Rest in this camp has become a tradition for them. Calm, sleepy lake, clean sandy beach, complete isolation from the noise of civilization and the minimum of necessary amenities. Cheerful company of young loafers - students of the engineering university. Smiling and windy Dimon nicknamed Polkan, a bartender and a favorite of drunken party girls. An active and pragmatic Blue, in the world Alexey Sinkov is the only hope of his parents - engineers. The shirt is Artem's boyfriend, and for friends, just London is a man capable of igniting any company, a guitarist and a bottomless treasure trove of jokes and anecdotes. Representative and charismatic Nikolai, he is a Monk, he is a street artist and the only one from the whole company who entered the university after serving in the valiant Russian army.

- Saw, yesterday in the third house the girls were settled? - Stretching on a lounger, Polkan asked idly, pointing to the girls who were splashing about fifty meters away from the guys.

- Yes ... For a long time I did not take the sword in my hands. - London was in his style.

- We need to leave in three days, the sense of rooting, you will not have time to unleash everything early ... - Alexey, as always, approached the issue from a practical point of view.

- And that one, little black, right on the ten. Said the Monk, without taking his eyes off the slim figure of a girl coming out of the water.

And there was something to see: a toned, slim body, slightly swarthy skin, an open white swimsuit that hides the most intimate places, but at the same time gives open space for men's fantasy, a large, appetizing chest, which despite its size had almost perfect shape . The girl moved on the beach with a light, dancing step, gravity seemed to act on her two times weaker than on everyone else. In her movements there was so much grace and plasticity that one of her passes from the edge of the water to the towel lying on the sand would give a hundred points of odds to the most incendiary striptease.

For two days Nicholas showed all sorts of attention to the beautiful stranger, hooked up all his masculine charm and charm, but unlike Dimona, who was lucky in such matters, who got into the panties to the girlfriend of the black-haired beauty the next evening, nothing was more interesting to Monk and smiles. Guys have already started to laugh at Kolya, at the stoppage, offering “practical” advice on seduction: from putting a banana in a melt to a “log of cumpola and a cot”.

The night before leaving for the "mainland" Nikolai was sitting on the beach with her.

- So maybe you still tell me your name?

- And that "that black little one over there" is no longer relevant? She faked the Monk.

The young engineer looked down in embarrassment, it seemed to him that even his toes were reddened with shame.

- Well there is no way. Imposed lady - the last thing. Better see what the sky, such a placer in the city you will not see! - He translated the topic.

- Are you serious?

- Yes, absolutely, in the city because the background light, the atmosphere is polluted ...

- No, I'm not about that. Do you seriously want to talk about the stars now? - She said, and slightly bent with all her body, so that the Monk forgot about everything except her seductive forms.

- Well ... ahem ... and what, there are suggestions?

- Generally that is. I offer you a vivid memory.

- So from this place for more details. I am intrigued. - he supported her in a joking tone.

“You see — she lacquered her palm through his hair — I have a theory.” The theory of the meaninglessness of relationships. After all, what is the relationship? First, candy - flowers, movies and restaurants, and this is a blow to the wallet and nerves. All this awkwardness of the first meetings, all this theatricality, when both are trying to build out of themselves do not understand what you are with your stars now. You walk, you suffer - we get together, we will not get together, it will not give ... Then official status.

- Well, for any man in joy to please the girl ... - Nick did not agree.

- Pf ...Do you yourself believe that? In the joy of spending time, money, money, knowing that maybe nothing will happen? So, the official status ... and everything, it started, the first quarrel, then of course reconciliation, then a scandal, then a break, mutual reproaches, offenses, debts ... And not bad in principle, people oskotinivatsya right before our eyes. A pile of dirt dumped on each other, a pile of vile deeds ... And all for what? Because they endured each other so long? Put up with partner flaws? No, not for this. Hand on heart, the best moments in relationships are sex, and it is also the main cause of relationships. Everything else is a fee for it.

- How are you all gloomy ...

- I would say - vital. Actually my suggestion is sex. No luck whatsoever, grimaces and costs. Just one bright and pleasant moment in life, for both of us ... Hey, don't look at me like that! - She turned to the Monk and gently pushed him with her fist into the chest. - I'm not a prostitute and not a slut. Not a prostitute because I don’t take money and choose partners myself, I’m not a slut - because I don’t jump on the first member I find, everything is fine with my libido.

