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The story is based on real events.

It hurts, it hurts a lot. Women like to say that even the Hercules would have passed out from the pain they experience in childbirth. But there is a pain that they do not understand and do not survive. The pain that I feel now. It is difficult to breathe, all the insides as if twisted with cold bundles. He sat down on the poroshek, took out a cigarette and greedily dragged on. Nicotine helped, but not much.

My hands, squeezing the help, compressed to the whitened knuckles. My brain explodes from overwhelming feelings, I want to destroy and kill. And at the same time, I am captured by the sensation of the unreality of what is happening, as if it was not with me, as if in a dream. How did this happen? Why? Thoughts swarm in my head like a disturbed bee swarm.

I smoke, I don’t know what a cigarette is and I don’t feel its taste. Someone approaches me, they ask about something. I do not react. I have a picture of eight years ago.

* * *

I just got riddled then. He returned to his hometown, the hero, in a beautiful dress uniform with improvised aiglets. For two years I trampled down the ground at the Tajik border, for two years my girlfriend, Ira, has been waiting for me. My blonde miracle, my girl. Irishka met me at the station, it seemed that over the past two years she had become incredibly prettier: a slim figure, elastic balls of breasts of the third size, delicate velvety skin smelling honey. When we hugged, I was already shaken with desire.

There are different categories of girls - scary, normal, beautiful. She belonged to the category of "incredibly beautiful." Such girls, that when you look at them, it seems that she left the picture of a talented artist or from a photograph of an expensive photographer, whose Sims go for several thousand dollars apiece. Not a single flaw, perfection itself, every line, every bend, are executed without a single error. This is probably what angels look like.

I met her back at school. We immediately became friends. We walked together to the swimming section, skipped lessons, rode a moped through the night streets. We have never had the tightness and awkwardness that usually happens in communication between a guy and a girl. For a long time, she was just Irka for me, my best friend and partner in teenage adventures. But later, as it is imperceptible, our relationship turned into something more. I began to look at her as a girl. On the girl behind whom herdsmen and herdlings ran hissed behind her “friend”. Already at school, she stood out among peers as a diamond among the nudes.

The history of our relationship began, too, somehow not romantic, but rather in a friendly way. Then both of us just turned 18. First, for the sake of experiment, we tried sex, for the first time she didn’t like it very much. But then, having tasted, she began to literally jump on me at every opportunity. Not to say that I was against. The advantage of our relationship was that we were absolutely not shy about each other. They tried almost everything they heard from adults and saw them in porn. Ira, under my leadership, learned to do a great blowjob, but I thanked her, singing kuni, from which she even once lost consciousness. Anal sex was recognized as "nasty" by her, having tried it a couple of times. At that time, we did it like rabbits, without any amorous feelings, just like a sports exercise.

Gradually, our friendship began to grow into something more. We unconsciously tried to spend all our free time with each other, and it’s not just sex. I began to like her eyes, her voice, her smile, I could sit for hours, hugging my Irishka and burying my face in the back of her hair. The novel was very stormy and passionate, it ended with the fact that I made her an offer. But Ira convinced me to postpone the wedding until my return from the army.

On the wires, my girl surpassed herself.We have never had such passionate and wild sex. We did it on the bed, on the table, on the floor, just by the wall. Ira pounced on me like an insatiable cat, she seemed to come off in the next two years. It seems this devil something poured into my drink so that my dick stood like a television tower. But I forgave her everything when she went down on all fours and, wickedly wagging her ass, said a little embarrassed:

- Little hare, if you want, you can take me into this hole, I know, you liked it then. I'm ready.

To refuse was beyond my strength. I gently inserted my barrel into her sweet tight ass. The anus was clean and well lubricated. And my darling not bad kneaded him. In the end, I could not hold back and otdolbil her affectionate hole because of all the forces. At first, Irochka was also more oykala, but, having become accustomed to new sensations, she began to podmahivat and groan so that all the guests who came to the feast learned that the bride saw off the groom as expected.

- Forgive my dear, I was rude. - I said already in the morning, having kissed her in the neck, under the ear, as she loves.

- Well, you and I have a fool! It was magical! Repeat in two years?

- You ask?
She hugged me, tightly pressed her naked, heated body. That I remembered her. And often recalled during the service, locking in the storeroom.

And here I am back. I was happy for exactly three days, practically not getting out of bed with my Irishka. I was not enough of her, purely physiologically exhausted to the limit, I still continued to want her. Well, how can you not want a young slim girl with the appearance of a top model who is ready for anything ?!

I was happy exactly until I met my old friend Leha. Lech worked as a security guard at the club. At the appointed time I went to our favorite squash, on the way I was almost knocked down by a young guy, hurrying somewhere with a huge bouquet of roses. My friend was already waiting for me in the hall, shook his hand nodded, saying, sit down.

- Healthy Leh, you were looking for me?

- Yeah. You are this, sit down Dimon.

We took a table in an inexpensive restaurant and ordered a glass of beer.

- How is life, civil?

- Yes, you will not think up better! Sleep, food, Irka and no one with a drill I live!

- And you, um ... are you going to marry your Irka?

- What are you Lech? Of course I am going, this is my Irishka!

- Yes you Dimon do not hurry. Around the women beautiful crowd go. Work up, take a look.

- Something you are dark ... We are with her since the sixth grade together. What work up?

- Yes ... There is one story here ...

- Lech yours through the knee, do not pull the cat for the interest! Come on come on! - in a premonition of a bad I lost my temper.

My friend noisily sipped his beer, bit a pistachio about something his thinking. Then resolutely pushing the glass aside and took an envelope from the inside pocket of his jacket.

- In general, there is a recording from the surveillance camera of our club. Record made three weeks ago. Removed my partner. When I saw what was there, I immediately copied to disk and deleted it from hard. I saw only the beginning. But I warn you, apparently, you do not like what's on it.

I reached for the disc but Lech pulled back his hand.

- One condition. Before you break the wood, you consult me.

- I agree - I grabbed the disc.

The drive boomed loudly, spinning the disc, I licked my dry lips and clicked the mouse, launching the video file.

A picture of a “dark corner” appeared on the monitor. My friends and I called it a cozy snack in the club where Lech worked. In this corner there was a couch with the letter “G”, the lighting and acoustics were arranged so that everything that happens in the “dark corner” remains a secret for people on the dance floor, and the one on the couch has a full view.

In the video, the sofa was occupied by a short-haired, plump guy about my age. The recording quality was pretty good, and I managed to see his face, it seems I saw him a couple of times, but briefly. The stranger imposingly sprawled on the couch and sipped a tall glass of beer. Judging by the fact that he looked at his watch and was nervously tapping his foot, he was obviously waiting for someone. And so ... In sight ...

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