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on the boa and smiling shyly.

“Then we’ll cool down a bit now and offer the next program number.” Massage.

Right from the anticipation of the movements of the hands on the girls' bodies, he had already risen so that even the apron lifted, what was felt. Anya notices this, quickly looks away, but almost immediately returns it to my stand, hidden by an apron. And no longer takes his eyes. Nastya looks with a squint, you will not understand where. But I have no doubt that he also sees. I turn my head to the side, I see Olin’s red face lowered and his eyes mow sideways. Fingers nervously pulling the edge of the towel.

“I promise you won't be disappointed,” I hammer in the final nail of persuasion. - Unfortunately, I have only two hands, the table is also one, so I suggest that two girls enjoy the aromatic bath. And one bold - you are welcome.

“Girls, I'm not going to the steam room yet,” Nastya says quietly, opening her eyes. - Still not cold.

Here you have cast lots. Quickly. And in the store almost did not talk to me. Interesting. Really "in a still waters ..."?

Anya rises, defiantly leaving a towel on the bench. Passes to the steam room, pulls for a Olga, a little dazed from such a quick turn of events:

- Well, Ol, let's go, check out the aromatherapy?

She drags her inside, then a small scuffle is heard and Olguino's towel flies out into the opened door, splashing on the floor by the bench. I lift it, hang it on the hook. I free the table from mugs with kvass, I make an inviting gesture for Nastya. I turn my back myself, take off my apron, take a bottle of oil in my hands.

Nastya had already laid down on the table, placing a towel under her head so that it would not be tough. The legs are free, showing the tight rollers of the closed lips of the vulva, and so enticing to thrust in them a protruding member. No, we will make it.

I pour oil into my palms, I easily begin to rub into the back with wide movements. Well rump shoulders, neck - let him relax. Hot body gives in easily. Here came the turn of the hands, here is the small of the back, that's a beautiful butt buried under the arms. Now the legs - feet, calves, thighs. Persecuted, we drive blood to the most important place - filled with juices and the desire for the outlet between the legs. Having walked as if by random strokes straight over the lips, I say to Nastya:

- Roll over.

She rolls over, razomlev and excited. A little freezes at the sight of my riser, uncovered. I lightly press on the chest and lower it onto the table. Hands slide over the breasts, catching protruding nipples with fingers. They tummy tummy, again slide off the hips. A little pull one to the side, getting to the internal muscles. I stroke them, seeing the pussy flashing with desire and female moisture and hearing Nasto's frequent breathing.

I look into her eyes, smile. And without any warning I thrust two fingers straight into her vagina. They fly like clockwork, having pulled out a full-fledged moan from it:

- Aaaah!

“You are my beauty,” I quietly tell her, wielding fingers inside her. With the second hand, I stroke the breasts, twisting one or the other nipple.

- Aah! Aah! - Nastya grabs my hand, bending the hips and looking at me with open eyes.

I bend down and kiss her, coarsely sucking the lips of my mouth and increasing the pace of my finger movements into the vagina. I feel Nastin's tongue and I catch it with my lips, I use my own. I feel that my fingers begin to grasp in a wavy manner the ring of her pussy. I break away from my lips and, looking into her eyes, I say:

- So, my sweet, finish, finish with me, finish !!!

Nastya arches, she squeezes my wrist tightly with her hand, her eyes close, her mouth opens:

- Aaaaaaa!

After waiting for her to let go a little, stroking her tummy. Slowly pull the slippery fingers out of it, causing a light half-half-breathing. I lean towards a slightly disheveled chink and barely kiss her to the very top, where the clitoris has not fully hidden.

- You're my girl ...

Nastya is looking at me, trying to bring out the sharpness of her eyes and not at all ashamed of her spread legs and the shiny pleasure of pussy.

- Will you help me? - I ask her and shake her poured member.

Nastya nods, gently strokes his fingers. Looking at me: how do I want?

“To begin with, in my mouth,” I tell her, smiling. - The rest later.

Nastya half-sighs-half-sighs and sits on the table. Smacking my slippery head and putting his head on the trunk. Blowjob she does well, it feels like she can and loves. I'm so charged that after five minutes I warn her:

- Do you like creamers?

Without interrupting, Nastya looks up at me, trying to take the head deeper. I take her cheeks, stopping and fixing the head. And starting to fill her mouth with a large portion of accumulated sperm. The girl first dials her for both cheeks, but, feeling that the stocks are all coming and coming, she takes one sip, second, third ...

Releasing her head, I sit on the bench to take a breath. Nastya wipes from the corners of her mouth a little who has run, reaching for a cup of kvass. Washes down, smiles at me:

- Well, you have accumulated ...

- There is, - I laugh. Then I say: - Go to the steam room and call Anya.

- Olya for sweets? - laughs Nastya, getting off the table.

“Let it happen later,” I wink at, causing a fit of laughter in her.

After a while, accompanied by a whisper, Anya comes out of the steam room. He sees me naked and slows down a bit. Then he asks:

- Go to the table?

“Yeah,” I say, walking up to her with a bottle of oil. Helping to climb, looking at the already slightly dispersed lip of the lips between his legs, anticipating affection.

I crush Ankina back, shoulders, arms. I ask:

- Well, did Nastya have time to interrogate?


Anya after a short pause, too, giggles.

- Yeah, tried a little.

- And what did you say?

“She liked that a lot,” Anya says streamlined, getting high from my fingers, kneading her feet.

- What exactly? - I hooked. - Massage?

“And not only,” Annie sighs, as my hands begin to push the blood up from my ankles. - Especially the final part.

- The final? - I scoff. - And what was it like that?

“Mmm ...” Anya exhales, feeling how my fingers take between her legs. Slippery.

- Maybe - the final? - strung a girl on her fingers.

- Ahhh! - she pulled out, clutching at the edge of the table. - Yeah!

I turn Anya on my back, bend my knees, I breed. I take the whole penny in the crotch, twisting the nipple.

- And so? - I look into her eyes, which are increasingly tightening the film of pleasure.

“Ho-ro-sho-oh ...” breathes Anya, holding on to the edges of the table and crouching on my fingers.

A little more - and ends with short exhalations, like an automaton:


Silently, the chest heaves high. Opens his eyes, looks at me.

- screamed out loud, right? - for some reason she asks.

- Well, - I twist the palm. - It happens when it was not long.

“Well, yes,” agrees Anya. - What to hide. There was no long.

- Well, when there are true friends? - I wink at.

- Is that what they call it now? She laughs.

“Anya, be a good girl,” I say, moving closer to her. My member is ready again, one time not to calm him down. - Nastya told you everything?

- Well, in general terms, - Anya looks at the penis like a cobra, even though they are not very different.

- Be a friend - help, - I poke her head with lips.

- I will remember the skills on the go - smiling girl.

Opens the mouth, lets in the head. Dips shallow, trying. Releases.

- Big - says. - I haven’t had one yet.

“You can do it, honey,” I stroke her breast.

Anya closes her eyes, concentrating. Swallows half of the penis, slightly squeezing on release. He knows how well doing. He wraps me around my ass, starts to move my head back and forth, pausing for circular loops with the tongue around the head. Mmm, beauty ...

- Anya, get ready ... Read more →

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