- Hmm, why me? I don't even know your name.

- You? What confuses you? Tall, fit, moderately muscular, not mad with the mind, the character at first glance is masculine. What is not a couple? As for the name ... Call me ... Inga, and you will be Igor! Inga and Igor - sounds! - she smiled.

“Like this ...” Kolyan hesitated.

- So, close your mouth, imagine that we have been dating for a long time, we love each other and this is our first night. Come here ... Igorek.

Inga did not deceive, this night was really special, despite the fact that the Monk, despite his nickname, was far from being a righteous man, he hadn’t had such a lover yet. At first, he held back a bit, afraid to inconvenience a fragile girl with delicate, velvety skin, with his rough, callused from training, hands. But later, when he saw how his partner was balding at his touch on her thighs, tummy, and hemispheres of his chest, he grew bolder and began to act more decisively. Having seized her body, he began to crush him, like a potter with supple clay, and Inga, it seemed, was just waiting for this. She closed her eyes and moaned, writhing under his coarse caresses, her plasticity and flexibility, she could argue with the panther. From the feeling of owning such a perfect body, the Monk's member stood like a scrap that did not go unnoticed by his partner. The girl to madness erotic movement clung to his dignity with sponges and began to do the best blowjob in the life of Nicholas. The excitement of what was happening was aggravated by the fact that, unlike most girls, she did not wheeze as an epileptic in the process and devotedly looked at her lover from the bottom up.

The strength to hold back was no longer, Kolyan grabbed his lover's seemingly weightless body and threw him on the grass. With a decisive movement, he entered Inga's excited pussy, without ceasing to lap up her breasts and thighs. (eroticspaceFully concentrating on the process itself, the Monk showed miracles of speed and endurance, immediately setting a frantic rhythm, he managed to maintain it for about twenty minutes, during which Inga finished twice and thoroughly disrupted her voice, unable to moan anymore she just noisy, exhaled hoarsely. In a fit of gratitude, the girl also decided to demonstrate her skills to her lover. Nikolay fell into prostration when he found the girl’s leg on his shoulder, while the second still pressed his thigh. In such a pose, Inga's pussy was incredibly tightly covering a member of her partner, which gave both of them an incredible pleasure. Feeling the approach of the finish line, Nikolai accelerated even more, and at the last moment, he sharply pulled out his penis and finished on the flat tummy of Inga, covered with beads of sweat.

“Mmm, and you're risky, Igorek,” his mistress purred, slowly spreading his seed over her body.

- Or maybe ...

- It can not - she sharply cut off the Monk - look at this positively, because we could have nothing at all, but so ... a vivid impression! As I promised!

Then they swam together in the night lake, talked to each other all sorts of amenities and kissed.

When in the morning he and his friends left the camp, Inga did not even go out to conduct him. Sitting in the back of the car, the Monk looked thoughtfully at the window of her house until he disappeared behind the trees.

P. S.
Whether to continue or not is up to you.

  • March 25, 2014 11:17

    The plot is unpretentious and simple, as the truth, and therefore - underexposed :)
    However, it is written with soul and thought. Well, well, what is written.
    Hello to you, Author! :)


    • Rating: 3
  • March 25, 2014 12:47

    I can partly agree with the first comment. The idea is good, it clearly shines through the author’s opinion, and a rather original one) But this is a flaw. A sharp break, without a proper ending. Well, if you really find fault with a somewhat non-living beginning - a description of the names and activities as when reading the table.
    But still the story is good. The main idea is stated and read very easily. A sequel ... well, it's only for you, the Author is to decide. On the one hand, this is an opportunity to polish what you are already doing well. On the other hand, the “serial” often spoils a beautiful idea.


    • Rating: 1
  • March 25, 2014 12:55

    I promise not to make the second "In search of treasure")))


    • Rating: 0
  • Smile (a guest)
    March 25, 2014 13:09

    Well written. It is not very clear what to continue here. In her "coordinate system", they had nothing, just "one bright and pleasant moment in life." If you continue, you will have to invent a new value system for it:) ... although I am sure that you will manage :)


    • Rating: 1

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