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Dear readers in my story 26 I will continue to describe my sexual adventure. Who has not read my works in a few words will remind myself. My name is Ilona. Now I am 24 years old. and so I am an ordinary girl from Ukraine. Slender, medium height, with dark hair, breasts of the second size. It is quite attractive. And now I begin my story.

I then studied in the second year of economics. Two months of study have already passed unnoticed. Started November. The days were short, it was almost always cloudy. Basically, now after couples we went to a hostel where anyone wanted and had fun. Approaching the next weekend. I was not particularly going to go home this time. But my roommate from the first year called me to her place. I somehow tried to get dirty from such a trip. But Janka always offered me to go to her. Look at their small town, visit her.

Yanka studied with me in the same specialty only in another group. We lived in one room in a hostel and often had fun together. Yanka is a year older than me. And so slender blonde, with breasts of the first size. Maybe a little taller than me, and maybe the same on the eye the difference was almost not noticeable. She once again began to persuade me to go to visit her. I decided to agree with the hesitations, although I had little idea what I would do there for almost three days. After the couples on Friday we went to a hostel together.

- Ilonka! How are you going to visit me this weekend? - Yana asked me and blinked so nicely with her big eyelashes. - Immediately go close. If you get bored, you want to come back tomorrow to the hostel.

- Well, Jan. I somehow do not know. - I said thoughtfully and looked somewhere far off while continuing to walk in the stream of students to our hostel. - Your parents will not say anything?

- Yes, what are you saying. Dad says all the time that I invited you. - Yanka noticed that I was looking somewhere in the distance and pulled my jacket, I turned my head in her direction. - You already help me so much in my studies. Let's go from immediately get ready and go.

- Since you ask so. Good, I'll go. - I agreed with a bit of contentment in my voice and looked at Yanka and noticed her wide smile. - Of things I take something with me?

We have already entered the hostel. The turnstile crowded many students who were waiting for their turn. Everybody was in a hurry. Many chatted in line. It was a light noise. We somehow squeezed inside and climbed the stairs to our floor. For a minute we were already in our room. I put the bag on my bed. I hung up my jacket in the closet and began to think what to put on the road. Yanka began to collect her belongings, empty cans, and some other things. I sat on my bed and just watched her. How she bent over jeans so nicely stretched and beckoned to herself. Slight excitement passed through the body.

- Jan! So don't take it with you? I asked again and lay back a little on the bed. “Are we going for a walk or will we be more at home?”

- Maybe we go to the disco. - replied Yanka and looked at me and even somehow thought. - Maybe in the cafe what we look. You can dress and take.

I just smiled and nodded in agreement. She took out her backpack. She put there still clean panties and bodice, threw black tights on 60 den, looked at her not very rich student wardrobe. Especially to choose there was not anything. But I decided to take with me a burgundy dress with sleeves and bottom to the knees. I figured it would look fine on me. Jeans, I decided not to change. Just wore a warm blouse with a multicolored strip. I also threw in a pink T-shirt, if there was anything to wear in her house and if anything came off instead of pajamas. Yanka continued to pack her things in the bag. I had most of the backpack was empty.I wanted to wear sneakers, but I didn’t want to take my boots for a walk in a dress, and the heel was not big in them. There was a thought to take a toothbrush with me, but I decided it would be easier to buy a new one there and throw it away if more than to take more things with me. Wore a light brown jacket. She took a small handbag with the most necessary. Straightened hair. A little under painted at the mirror. Yanka has already packed her things too.

I wanted to eat after couples. But I thought that in an hour we would get to Yankee's home. Now she was spinning near the mirror. I just looked out the window for a couple of minutes. On the clouds in the sky. For students who, with their bags, travel home one by one.

- I am ready. Let's go - Yank's clear voice brought me out of my mind.

I looked at her nodded in agreement. We closed our room and leisurely moved to the bus station. Minibuses to her city went often, there was no special hurry anywhere. The distance there is not large in the region of 20 kilometers. On the way, we chatted nicely about school. About coursework protection. About past elections. Well, everything is generally neutral subjects. Yanka talked a little about her city. Before that, I have never had to go to it. So we got to the bus station. The weather for the fall was not cold, only it was very wet.

People crowded at the platforms and waited for their buses. And we began to look at the direction we need. Here we found the route we needed. All seats have been taken. We paid the driver for the fare. The bus taxied slowly and drove through the city picking up more passengers. People crowded decently and it was not so comfortable to stand. It became a little hot. I wanted to open the hatch to use some fresh air. All pleased that the road will take a little time. So quietly the bus got out of the regional center. I looked at Yanka in moments. But she was looking somewhere in the window at the flickering fields. I looked out the window, then at the disparate passengers.

Already started to appear at home. Flashing high-rise buildings. The bus rocked on a broken road and had to hold on so that it would not fall on those standing nearby. Another couple of minutes and he stopped at a small bus station typical of our area. There were no more people here. Gradually, the bus began to get rid of people. I also went out. Yanka followed me. Autumnal cool air after a stuffy bus easily swept the face. I even flinched. And zipped up the jacket.

- Yang. Where are we now? - I asked and looked around. - Go far?

- Yes, there is not far 15 minutes on foot. We go there. - Yana pointed the direction of the hand. - If you want, we can go through the center, but then 40 minutes will go.

I stopped and thought. But Yanka was with things, did not want her to drive with these banks through their entire town. We decided to go on a short route, and then only if we walk around the city. On the way, Yana already told more where and what is in their city. Showed me your school. The city is mainly built up with private houses and high-rise buildings of 4-5 floors. So quietly got to their home. It turned out to be a two-story house with 6 apartments. We also have such houses in the city. Yanka lived in an apartment on the second floor. She opened the door with her key. We entered.

The apartment was a three-room, but the rooms are smaller than in our apartment. Or simply there was more furniture and it seemed so. I took off my jacket and hung it on a hanger standing at the entrance. We met her younger sister Diana. She then studied in the 7th grade. Also the same blonde, like her older sister. Nice little face, chest barely stood out. It scrolled in my head, the code will grow she will become the same slut as her older sister. They embraced and began to chat about their homework.

I took off my boots. And inspected further the apartment. So nothing special. The furniture was both old and new. Several carpets hung on the walls. The girls had a common room with a bed in two tiers. We all went to the kitchen. I started talking to her sister, and Yanka was cooking something to eat.We all had a snack together. So they sat chatting. The evening has come. First came Yana's mother. Well had to meet. ...

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