corridor.

I did not pull the door. But everything around was closed. I already began to think that, probably, it seemed to me and already the corridor was coming to an end. There was a window on the street in which the lights of nearby houses could be seen. At the end of the corridor there was some kind of opening, probably another corridor I thought. I went there and saw a staircase leading to the second floor, a door to the street. In the dark were the silhouettes of two guys and a girl. The girl stood on her knees and sucked the guys in turn. They didn't even notice me. I was standing in the doorway with the phone in hand. My eyes were already accustomed to the darkness, and I began to see everything that was happening more and more clearly.

I could not clearly see the faces of the guys.They were of medium height. In dark pants, sweaters. One in some kind of jacket. But now I am clearly ... Read more →

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