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it became so warm. He, too, fell on top of me. And his cock continued to throb in me. I breathed hard and fast. My legs did not hold me at all, and he also leaned on me. And just like that with him fell to the side. He only managed to grab me so that I would not fall. A member with a distinctive sound fell out of me. Fresh cold air burst into the open hole.

Pasha held me under his arms. He pulled a little on himself and sat down on a bench with his bare bottom. I wanted to bend my legs, but they did not listen to me. Only now jeans and panties pulled my knees together. And with my head and hands I sank on the table. I'm still my whole body away from orgasm. Waves of pleasure and euphoria rolled over him. I saw the pasha's member go limp. There was a lot of sperm in the condom. Gone thought is now to tighten it and try the sperm, but the strength to act was not. I saw him pull him off and threw him to those who were already there. Now new travelers, staying for rest on the road, will see our traces of pleasure. He stepped towards me.

- Ilonka! Are you all right? He asked in a caring voice. - Let's get ready. We will go already.

- Yes, everything is fine. - I said and nodded my head. - Give me a minute to relax and gather strength.

He came in tight to me his fading penis with traces was almost on my face. He began to stroke my sweaty forehead and hair. Seeing him in front of him could not cope. She opened her mouth and cupped her lips. In the mouth felt the taste of sperm. Several times I sponge spent along the trunk collecting the remnants of the seed. He stroked me like that.

- You are a good girl and insatiable. But do not. And then he will rise again. We need to gather. - Pasha said a little alarmed and took a step back. - Enough for today.

He went even further. He pulled back his pants and pants.

- Let's get ready baby. And I'll go see what's in there with the car.

- Good. - I said and nodded my head. - Give me 5-10 minutes. I was almost gone.

He went to the side of the car. In the distance, the sound of the road was heard. I did not even notice how the rain began to drizzle. I rose from the table. The hair on the head was a little unraveled and hung in different directions. I kinda stabbed them back. She took out wet wipes from her purse. I wanted to wash, but there was no water. I wiped my face. Wiped something like mascara. And then she broke up. Wiped out saliva and sweat. It even became somehow fresh and the smell of raspberries stood before the nose. I tried to move my legs. They moved. Hands kneaded knees and muscles a little. I tried to stretch my legs. Happened. I thought well. Has corrected the moving bodice and lowered the T-shirt back. It was a little cold or so it seemed to me.

- Have you already gathered? - the driver asked a little displeased - Come on dear faster, and then a lot of time lost. It is already evening and the rain has begun.

- More minutes. Already almost everything is ready.

I turned my head and saw a driver standing not far away. He clearly admired me once again. My half naked body. I wanted to send him, but he looked at me so lustfully. I do not know what thoughts were in his head. I did not pay attention to him rose. She took a new napkin and started wiping her crotch and pussy. On which there was a lot of grease, which in some places already dried up. I wiped it all away like a napkin. Catching on his lustful looks. Apparently, he again wanted to rush and fuck me.

I pulled the panties, pulled the jeans back. Once again, I looked at myself in general. Got it all back in her purse. Only again, with a sigh, she glanced at the three freshly rolled condoms.

- Come on, come on! Do not delay the time. - said the driver and waved his hand to me.

I did not answer him. We moved to the car. The priest had not yet returned to normal and it was not comfortable to go, it seemed that there was still a member there and was preventing her from treading normally. Pasha was already in the car. I sat down in my seat, and we moved on.

Hope you enjoyed reading my story.I would be glad to wishes and comments, as well as comments.

  • baha (a guest)
    September 23, 2017 7:58

    The story is excited! These girls are rare, who understand a lot about sex, but they didn’t like what the guy called her a slut.


    • Rating: 3
  • dude (a guest)
    September 23, 2017 14:24

    Ilonushka, I haven’t read yet, but I believe that I’ve still written so excitingly


    • Rating: 1
  • September 24, 2017 23:27

    Thanks for the comments! Yes, I have been reviewed for everyone, and the slut has not even paid much attention.


    • Rating: 1
  • Maksim (a guest)
    October 2, 2017 18:00

    Ilona Gorgeous writing. Himself would kiss your lips wet. I would like to continue the story with my friend Yana, but already with a guy. Well you in one of the stories did not disclose to the guys of all secrets)


    • Rating: 0
  • October 4, 2017 18:28

    Thank! Well, no, of course, stories about my adventures, I will write the main thing that time.


    • Rating: 1

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