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not only ammunition for paratroopers, but also products. Products in this half-starved time! - canned food, bacon, packed in cellophane in hundred gram portions, biscuits, sausages, also in cellophane, coffee in cans, schnapps in metal flasks. Sachets are strange, sort of like candy, and these candies surprised everyone. The prisoners showed that these “lollipops” should be thrown into a glass or a mug of water, drilled and drilled and you get lemonade! A cunning and experienced foreman offered to quickly take half of the fat and canned goods to our company warehouse, and send the rest to the division headquarters, the authorities love it. And we managed to feed up so well all the two months before shipping.
And then there's the attack! As always - after the battle, after the accident or after the fire, but always, and strictly afterwards, the staff heroes appeared in the form of our commanding staff.

Naturally, they began to issue orders and valuable instructions, and basically all are pretty stupid - the battle was already over. And how bravely they were holding on now, why, the battle has already ended and they are not in danger. And of course - it’s a pity that they didn’t exist, otherwise they would have shown these paratroopers where the crayfish spend the winter. And some of them showed that our political instructor and special person were now crawling out of the trench, their trousers were muddy and wet. And since they repeated seven times that they poured, it immediately became clear - they were pissed with fear! No wonder - such terrible gliders in their power, the roar of a machine gun and rifles! Bullets are whistling! But now they tried to escort carts with trophies to headquarters, but the foreman stopped them, saying that not all trophies were collected. And in my ear - drive it yourself and hand it over to the general, and then they will wipe out and write everything down for themselves, what eagles and heroes they are, they even got pissed off with zeal!

True, I had to linger a little - the senior political officer of the divisional political department simply “heroically” attacked me. It turns out that I am a scoundrel - I took into my hands the filthy weapon of the vile enemies of our country, not having handed it over to the warehouse and even fired it. And then our commander appeared, as always - also after the battle, he “sat” with our second nurse in his dugout, “talking” with her in his favorite pose “crustaceans”, he didn’t button up his pants, all the buttons were out.

And as the cries of the senior political director ended, a permanent member of our institute skitters woke up in me and I stood up at attention, loudly blurted out, devotedly looking at the leadership of the division headquarters:
- And we then decided that we would hit a fascist bullet on the fascist muzzle. There is nothing our bullets to spend on these villains. There they ate their lead full, no one can rise! Like this!
They were silent, the staff heroes of the rear, apparently digesting my words, and then the chief of staff laughed loudly, repeating - “Fascist bullet - on the fascist muzzle!” And to the political instructor - to make such a slogan. And, telling my regiment commander to introduce me to the award, I went to check the work of our headquarters. And the political instructor rushed to accompany the trophies, but I'm already sitting in the cab of the Studebaker - no need to fool us, I myself can report to the division, as it was. And the political instructor was already scribbling in his notebook, apparently writing a report to the army headquarters, as he inspired us in battle and even threatened a bunch of Fritzes himself. It is they who can, not without reason at the headquarters of the division, all in orders and medals! In the rear is always full of heroes!

And rightly, I did - the political instructor rushed to the general, and he summoned me and ordered to report, realizing that the political instructor was not even close there. And it turned out a little bit of humor - the regiment commander introduced me to the award and gave three days of vacation at the unit, and I wrote a presentation to the foreman - he deserved! And the division commander also submitted to the order, at the same time immediately reporting to the army commander, saying that the rout of the landing force, naturally under his wise guidance.At the same time, I didn’t really want to get this medal to the “For Military Merit” medal, we all had the “PZH” presented to it, even the joke was the “For Sexual Services” medal. A chief of staff presented to the medal "For Courage", a beautiful medal! And deserved! And for the next title presented! And he even gave an order to the financial part - to charge money for the downed gliders. True, you won’t immediately understand why such a hail of awards and rewards is at once, for a feat or for wonderful canned sausages and dry lemonade. All the girls kissed me at the headquarters of the division, tried this yummy, and got away for an award too! And they said that for the gliders, as if they had shot me down, they charged me, by the order of the Supreme Commander, as many as 18 thousand!
Then they paid for the downed aircraft, wrecked tanks, destroyed batteries.

