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How sickening it is when you suddenly find out that a person whom you trusted unconditionally, idolized, looked into his mouth and could not breathe the air that was near him, a traitor! Cats scrubbed at Hippolyt's soul. He walked under a light drizzle, almost not noticing him. Blond long hair with wet strands stuck to his face, and he used his usual movement to throw them up. But they, swollen and heavy, slid down the strong cheekbones again.

Hippolyte suddenly stopped, found headphones in his jeans pocket. Focused and gloomy, as if what he now wants to do is very important to him. Finally, poking impatiently with a wet finger on the touch screen, he turned on the music he needed now. The melodious sounds of Sacrifice sounded in my head, spilling the gracious calm through the man's wound nerves.

He really needed music. And not only now - always. He lived to the rhythms of music, his heart pounded to the beat of his fingers on the keys of the piano. Hippolyte is a musician both by education and in spirit. Now he will listen to the necessary music at the moment, tune in to the wave - and it will be possible to live on.

Yes, and what to do? The past will not return. What would he do if he had known before that his beloved one communicates with many other men ?! And, apparently, did not stop communicating (judging by the correspondence found), even when she met Hippolit. Would leave earlier! Of course, would leave!

And what if he misunderstood everything - and she is not guilty ?! Maybe he did not give something in their relationship? Oh, what nonsense! He did everything for her - he gave flowers, he drove to the cafés, went to the rocking chair (and swung to be as healthy as he could!), Exhausted in bed with awesome sex. And she is so modest, so malleable ... I thought he was a sculptor in their relationship, she is Galatea. And she herself fashioned a huge fig for him and kept him behind his back! Hippolytus thought his beloved was a modest young lady, just a “Turgenev girl”, and she was a lustful bitch, without moral principles and principles. Moth - and no one is to blame!

Butterfly ... A man again removed his hair from his face, shook his head, and suddenly faced the girl's gaze. She stood under an umbrella, wrapped in a thin jacket, red, "leather type", a little distance from the road. One of her looks showed what she was doing here. Defiant make-up, rehydrated hair tangled and pinned on the back of the head, skirt for the most “I do not want”, fishnet stockings, with a hole on one knee, shoes with heels. Apparently, the butterfly has already pretty worked today on these sharp knees, but the "working day" is not over ...

Hippolyte looked around - there are no cars near the “roofs” of this birdie. Well, loner ?! Dangerously. He suddenly felt sorry for the girl, and he stood not far from her, frankly examining her. He is not up to decency - he is dissolved in music and his grief.

She looked at him, and in her eyes for some reason, too, there was pity ... for him. Is it written on his face that he feels bad ?! Although he never knew how to hide his feelings: if something annoys him, it means that he is frantic and screams, and more often he grumbles displeasurely like grandmother on a bench in front of the entrance. If he likes something, he jokes and smiles, playfully like Kotovsky.

And now it hurts him - and he, as they say, has gone into himself and will not return soon. But the fact that the thoughts of a night butterfly suddenly materialized, takes him out of his stupor. His beloved seemed a virgin with the soul of a whore, and now before him a whore ... perhaps with the soul of a virgin ...

This thought suddenly warmed him. And the decision was born with lightning speed - he will remove this poor whore. Who, if not her, understand his creative soul! Who, if not him, to warm this girl now.

Hippolyte resolutely went to the girl, taking out the headphones. Eyes whores happily flashed.

“How glad she is with my approach. Probably there are no such handsome men like me among her clients! ”- yes, the man’s pride was all right.More than.

“Well, finally, as I walked through ... Though I’m warming for an hour somewhere,” the girl thought, straightening the tow of white hair on the back of her head. “Yes, I’m ready now to give at least free of charge, just not to hang in the rain!”

“I need a company,” said Hippolyte, coming up.

- Any whim for your money, - the confused smiled modestly in response.

- Come to me ...

- How much? ..

“All night,” the man shrugged. He must have time to warm and caress this sparrow. And share with her my grief.

The girl's eyes lit up even more. It seems she was ready to throw himself on his neck.

"Girl ... How grateful to me with all my pure soul!"

"Hooray! I will spend the night in the warmth and earn money normally - my stepfather will not beat ... "

She let him under her umbrella and smiled from below.

- You will carry - high ...

Hippolytus smiled, looking into the sincere eyes of the prostitute, gently put his arm around her waist and took an umbrella from her cold thin hand. Silently, each in his thoughts, they reached the man’s apartment. It was already close to her.

The man took off his wet shoes and walked into the room. Brought a large terry towel.

- Prodrogla probably? Go to the shower, keep warm. I'm still boiling the kettle ...

The girl raised her grateful eyes again. In the dark circles of smeared mascara, the eyes seemed like two blue lakes.

- What is your name? - smiled Hippolyte.

- Tamara ...

- Hippolytus. Come, show me where the shower is ...

The girl took a towel and went for a man. Turning on the water in the shower stall, he modestly went out.

When Tamara returned, clean, without a trace of vulgar makeup, with clean wet hair, wrapped in a towel, the man involuntarily gasped at the transformations that had taken place. "Yes, she is nothing cute, despite pimple." Hippolyte had already changed clothes and poured hot tea in a large mug.

“Sit down, drink tea,” he did not take his eyes off her. Without makeup, she seemed to be a completely innocent girl. - I, too, am going to shower, chilling ...

When he returned, she was still sitting, hugging a mug of hot tea. The man silently took from the locker a bottle of whiskey left over from some holiday, and two piles.

“Perhaps we’ll warm up with something stronger,” he smiled at the girl who was watching his movements. - Agree?

Tamara nodded. He poured whiskey, sliced ​​sausage and cheese found in the fridge.

- Tom, what are you doing on the road alone? This is dangerous!

She slightly grimaced, waving her hand, like, does not want to talk about this topic. But, having drunk a shot of whiskey “for the acquaintance”, she nevertheless decided to tell about herself. Still sees this man for the first and last time. And the longer they speak, the less time is left for copulation. And this action it already decently got! It does not matter that the guy is handsome, the main thing is young. And the young stallions are hot, they’re hot — until the morning they will not let go of their arms, and she doesn’t need this! It would be better to sleep ...

Tamara said that she is 20 years old, lives with her stepfather, who sends her to such earnings here, and if she brings little money, she cruelly smacks her, and then also fucks, the old pervert! Her mother died long ago - an accident. And there is no one to stand up for her.

Under this story they drank, and Hippolytus felt even more pity for the girl. He wanted to kill this monster - her stepfather. And the girl is lovely ... The angelic soul! That will take and marry her! It would be better to have a whore with the soul of an angel next to him than an angel with a whore's soul!

- Well, why are you so sour walking in the rain? What happened? ... - Tamara, who was already pretty naughty, asked. - Probably a girl? ... - shook her head with the appearance of an experienced psychologist.

And Hippolyta burst out! He spoke, spoke, how unfair fate is, what a bitch is his beloved, as he loved her, romantic, sublime, and she spat into his soul.

“And here you are,” he jabbed a finger into her slightly covered with a towel a lot of bust for her physique, “good ...”

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