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girl! I see...

The look remained in the hollow between her breasts. He swallowed from a sudden desire to touch them, but the natural modesty did not allow him to move.

- Thank...

The girl smiled knowingly and got up, pulling the man behind her from the kitchen. He did not resist. Even slightly emboldened, he pressed himself against the girl so that she felt that he already wanted her, and he inhaled the smell of her wet hair. She purred something, a little passionately passionate.

Quickly finding a bed in a small apartment, she turned to face the man and, pulling a towel from his hips, immediately dropped to her knees.

Hippolyte gently stroked the girl's hair, admiring the work of this skillful blond head, which immediately began to work on his excited organ rhythmically and deeply. No kisses and gentle touches - a clear job of a robot for blowjobs. But it seemed to him that he never felt anything sweeter than her lips on his penis. His girlfriend gave him a blowjob timidly and shallowly, and not for long. And Tamara won how hard she tries, so that she feels the head of her throat, and the testicles beat her on the chin. She has already grabbed his buttocks and just fucks him with her mouth with the clear goal of getting a reward.

No, he can't do that! Cum in the mouth of the girl - somehow it is not "comme il faut" ... Hippolytus removed her head. She understands without words. What to say - experience.

- Condom?

- In the table ...

Finds, puts on, gently unwinding latex along the entire length of the penis. Pushes a man onto a bed and sits on top. He moans, pulling off a towel from the girl. Breasts, swaying, fall in his palm juicy fruits. He rubs them with one hand in turn, the other helps the girl move on it. She rides him like a ryty white-maned horse, and she pulls the man by his hair, twirling her fist.

He gets such an activity random friend. Hippolyte sheds her off with her, with the movement of a strong hand, turns her on her stomach. Jerk for hips - to yourself. In her, deeply, until a loud cry. Who, after all, is a male here ?!

She sweeps, so tender, flexible, sexy. Perfect ... And for some reason I can not believe that she is a whore! Everything that happened to him today seems like a dream. Which well, by the way, ends. Very good. Good, good ... Impossible, good ...

Having embraced the girl and having pressed all the body to a bed, the man blows up. She screams and shakes with her whole body. He feels - sincerely, without a gram of simulation.

Alcohol, satisfaction and fatigue acts as a sedative. Soon both are sleeping, hugging. She is pleasant embraces beautiful, strong men, and he warms his warmth. He is soothed and devastated. He wants someone close by.

... In the morning, Hippolytus woke up in a great mood. Nearby, nestling against his chest, slept a pretty girl. He remembered who she was, but it didn’t bother him that he had done that yesterday. He was good with a whore. Hippolytus still believed that, unlike his ex-girlfriend, she had a pure and immaculate soul.

He did not want to let her go! He did introduce himself as Richard Gere. She will take and take this girl out of the horror in which she lives, and she will live with him and thank her savior!

He woke up a romantic. Although he did not fall asleep in it. Hippolytus stood quietly so as not to wake the girl, and went into the kitchen. Turned on a quiet relaxing music - where do without it ...

Waking up from the smell of fried bread and scrambled eggs, Tamara smiled and stretched. She finally slept, and the smell of delicious food made her stand up. The girl wore her clothes and entered the kitchen.

- Good morning! - She smiled, leaning against the doorjamb.

- Come on, beauty! Breakfast is ready ... - he put two plates on the table. - I wanted to bring to bed, but did not have time ...

The girl looked at him in surprise, but said nothing. Hunger took its toll - she pounced on food. Hippolyte ate, glancing at Tamara, deciding something.

Yesterday, thanks to this girl, he almost forgot that he broke up with his beloved. All that remained was dull pain and regret.And he did not want to be alone with his thoughts now.

- Tamar, I was fine with you ...

The girl looked up.

- Well ... I, too, - smiled, finishing my breakfast. - But I have to go ...

- That's what I wanted to talk to you ... Stay with me!

- What do you mean! I already spent the night with you! My stepfather will tear off my head if I do not return during the day ...

- You did not understand. Do not go back to stepfather ...

Tamara stopped chewing and stared incredulously at the man. In her eyes, and surprise, and fear, and anger. Finally she quietly asked:

- Are you sick? - she was suddenly afraid that she fell into the hands of a maniac or a madman.

“No, I'm serious ...” the man stood up and reached out for Tamara to hug her.

The girl jumped up.

- Listen, you took me off for the night! Pay me and I'll leave! - Hastily said, trying to hide the fear in his voice. What a fool on her head!

“But I ...” Hippolyte sincerely did not understand why she was fleeing him.

- Please ... - quieter than before. And he understood - she was scared.

- I will not hurt you ...

In her view it is clear - she is adamant in her decision. The man went for the money, gave her more than agreed. The girl grabbed the money and rushed to the exit.

- Why? - just asked Hippolyte, while the girl was wearing shoes. - I'm not crazy, I'm serious ...

“Sorry,” she looks calmly into his eyes. And believes him. - You think I could not run away before ?! - Tamara looks straight into the eyes of a man, seeing that he is beginning to understand the situation. - I just like it so much ... I want it so much !!!

And she left, leaving a surprised man on the threshold of his apartment.

He thought he had found a girl with the soul of an angel. But no! All women - bl ... di!

Hippolyte wandered back to the kitchen. The soul is now asked for a completely different music ...

  • August 12, 2017 12:09

    10, I liked it :-)


    • Rating: 1
  • 12 August 2017 13:42

    Thank. Glad you liked))


    • Rating: 0
  • August 13, 2017 6:28

    Yeah) great, I want to say) write more!


    • Rating: 1
  • August 13, 2017 11:19

    I write, I write)


    • Rating: 0
  • August 13, 2017 10:30

    Very dramatic. As if taken from real life. It seems to me that there are a lot of such cases, we just do not know about them.


    • Rating: 2
  • August 13, 2017 11:23

    Description Hippolyta taken from real life (my colleague asked to be on the pages of my fantasies). Well, and the circumstances somehow appeared themselves)) Maybe such cases are in real life. I opened one of them to the Reader;)
    Thanks for the nice review.


    • Rating: 1
  • August 13, 2017 12:36

    I just felt like there are real people in the story)


    • Rating: 0
  • August 14, 2017 8:23

    Handsomely. Less sex, more psychology and thin trolling of men.


    • Rating: 1
  • August 14, 2017 9:56

    I don’t troll men, I love nothing))) Although yes, I wanted to hurt the described hero a little, climb ...)) And for some reason he liked everything, he says, everything is right for him)


    • Rating: 0
  • August 15, 2017 18:32

    So romantic happened. I wanted so happy end, but the reality is not always like that.


    • Rating: 1
  • August 15, 2017 21:18

    Thanks for the feedback. Yes, life is usually not so romantic)


    • Rating: 0

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