But it seems that the main award I received that night, returning to my regiment. Beautiful Lidochka, being convinced that I covered her with my body and saved me from the accursed fascists, decided to reward me with my body, in the form of an order and with my caresses, like medals. That was the reward - all rewards are rewards! So the night I turned out completely sleepless! But on the other hand, an incredible sweet, with a light “hunger” I received a lot of pleasure, especially since Lidochka was not a girl to my satisfaction. It looks like her at the institute taught a lot and on time. And it was also good that our nurses had a small but comfortable dugout, nobody bothered us, so I remembered this night for a long time!

And the second nurse, sparkling with her excitedly curious eyes in the twilight, sat half-naked on her couch and, without stopping, watched us, sighed softly and echoed Lidochka when she moaned sweetly, rapidly finishing, and even Lida allowed us to finish right at her. In fact, as I understood, the spectacle was quite exciting! The impudent moon also spied on our body movements, highlighting with her cold rays, Lidochka's unburned ass gleamed in the twilight not worse than a flashlight. Grateful for her salvation, Lidochka reacted so obediently to all my wishes, so that this night I almost completely “broke away” in my erotic dreams, trying to embody everything that I had only dreamed of. Lidochka was lying on her back, and on her stomach, and on her side, and even “galloped” on me, like a dashing Budyonovets on a dashing horse. Oh, how she jumped - her hair was fluttering up and down, her gorgeous breasts, too, were excitingly up and down, so I had to hold her breasts with my greedy hands. Or pinch Lidochka mouth, because with her cries she could raise an extraordinary alarm in the regiment, no worse than the siren at the duty officer.

Then the second nurse helped me, when I put Lidochka "crustaceans", I made a mistake in the heat of the moment and sharply stuck my dick into her elastic round ass - Lida sighed so loudly and moaned, so that the deft fingers of her friend managed to quickly hold her mouth. Lidochka was a little embarrassed, saying that I missed that “door”. And the second nurse whispered fervently:
- You need to thank the Savior in full! For this you can suffer - a man you got hot! I would suffer, and more than once! And all night I would endure - our lieutenant saved us all! Well, do not take it out now!

And here we also have comedy, only in an intimate and erotic sense. Closer to the morning, Lida and I drank a cup of wonderful Tsinandali ”, she lay down and fell asleep. And I came out of the dugout - to cast and smoke, and quietly and carefully, the movement is prohibited at night, so that patrols, especially the hero of the regiment and especially the hero of bed battles, cannot be caught! I lit a cigarette and remembered what envious glances all the officers in the dining room accompanied me when, after dinner, Lidochka called out: “Senior Lieutenant Voltsev - for medical procedures!” These same “procedures” would all be happy, but ... Most of them He took our loving regiment, and in turn both nurses took turns, naturally in his small private house.Okay, I smoked, recalled and went back to the girls ’hut, and then I was passionately clasped by such strong, hot and trembling hands of the second nurse.

It seems that with our Lidochka, somersaults and muffled exclamations of passion aroused the girl thoroughly, and the girl is obviously agitating, she’s trembling and moaning softly, clinging tightly to me. Though I was tired, I was very strong, but to refuse a girl excited at such a moment ... there are no words! Upon learning of this, the whole regiment would be sure, both men and women, with deep contempt and indignation, would spit after me! Moreover, right now I have to defend the honor of the entire male team of our friendly regiment! And even more so - this is another girl, other lips, hot, strong hands that so aggressively undress me, and she herself is already in the same combination on a naked body. So in a minute I was already lying between her widely spread legs and a hot, elastic body literally burned me, we moved towards each other - what a passionate she is! No matter how ridiculous, but rapidly starting and rapidly ending in her burning womb, I literally "chopped off" and just fell asleep, lying on a strong elastic body of beauty.
In the morning, half-naked Lidochka, sweetly smacking and yawning, scolded me a bit for “treason”, was not upset at all, and there were both girls with very pleased little faces.

