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- I say. - And swallow everything, honey.

She looks at me. No doubt feels a shake of the head in the mouth. And so...

- Nna! - I make the movement of a member inside her mouth, holding her head. - Nna! Hold on!

Anya prefers not to take stock in the mouth, like Nastya, but to swallow right away. He also manages to make sucking movements, as if a straw for a cocktail in the mouth. When I feel that everything is empty, I carefully get out of her mouth. Sit down opposite.

- Class! - praise her. - Anya, you suck just super!

She smiles a compliment. Then he says:

- I could not think that I would do it.

- What? Blow job?

- And him too. But the main thing is that this will be the husband of the boss and a friend ... - Anya says thoughtfully.

- The husband of the boss and girlfriend tells you "yes"! - I laugh. - And you go to the next tour.

- The next tour? - Anya is a little perplexed.

Instead of answering, I easily lay her on my back and dive my head between my legs, taking the labia to my sucking kiss.

- Oooh! - does not expect such a girl.

I straighten up, gently take her nipples with my fingers and pull, forcing her to rise.

“You didn’t think you would just get off me so easily?”

- Not? - asks Anya.

“Of course not,” I shake my head. “I haven't finished your cheesecake yet.”

Anya laughs:

- No one has ever called her cheesecake.

“The most appropriate name for it,” I confirm. - It remains only to fill.

“Strong,” sighs Anka. He gets off the table, looks at me: - What, and enough reserves for Olga?

“Everyone else will get the second round,” I inform. - Do not brag - I promise.

- Wow! - Anya makes a happy face and disappears in the steam room.

There is a fussing, excited fluttering. Then Olga is pushed out of the steam room, trying to cover her breasts and pubis with her small legs. Seeing me, she becomes stupid.

“You are welcome,” I nod to the table, rubbing it from oil stains and intimate grease.

- Or maybe not worth it? - Olya is trying to get out.

“But in order to understand, we must try,” I say softly, taking her hand and leading her to the table. She squints at my dangling while a member and steps over finely, like a lamb doe.

- Oops! - I sit her on the table.

Overcoming timid resistance, laid on his stomach. The hand movements gradually relax Olga. And even when I frankly crush her ass roll, she does not protest, only sigh, without turning her head.

I turn her back. With visible effort, the girl does not cover her chest and pubis with her hands. But my attention is attracted not even by a beautiful cream-colored nipple, and not by the thin petals of the lips under the pubis. On Olga's right thigh, there is an almost completed tattoo of the tree Yggdrasil.

- Wow! - I say. - This is chic!

Olga does not stand up and opens her eyes. Looks like I run my finger along the crowded lines of the branches.

- Long done? - I ask.

- Started a long time, - smiles Olga, - I do gradually. For the third year I can not finish, not enough money.

- I started with what?

- And here, - she sits down and shows a finger. “From this branch and the crow on it.” Then the trunk began to draw, then more branches ...

“It's beautiful,” I say, looking at the pink shell of her pussy opened to my eyes. The thin petals of the small lips peeking trustingly from under the large, asking for affection and attention. - Beautiful tattoo.

“Thanks,” Olga says flatly.

“But not more beautiful than here,” I put my hand on her labia, deftly moving inside with one finger.

- Oh! - the girl twitches, grabbing my hand. - You got me there ...

- Olya, yes not “you”, but “you”, - I smile, not letting her pull my hand off the crotch. - I hold you for the pussy. Because I really like her. And you know what? - I lean to her ear. - She tells me that she likes it too.

And with two fingers I make spiral movements in and out, extracting soft, smacking sounds from Olin's genitalia.

- Aaaa ...- Olya moans softly, not trying to push my hand away.

I take her breast with the second hand, having passed the nipple between the index and middle fingers. Without stopping to stir Olin inside the fingers, I say:

- Do not be shy, give yourself free rein. You deserve an orgasm. Do you want to finish?

- Yes-aaa ... - Olga pulls her legs.

“Then stop it, little one, stop it from my fingers in my pussy,” I deliberately dragon it with such talk.

“Ah ... ah ... ah ..." the girl began to roll her eyes.

- What are you doing, Olenka? - I asked, looking into her eyes. - Tell me - what are you doing?

- I ... - she moaned, - ... I ... finish-oo-oo-oo!

She squeezed my hand, splashing a trickle of her secret on her fingers, and sank down on her back. I waited until her muff opened a little and freed my fingers. He sat down on a bench nearby.

“Well, well, Olya,” I said with a smile. “Why have you resisted for so long?”

“I don't know,” she said, also smiling. - Shame on you somehow.

- And now not ashamed? - I winked.

“Not much,” Olga said.

“Feel free to shy me,” I said. - In the end, if I saw you in such a beautiful naked and caressed your wonderful wet pussy - you can not hesitate.

- Probably, you ... you ... - she got better, - right. It will be stupid.

“Olya,” I said, pestering. - Since we finally agreed on the main thing, could you help me?

“Oooh ...” she stretched, seeing my sausage which had once again risen close to her face. - Wow ... What a big ...

“Well, let's say, not small,” I smiled. - And look how you inspired him to feats. Can you help him get rid of the heavy load?

- It's mouth, huh? - looked at my face Olya.

“Just for them, little one,” I moved the head to her lips. He moved his lips, pressed a little.

The girl slightly opened her mouth, immediately getting the head entirely. Grabbed my sausage with my hand, not letting me get carried away. And she began to slowly move her head, helping herself with her hand. It worked out pretty good, even though the view itself excited me more - a little girl, almost a schoolgirl in appearance, sucks a decent-sized cock, making smacking sounds.

- Come on, my dear, you perfectly suck my sausage, - I said, forcing Olga to shudder. Her movements sped up. Yeah, I guessed it - she gets such talks and words!

“Olenka, slide your lips over my cock, suck everything out of me,” I continued, grabbing her nipples and pinching them gently.

“Ummm ...” Olga moaned, looking at me pleadingly pretty.

- Do you want a big boy to finish your mouth full of his cream? - I continued, taking her face in the palm. - Will you be a delicious cream to swallow?

“Mmma ...” she moaned. I came out of her mouth.

- I do not understand, repeat.

“I will ... swallow,” the girl gasped out, and I noticed her fingers hustling between her legs.

“Take your hands off your pussy,” I ordered. - Did I really allow it?

- Aah! - she stopped by force, looking at me.

- Continue to work with your mouth. - I again drove her mouth member. - Soon your favorite cream, which you so love to swallow, will flow, right?

“Umgm,” Olga confirmed, working her mouth like a vacuum cleaner. So much for “how are you doing”!

- Olenka! - I fixed her head and began to give portions of my trademark "sauce" into her mouth. - Swallow, my girl!

The girl twitched, feeling the first shot, but quickly gathered, swallowing sperm. When I finished, I moved a little more in her mouth and went out. He caught a small drip on the lower lip with a finger and gave it to lick.

- Umnichka - I said a little tired. “Now go to the girls, wash your face and go to the house.”

Olga nodded, happily looking at me, and disappeared into the steam room. Laughter and exclamations “well, well!”, “You have given nothing!” And “what an actress was!” Immediately came from there. In the meantime, I collected mugs and a jug with ... Read more →

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