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- Do you really want this? I asked Nina, holding her face in my hands.

She nodded silently. Then she sighed, buried her face in my chest. She said quietly:

- I started it, so do not ask. I'm not sure about anything, just want everything to be fine. I can only hope that you stay with me.

- Never doubt it! - I interrupted the spouse, taking by the shoulders, removing and looking into the eyes. - You are my only one, others I do not need.

Nina sighed, stroked the bulging belly ...

The idea of ​​going on nature really belonged to Nina. The official excuse was innocent enough - kebabs in our garden. The house was small, but cozy. Banya, again. And not some quick work, but a full-fledged log cabin. Small, but made to last.

Nina had to work in the store for about a month before going on maternity leave. The girls at her work, as usual, moaned - oh, how can we be without you, and whom will they put our boss in ... Nina I had a manager in a clothing store and the team she had was exclusively ladies'.

- Nothing, girls, whoever they will deliver, anyhow, - said my spouse. - Yes, and I will visit you.

Now it is necessary to go to, in fact, the reason for my trip to the garden. More precisely - ours. In addition to me, there were three girls from her store — Anya, Olya and Nastya. All three are different in appearance, but similar in the absence of a permanent man nearby. Anya was divorced and raised her son. Olya constantly suffered with her boyfriend, who was neither fish nor meat. Nastya was also divorced, but without children.

Nina complained to me more than once that because of the lack of a sexual life, girls are not working at full strength. That it is not glued to them, then another. Well, this is understandable, without sex, who wants to howl like a wolf.

These conversations remained a pure theory exactly until Nina said that now with sex we have a temporary moratorium before the birth. Because it is impossible inside, something doctors do not advise there, and Nina never really liked to do a blowjob, and even to swallow ... At first it upset me, but the presence of other holes - the spouse allowed me to sometimes come to her in the ass - compensated this is an inconvenience.

Now I stayed on a starvation diet. Nina tried to solve the case by hand, but the sensations were not at all the same. I made a face, but suffered. So what to do? Pregnancy - the thing is, there is no man in command.

And then Nina came up with the idea, which at first I took as a joke, then as a strange suspicion about myself. And then I thought for a long time ...

“Seryozh, I was thinking here,” Nina said one evening when we both were already lying and I almost fell asleep. - You do not have enough sex, right?

“Sunny, well, I'm not small, I’ll shake it up somehow,” I muttered almost in my sleep.

“I read that this is harmful,” Nina continued. - That men such prolonged abstinence can go sideways.

“Well, never mind, everything will be fine,” I reassured Nina, almost losing the thread of the conversation.

“And I thought that maybe, until I could have sex with you, you could do it with others,” Nina whispered.

“Of course, we’ll do it,” I almost agreed, having gone to sleep.

And almost immediately he felt the dream dislodge me with soap suds in the shower. He opened his eyes, remembering her last words. I heard or ...?

- Nina, what did you say? - I turned to her head.

“That you could have sex with other girls until I can do this,” Nina repeated very quietly, bumping her face under my arm.

- This is what? - I asked in surprise.

- Well ... Anya, for example, from my work. Or Olga with Nastya, - said Nina, looking at me.

“Ah,” I drawled, calming down. Again she is about her loners. - Yes of course. How do I come to the store and at lunchtime, and there all at once on the table ...

- Sergei, well, what's on the table - smiled wife. “We have cameras everywhere.” No girl would agree.

- So I therefore do not go! - I laughed.

“But if in a quiet environment, where everyone is relaxed and in the right mood,” Nina said.

- In the noisy hall of the restaurant, amusement and dope? - I winked.

“In our garden,” Nina said.

- In terms of? - I did not understand. - Something I do not understand.

- Well, if you went with them to the garden, there is a kebab, a bath, wine ... Would you be able to deal with them ... have sex?

- Dear, what kind of hints? - I was offended. - I kind of did not give reasons. You are my one, so be it. I don't want anyone else.

“You too, my love,” Nina kissed me. - I'm talking about something else, do not be offended. If you knew that I didn't mind, would you agree to go with them?

“Twenty-five again,” I said, displeased. - if yes if only ... What are you getting at? If I hadn’t been married to you, would I go with them to the garden, where later would there be sex? So it would be a different life, why talk about it.

- No, if you knew- Nina singled out the word with intonation, - that I allow it to you. Could you have sex with them?

I was silent. Asked:

- Are you serious?

- Yes, Seryozh, - Nina nodded. - Remember, I told you about my girls? How are their personal life seams. And work because of this suffers.

- I remember. But what do you suggest? So I vdul them to improve performance? - I joked rudely.

- Well, something like this, - my spouse has taken aback. “Two birds with one stone would be killed, honey.”

- I.e? - I looked at her stunned, digesting it "something like this."

“And you have sex, and the girls are happy,” said Nina, winking a little deliberately.

- I hesitate to ask - girls know something? - I quipped.

“Girls are my concern,” the wife said. - You are required to desire, consent and opportunity.

- Ninul, and what are you, absolutely you will not be jealous of me? - I clung to the last argument.

“If you love me, no,” my beloved woman said softly and seriously.

“Nina,” I hugged her, pulling her toward me. - You're my very best. I will not give you any.

“And I love you,” said Nina. - But for me, Seryozh? Can you

“I'll try,” I said. - But I can not promise anything. If, as they say, does not arise, then there is no need to seek.

- Yes, everything will turn out, Serge, - smiled spouse. - What, my girls are not beautiful, or what?

I remembered every one of them. Anya, of medium height, thin, small breasts. Upper teeth a little beaver, but it does not spoil it. On the contrary, when smiling, it’s a straightforward baby sun smile. Olya, the smallest of them. He always asks: “how are you doing?”, What amuses me a lot. The chest is also small, but otherwise it is so fine. Nastya is the tallest of them, half a head taller than Ani. The face is pretty, albeit a bit cold for me. But her ass is valid, and I want to put it on my knees and walk along both holes. Breast is quite decent for her height, two, I think.

... And so I kissed Nina and went down to the courtyard, where my “Delika” was already purring with a motor. I love this car for almost universality - and in the city it is well done, and in nature it will not be lost. Diesel is quite economical, if you follow it and not strain it.

In the cabin lay food and alcohol, about firewood could not worry - have long been chopped up and carefully lay in the barn. So I looked out the window, waved Nina, who was looking from above from the balcony, and left the yard.

I picked Anya first. She lived from us in two stops and quite often, going from a cafe or cinema, we accompanied her to the house. Looking at her house, the gray five-story socket where she lived with her son, mother and grandmother, I recalled my children's apartment.

Anya was already standing at the entrance with a sports bag, dressed in jeans and a brown parka. How many remember her - she does not like dresses. Although, when I saw her a couple of times in them - quite so, what does she complex?

Seeing me, she waved her hand. I slowed down, went out, opened the door to the salon.

“Hi,” Anya said a little differently. Or it seems to me, in the light of our ...

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