Dressing right in front of me, they said that, at the request of the regimental commander, they often went to him at the “reception,” in their feminine pragmatism, hoping to get benefits, have fun, and even get pregnant. But neither pregnancy nor pleasure they received, did not finish yet never, no matter how ridiculous. And here, on this night, there is a sea of ​​pleasure from the newly-made starley, and I filled them completely, especially Lidochka. Even though she accidentally drove her in the ass, even though it was complete depravity according to the concepts of that time, but, as Lidochka joked, “pleasures are full of pants!” And why they let me finish them, so here the casket opens up simply! On the orders of Commissar of Defense Comrade Stalin, who was called the “Master” for good reason, in order not to violate the demographics of the country, our women, having become pregnant in the operating unit, went to the rear, receiving good benefits in the form of housing orders, and at the same time issuing grocery cards enhanced norm. Oh, it was not easy, Comrade Stalin, everything provided. So our girls nurses turned out to be pragmatic and cunning persons — we spent the whole week in their dugout and very violently. As Lidochka was joking - she is practically my legal wife, but my friend is my mistress! And very cool to them so!

After the end of the day, one nurse walked proudly towards the regimental commander, while the second spent this night with me, exhausted from passion and ending with a bang. I was delighted - I was incredibly lucky! Well, the heroes and should carry! And on the second night the girls changed - in the pleasure was me and the regimental commander. But upon the arrival of the verification commission for the readiness of the regiment - the rounded tummies of the girlfriends were written off to the lovingness and lustfulness of our regiment. And he, with a fright, fearing the wrath of the political department, withdrew with might and main - the girls were quickly decorated in the frontline department, received full salary, cash and food certificates, uniform, a good ration on the road, and at the same time, in order of the division commander, asked Lidochka to issue his wife, in order to avoid punishment for depravity in his unit, well, the friends went to the rear. And to carry them out, since they had a lot of things, they sent our foreman, who, upon returning, only silently and carnivly twisted his mustache to all questions.
The funny thing is that when they were handing over their affairs to the new nurses who arrived at the regiment, both friends clearly told them “something”, so both new ones looked at me very expressively and winked at me, cheeky! And I did not bother to find out the name of Lidochka’s friend!
A month later I was appointed commander of the battalion and our division left for the Kursk Bulge area - in the beginning of July the German offensive was expected. But I remembered this half-funny case of girls forever.

  • Gologramma (a guest)
    March 13, 2016 21:39

    Of course, 10 for the colorful image of a serious and amusing, "holy and sinful" Russian soldier, who defended the honor of "the entire male team of a friendly regiment" in a deadly battle with the enemy, in a duel with the "front staff heroes" and on the love front. Your story is another weighty confirmation that the most interesting is created on the genre boundaries. The work you have written cannot be attributed to either historical memoirs, nor to lieutenant prose, nor to pure humor, nor to terry porn. Nevertheless, it absorbed the traits of one and the other, the third, and the fourth, while remaining holistic. The story entered the circle of works in which the image of the physiological side of love passion has a semantic content, being an integral and necessary, but by no means the only and exhaustive element of the structure of the narrative. I will assume that in the framework of the current “frank” literature a steady trend is being formed, which makes itself felt in the works of a number of authors of ST. Alex50, you are well done. Keep it up! G.


    • Rating: 1
  • March 14, 2016 17:08

    Honestly, a little surprised - highly professional comment! And the language of a very educated person. You are right - this is from the memories of my grandfather, his driver Misha Komissarov, a friend of his grandfather - the commander of the sapper company, and the foremen of Chernov. They often met, but I remember their conversations


    • Rating: 1
  • March 16, 2016 15:05

    and you can find out what circle of authors you mean?) and then we have such daz-two and miscalculated)


    • Rating: 0
  • February 22, 2017 5:12

    Brad multiplied by propaganda can not be interesting, by definition.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 16, 2016 15:03

    It remains for me only to join the previous commentator) Just bravo!


    • Rating: 1

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