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nevpervoy, - concluded the newcomer.
- Who is this? - Many got drunk with interest asked Marina.
“Tatiana, I won’t say that it’s nice, but we’ll know each other,” the girl replied, stretching out her hand and shaking Marina’s tits, which slightly paralyzed her speech center, “cool,” this remark already related to Marina’s chest. After that, Tatiana kissed the numb Marinka, at the same time holding her finger in the pussy and between the buttocks. Looking into the large eyes of Marina, Tanya licked her finger, smacking it.
“Ahhh, so this ...” began Marina.
“Yeah, just don’t touch the animals now,” said Gleb, quietly but distinctly.

“Sweetie,” Tanka concluded, and began kissing her again. Gently and slowly, sucking and pulling off Marinka's every lip in turn. With one hand she caressed her breasts, the other climbed into her pussy and gently slid there in the moisture. Gleb felt that the abruptly fallen from the unforeseen invasion of the faithful dick startled and accepted combat readiness. But the brain was still struggling to understand what was happening, throwing questions at his head. Marina did not resist, on the contrary, she very much liked this Tanya, with her hopeless arrogance. She began to undress her, examining her skin with her fingertips to touch. Gleb sat on the bed, as his legs gave way, and without taking his eyes off the girls began to pull at his dick. Tanya kissed Marinkina on her neck and licked her nipple on his halo. Marina completely emboldened and stuck her fingers between the partner’s legs. It was wet and slippery. Marina took out her hand and licked her fingers.

“Mmmm, that's where the treat is,” she purred, looking into Gleb’s eyes, “young man, give way to the ladies.” And slightly kicking him with his foot, Marinka and Tanya fell on the bed. Marina was on top and spreading the legs of the new girlfriend went down face down. She began to lick the wet pussy, at the same time pushing her fingers inside. Tanya breathed deeper and more often. Marinka deftly knocked the tongue on her clitoris, not forgetting to lick her lips and periodically climb inside with her fingers. She was breathing, moaning, directing and assenting, moving her hips. Gleb's hand reached out to Marinka, who had been set aside, her fingers easily went inside and began to wield, either in her pussy or in her ass, from which his sperm leaked with a thin trickle from the previous act. Marina pretty mumbled in Tanya.

- Damn, and your slut knows how to lick, - said Tanya, looking at how Gleb was nadrachivaet his dick. This sight and Marinkin language did their job, and Tanka crumbled in orgasm into thousands of convulsions and groans.
“Well done,” said Marina, and lightly slapped Tanya across the curved pussy, which made her shudder. She looked at her boyfriend. He took his hand out of the Marinkinsky bowels and wanted to lick, but Tanka intercepted her shiny palm and licked everything clean.
“This is my dessert,” she purred, leaving the boy with nothing.
- Not finished yet, onanist unhappy? - Tanya asked. She got up and went to Hleb, climbed on him and slowly put his dick on him, nudging him in the shoulder so that he lay on his back. Marina, without saying a word, promptly sat down on her face with her pussy, turning in the direction of Tanya.

- How did you say there? Fuck me? - Marinka asked, fidgeting over Gleb's mouth, - Now we will fuck you, dear. And she clung to his mouth, and he began to lick her with ecstasy, moving to the beat with Tanka, who was jumping on his penis. Marinka rubbed her crotch across her mouth and nose, feeling her unshaven inside her. The girls' hands slid along each other's bodies, glistening with sweat, the room was filled with voices, sounds, and languishing aspirations. Apparently beginning to choke under Marina, Gleb sped up, moving in Tanya, which immediately spurred her on and she began to change her rhythm, getting up slowly and sometimes with a sweep, leaning on his dick. This picture got Marinka, who practically sucked the whole face of Gleb into herself and began to finish, remembering her mother, gentlemen of God and at the same time the devil.Tanka picked up the baton with triumphant shouts, shaking all over and grabbing Marinka by the boobs. Gleb finished in Tanki’s pussy, deafly moaning in Marinka’s pussy. When the orgasmic agony in the cube was exhausted, all three of them sprawled on the bed, scattering their loins on each other.

“Bliiiin, the taxi is waiting for me, everything, chao, my prudent pigeons,” Tanka shouted and darting off, quickly climbed back into her clothes and disappeared as suddenly as she appeared.

  • Alex (a guest)
    May 23, 2015 0:28

    Got it!


    • Rating: 0
  • May 23, 2015 6:04

    I will lower to the ball for numerous repetitions on the 1st page: “He, She”. The eye cuts and the song starts spinning in my head: "He, she is a whole country together ...")))))
    And on the second name definition. as if others do not exist))

    And so the story is not bad. Exciting and erotic. Simple, but with taste. The sudden arrival of the faithful, and by the way, did she fuck up? Forgot something? But it does not matter. The main thing is that instead of hysterics, scandal and the demands of a speedy divorce, Tanka was involved in an orgy, which is not expected. Bad we know our women, very bad))))

    And the story is good! I like!


    • Rating: 0
  • May 23, 2015 7:22

    I recognize familiar words)))) 10 keep it up! you must call a spade a spade


    • Rating: 0
  • May 23, 2015 8:15

    Yura, this creation does not claim to be a highly lexical masterpiece, as you could see, so I’ll assume that you grabbed one point this time) but thanks anyway) You just now have nostalgia for the Soviet past, apparently)))
    Snezhana, well, you understand me)


    • Rating: 1
  • May 23, 2015 9:55

    Kanesh nostalgia. And also a song about cyclists. There all the time: "Give, give," they asked ... And they did not give. Because it was difficult for man 100,500 years ago)))

    Who did not give? Deushki, kanesh)))


    • Rating: 0
  • Arthur (a guest)
    May 23, 2015 12:21

    “The guests came to Globe and the fortress grabbed him for the dick, to begin his mission.” Is he a dick or Gleb? In context, it seems that dick. And then you read - the devil turned away from the lips of Gleb. And disappointedly you understand that you were mistaken, the moment is lost. Author, work with pronouns.


    • Rating: 1
  • Super puper (a guest)
    May 23, 2015 23:26

    Turd for 6 balls. Saves a small size.


    • Rating: 0
  • badTh1nk (a guest)
    May 25, 2015 11:20

    Not turd and not a masterpiece.

    A couple of interesting moments in the illiterate packaging.

    / bullied the comments of authors who disagree with the real assessment,
    staying in an imaginary halo of high significance


    • Rating: 0

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