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the driver is always cheaper for several hryvnias, and then the drivers did not want to receive preferential prices for students. It turned out all the same problem to sit down. Yanka and I said goodbye, and she went to her platform. I began to read the signs on the buses. It was not so easy to navigate, since most of the buses went to the villages through my city, and the name of all the villages was not really known, so many buses inserted an additional sign with the name of the regional centers through which the bus passes so it was somehow possible to understand . Yes, I also wanted to buy something to eat on the road.

There were many people on the platform. I saw the bus I was approaching, but I couldn’t sit down. On most routes not big buses “Bogdan” or “Etalon” or whatever they are correctly called are plying. The people were already ready to storm this bus. I figured it out that I’d hardly be able to push aside the crowd preparing to take seats.

- Girl! Girl! - I heard a voice, though I did not immediately understand that the appeal was in my direction. - Girl! I appeal to you. I am going by car in this direction. If you want you can go with comfort for the same price as the bus. I have already found one companion.

I turned my head. A young man of about 35 in jeans and a striped sweater stood in three meters from me. He had a short haircut, in his hands he held the keys to the car. He was of medium height, with a noticeable bulging belly from under his jacket. Because of the short haircut, the head seemed round like a ball, and the stomach resembled another ball, but only under a sweater. I looked at him. He looked at me for sure.

- Is that you to me? - I asked.

- Yes to you. - quietly answered the man. - So, how are you going? The car is over there.

He showed his hand in the direction of the side road, but there were several cars standing there and I did not immediately understand which of them was his. Meanwhile, people rushed into the opened door of the bus. I often saw men who stood at the entrance to the bus station or on platforms and monotonously mumbled the name of cities to themselves. And then what I deserved such attention. It can be seen my bottom, covered with jeans, attracted him or slim figure, or maybe I was just closest to him. Well, I will not say for sure.

- And when will we go? And how many?

- Well, if you go, there will be another place. If I do not find anyone in 20 minutes we will go. And since for such a beautiful girl, and what would be without surrender 30 hryvnia - the driver quickly said, twisting the keys in his hands. - Well, do you agree?

I froze for a while and thought. Well, the bus driver took 32 hryvnia, so the savings are not great. Maybe the car will be faster, but it will still have half the way now to stand with this backpack, which, although it was not heavy, has already begun to remind myself of pulling my back back. He apparently noticed that I was thinking I decided to remind myself again.

- Yes, what do you think. Why do you need to shake and hustle on this bus? And so quickly you will be at home. Do not be afraid of you. We are not going to go together, I will have already found one student.

- Okay, I agree. - I answered affirmatively and nodded in agreement. - And you can go to eat and buy, but she did not eat lunch?

- Just go quick. Time is short, what would you not wait. Come on, you see there is a white Audi. - said the driver and showed me again in the direction of the cars standing on the road. - The boy is sitting there. See? Now, if not here, then go there. In 20 minutes we are going.

- OK, I understood everything. I'm going to have a quick meal. - I said and considered standing cars.

I saw a white car, though I couldn’t disassemble the brand from a distance. I quickly went to the buffet and bought a sausage in the dough, a waffle chocolate and a small bottle of water. Well, that was not a big line. Water and candy put in the side pocket of a backpack. And with a bun I went and sat down under a canopy on a bench and began to eat quickly.There were still a few such hungry students, and the older people also actively supported themselves on the road. I saw both the car and the driver. I ate half. Got water, drank a little. And she went on to finish her modest dinner. In 5 minutes I coped with my lunch and went to the car. Passing by the driver, he smiled at me so sweetly. Again obviously admired me.

I went to the car. Yes, it was the old Audi 100, in some places already covered with rust. I took off my backpack and opened the back door. A young man of about 20 looked at me. He had dark hair, about my color. He was slim, he was hard to measure in a sitting position. He was wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt. Well, in general, so pretty nice guy. I put the backpack on the floor of the car and sat down myself. The door did not close it seemed to me that it was hot inside.

- Hello! Where are you going to go? - asked the guy and looked appreciatively in my direction. - My name is Pasha, and you?

- I am Ilona. - I replied, and also called where I was going. - Where are you going?

He also called one of the villages of our district. I even knew where it is. There is a good lake there and we sometimes went there with friends to swim, sunbathe, and of course without having sex. We had an easy conversation. He told me that he knew good and quiet meta, and I that had been near his village and had a rest on this lake. About the fact that several times I was fucked in the bushes, I did not tell him, only the memories forced a wave of excitement to walk through the body, in the lower abdomen responded, and the pussy reminded of itself.

And so I learned that he was 20 years old, that he was studying at the last year of medical college at a medical assistant. Lives like me in a hostel. And he was clearly in a hurry, as he was constantly looking at his watch. Then we started talking about studying. He began to ask what subjects I study at my economics department. Do we have a lot of boys in the group. And we had only three of them and 24 girls. Well, from this - the Faculty of Economics. Their proportion was almost equal. We would talk further, but the car door opened, and the driver took his place.

- What are the kids? We will go. I did not find the third companion. Let's go right behind the road. - said the driver and put the keys in the ignition. - As agreed with you for 30 hryvnia. Gasoline is expensive now.

- Here you go. There is no surrender. - I said quietly and handed him the money.

My neighbor began to rummage through his pockets. I never loved those who shoved a trifle in all pockets. I always put everything in my wallet or one pocket neatly and don’t shove anything. He handed a handful of bills of different denominations. It is clear that the poor student. I closed the door and the car started off. The driver turned on the music. The repertoire was some kind of strange. He reminded me about rural weddings, where just the public preferred tearful songs about love.

The car slowly moved through the city. On the main streets there was a rather intensive traffic. Had a debt to stand at traffic lights. From the window of the car I looked at the traffic flows passing along the pavement of people, the windows of the roadside high-rise buildings. Visitors were noticeable in the cafe. I don’t know why I wanted to drink a cup of aromatic coffee. It seems the car was filled with its aroma. This is just a figment of the imagination. Floating clouds were displayed in the glass. For 15-20 minutes, I finally managed to get around for the city’s redistribution.

Now Audi has picked up speed and noisy no longer a new engine, accompanied by lyrical and folk music rushed along the road. The landscape outside the window has changed. Now the forests and fields flashed by. If we go like this, then I will be home in half an hour, I thought.

Pasha took out a tablet from a shabby bag. Clicking the couple. I just saw that he came into contacts, but on the way the mobile Internet was not working steadily, as well as the communication moments fell into uncovered zones. I just noticed that the pages were loading badly.

- Want to see my photos? - Pasha suggested. - Here I went to the sea this summer with friends.

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