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from the blanket. I threw him a little off his chest. It became easier. Fresh air wrapped around my arm and chest. One or two Yankee fingers had already begun to penetrate deep into me and rub the walls of the vagina. Then he returned to the clitoris. I flowed and enjoyed. I grabbed the sheet, and instinctively, with my body, I moved to meet the caress of my girlfriend.

Here Yana slightly rose, and we merged in a passionate kiss. We actively began to move the lips. Our tongues broke into the mouth of each other and spun in different directions. We gasped for air and kissed again. Her breath was so hot. I put my hand under Yanka and also started stroking her back, climbing under the shirt of her pajamas. She was so hot. The blanket has already slipped to our feet. A passing car illuminated the room again. I saw her friend's face well. She completely surrendered to passion and caressed me. Our lips and slide, trying to clasp the sponge partner. I was so good. I was ready to receive my orgasm. Impulses of pleasure overwhelmed me. I still podmahivala with my body trying to immerse the fingers of the Yankees as deep as possible into my hole. They rubbed so nicely inside. The clitoris was throbbing. The whole crotch was in my juices.

At the moment we broke the kiss, grabbed a mouthful of air with our mouths. Strings of saliva were so tense and fell on my face and neck, torn apart. Our lips met again. The tongues started off in their crazy dance. Bringing us unforgettable pleasure. I have all given myself to passion. I barely managed to control myself, so as not to moan. Although the kiss sounds were well heard in the silence of the room. Sometimes the moans of pleasure burst from us. If not for the tongues in our mouths, they certainly would not be so quiet. I was trembling with excitement. Crouched and moved. I strongly clutched at the bed, it seemed to me that already bent and my body engulfed an orgasm. Yanka already somehow jumped and squeezed my mouth. The other hand. I relaxed. The whole body trembled with pleasure. My holes pulsed. It became so easy and good. His back and legs were dripping with sweat. Now slowly Yankee fingers moved in me. I did not move, only breathed deeply, burning my breath with Yank’s arm. Then she let me go. And I grabbed the air with my mouth. Took a few deep breaths. It was so hot.

- Finished? - quietly asked Yanka and gently smacked me on the cheek.

- Yes darling! Thank!

I was looking at Yanka. She was in the gloom of the room admiring me. I looked at her and was grateful for a wonderful orgasm. She pulled her fingers out of me and lay down beside me. For a couple of minutes we lay there, enjoying the silence of the night, and I was leaving after a stormy orgasm. I just kicked off the blanket. Fresh air wrapped around our legs. A slight tremor went through the body. It was so good, only Yana lay on my hand and pressed on her a little, but I didn’t want to move. The room was quiet. Only our breath was heard. We lay there for a few more minutes. I wanted to make it nice for Janka to also fall asleep.

I pulled my hand out from under her. Rose and pulled off her T-shirt. I didn't think she got so wet on her back. Threw her to the floor. A slight tremor gripped the body. I shuddered again. I moved a little to the edge of the bed. Spread out a little Yankee legs and located between them. She leaned over to her and began to put on her pajama pants.

- Ilonka! Maybe we should not? - with some coca, the prayer in her voice attempted to stop me from Jan. - More ancestors will hear us?

- We'll do everything quietly. - I protested and stuck my fingers under the soaked pants. - Relax and get your orgasm. You want to finish. You got wet too.

Yana did not answer. Only nodded in agreement. Raised her ass.And pulled off her pants. She lifted her legs, I pulled them off and threw them on the floor of the room. I bent her legs and spread them wide apart. In the darkness of the room, I was admiring her juicing pussy. I stroked her legs with my hands, stroking the inner side of the thigh slightly touching the pussy lips. I felt good on my fingers girlfriend juice. I leaned over to her and started pulling off the top of my pajamas. Yanka no longer resisted my caresses just bent, and then rose, the remaining item of clothing flew to the floor of the room. Now we were completely naked. Occasionally passing cars lit up our hot naked bodies. Then you could clearly see the shiny pussy of the grease, bulging clit and swollen nipples. I stroked her body. Straightened hair on one side. She leaned over her and started kissing her tummy. Gently touch the navel with the lips. She shuddered with excitement. The tummy trembled so pleasantly. I placed my hands on her nipples and gently squeezed her breasts. She was so nice to my caresses. My heart was beating again with excitement. Breathing was getting quick.

I climbed higher and higher. Now the nipples are in my mouth. I played with them with the tongue and pulled them into her mouth and gently bitten them. Yanka b moaned from pleasure, but she made every effort that the moans of pleasure did not break away from her lips. I rose even higher. Our eyes met. I almost lay on it. My breasts nicely touched my girlfriend's hot body. We again merged into a kiss. Our bodies somehow instinctively moved, and I felt well how my nipples rubbed against the body of Yankee, and her about me. And our lips were joined in a kiss. Yanka stroked my back and pulled me to her. I flowed with a new force. Drops of my grease dripped somewhere in the pubic and perineal region of a friend. We twisted our heads in different directions trying to clasp the lips of each other. Penetrate the tongue from one mouth to another, and then back. Yankee's hot breath blew my face so nicely.

I broke the kiss. Thin filaments of saliva stretched and fell, falling on Yana's excited body. I began to kiss her neck, breasts, nipples, go down lower and lower. Kissing the tummy again. Yanka herself was stroking my head and hair. I stroked her breasts as best I could. I breathed deeply and quickly. A new wave of excitement passed through the body. I went down to the clitoris. Rubbed on his nose. She held the tongue over the swollen lips of the Yankees. In the mouth immediately felt the taste of its lubrication. A quiet moan of pleasure broke from her lips. But she tried as best she could to control herself. I began to tongue caress her clitoris, penetrate into it. Hand stroking her crotch between two holes. That slightly penetrated one pussy finger, then spent and tried to get into the ass. Yanku already threw up to meet my caresses. I could clearly hear her deep breathing in the silence of the room.

I did not stop and tried to move faster and faster. I sucked the bump of her clitoris into her mouth and started rubbing her tongue on him and gently nibbling her lips. She already arched. A shiver passed through her body. Already the sheet pulled over. Two fingers penetrated her pussy. I twirled them a little in different directions. Rubbed against the walls of her holes. It was so wet there. My whole face was in her juices. The hole began to squish. Yankee's easy moans and this squelch were well heard. I myself breathed deeply and tremble with excitement.

Then we clearly heard the door of the next room opening. Yanka already shuddered. I also thought that they heard our caresses and go to us. We both froze. Only breathed deeply. I myself raised up. I didn’t know if the roofing felts fall back into bed or we need to collect our belongings from the floor of the room. But two fingers remained in Yanke. There was a cistern noise. And again the creak of the same door. We both breathed a sigh of relief. I straightened my hair and leaned again and began to actively tongue Yanki’s lips, her clit, with my fingers and moving inside. She again began to throw me to the meeting. Lubrication and flowed from the pussy immediately getting into my mouth.She bent even more and shook in her orgasm. I felt well as pulsing ... Read more →

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