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there was little that remained, another life, in Russia ... ahem ... with you, seemed to me either a dream or a delusion ...

The period of the shortfall ended when our "owner" began to enclose us to his business partners. There were different: young and old, disgustingly thick and beautiful, blacks and white, modest and perverts ... Gafur wrote it down on hidden cameras and, apparently, then blackmailed them. And he himself stopped sleeping with us at all - he disdained. Lesia and I took it even with some relief, and Anya was constantly crying. A couple of times she even tried to give up the role of bedding, but she was punished by locking her in a punishment cell and she became silk. Sometimes there were two or three partners, and then, after having sex with them, they literally brought me back to the room. With our minds we understood that all this was disgusting, disgusting and wrong, but our bodies were driven by lust and all it took was to imagine what awaits us in the room for “confidential negotiations”.

Once, Julia did not return from her partner. We were worried about her, but nobody told us anything. Only two weeks later one of the wardens let it slip that Gafur sold Yulia to one of his friends.

Then a terrible thing happened ... When Ghafur left the house for work, the main thing was Maryam, who hated us with all her soul. Especially she didn’t like Lesya, because the Arab woman herself was also a dancer, but she couldn’t compete with a Ukrainian either by her appearance or by her ability. Miriam was an unusually ugly one: short curved legs with cellulite, a huge ass, a noticeable belly, a face that looked more like a man’s than a woman’s - a prominent forehead, no chin, thin lips that exposed uneven teeth and gums when she spoke ... Gafur was the wife of their parents, they were married when they were not yet a year old. Ghafur constantly evaded marital duties, which wildly angered Maryam and her emotions she threw at us. So, when the owner left, Maryam began to fiddle with, nagging us for any reason, locked up the room, made up idiotic tasks, like washing the windows with her tongue or bringing her sneakers in her teeth, since Ghafur strictly forbade her to harm us. Naturally, we again went mad with desire, against the background of this even the problems with Maryam seemed to us trifles. Lesya always went annoyed, even snapped a couple of times at the official wife. I, too, was tense, at least some kind of investment brought a touch to my pussy and chest during washing, even with the help of them I managed to finish, but I did it very carefully and secretly, because we were followed by cameras everywhere.

One morning I woke up from the malevolent cries of Maryam, going out into the corridor, I saw Lesia, who was kneeling in front of this bitch. Two servants kept my girlfriend, and an Arab woman grabbed her hair by spitting into her face and called her a whore and a slut. I jumped into my room, so as not to fall under the distribution, what I saw scared me. Lesa was thrown into a punishment cell, as the matron explained to me, Maryam caught her when she was standing in the dead zone of the surveillance cameras, indulging in handcuffs, and now the girl was in for a severe punishment.

Gafur, who had arrived, wanted to let Les out, in order to put her under a hefty Norwegian, who liked the flexible and skillful dancer during her last visit, but Maryam threw a wild scandal to him. I clung to the door to hear their altercation: she shouted that he forgot the sacred traditions and indulges all sorts of whores, that he himself became a rag and a weakling who cannot act like an adult man ... Ghafur first tried to argue with her, and then shouted that he himself knows what a real man should do and she will not decree to him. I didn’t listen to the end of the quarrel - I was afraid that they would catch me, but Maryam left the room with a vile, happy smile.

From that day, Lesya began to divert two servants somewhere, when she returned in the evening — she fell on the bed and instantly fell asleep, I tried to talk to her, but nothing came of it. One day I was walking in the garden, under the supervision of two female wardens, and I was not far from the kennel, where Ghafur kept his favorite dogs. What I heard threw me into shock. Screams ... screams ... Lesi, a wild mixture of pain, despair and pleasure. I imagined WHY she screamed so much and I lost my face, a picture immediately appeared in my head: a beautiful, well-groomed girl standing on all fours in a dog-house, screaming under a dog, several more dogs are already waiting for their turn. Seeing my condition, the matrons began to grin gloomily and asked me to "go look at the dogs." I refused and ran to my room. The shock was so strong that even for several hours he interrupted the action of the stimulating drug. When Alesya returned to the room, she collapsed on the bed again and instantly fell asleep. I approached her closer and began to carefully examine her: the entire waist was bruised and scratched, my knees were worn, disheveled, hair stuck together, but the worst thing was between her legs - there was a mash in the place of the once neat holes, the anus did not close at all and from it it slowly flowed out, and the vagina looked more like a doormat. And Lesya wept bitterly, crying in her sleep. She was the strongest of us.

My girlfriend lasted a week. The last two days she was not taken to the kennel - she was dragged there. She desperately resisted, clutched at the bed, scraped the nails on the floor ... When two healthy men dragged her rather gaggily into the corridor, she shed tears and shouted hysterically: “Boys! No, I beg you! No need to husbands! Well, I beg you! You are welcome!". At these moments, I rolled up under a blanket and was afraid to even breathe. It was very scary and disgusting that I can not help her. And once Lesya was simply not brought into the room, no one began to tell me what was wrong with her. She just passed away, I think she killed herself.

The worst thing is that I forgot about Ales in just a couple of weeks. I was still given that drug, laid under different men, and the world was again divided into sex and anxious expectation of sex. Soon, Ghafur found new toys for himself - Diana and Ksyusha. I do not know what they went through, but they washed their brains thoroughly. They were like living dolls: impassive faces, unquestioning obedience, they answered all questions only “Yes” or “No”. As far as I understood, they were not only bedding for Gafur, but also for his bodyguard - they were present at all times. What characterizes them, Maryam quickly found a common language.

However, these toys were not enough for the owner of the mansion for a long time, bezinitsiativnye and unemotional Xenia and Diana turned out to be boring toys. So he decided to get another one. And for that he needed me. Gafur was attracted by the daughter of one of his business partners - an American, but “this damn xenophobic” couldn’t tolerate Arabs, Blacks, Chinese, etc. Naduh Gafur suggested I lure her out of the hotel, and then people would accept her. I refused. Before the eyes stood Lesya, crying, I did not want an unknown girl to repeat her fate. Then they pushed me into the punishment cell, which I already knew.

I do not know how long I was there, I stopped feeling the time after the third day. It was as if I turned into one big vagina, the excitement was such that it seemed to me that I could cum from the easy draft of my pussy. I fought like a fish thrown on the shore, my lips were bitten to blood, I finally lost everything human, I screamed something like “Pull me up! Please, please, insert me, I will do everything, please! ”

I still hate myself for this act. Jess was incredibly beautiful, she seemed to have gone from the cover of an expensive magazine, everything is so well-groomed, chic, impeccable. This was the case when many years of competent care for your body superimposed on the natural beauty.I met her at a restaurant at the hotel, met her, Jess was glad to meet a European woman (I introduced myself to her as an Englishwoman). She told me that she works as a landscape designer, lives in New York, often travels with her father to different countries .... Read more →

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