1. Kiss. Part 1
  2. Kiss. Part 2

Most of all she loved to kiss. No, of course, sex was the most favorite dish, but at first, for an aperitif, kisses were just as important for her as air and water were for all living things. Kisses can be judged on a person in general and how he is bed. And the most pleasant thing in kisses was their beginning. No matter fast or smooth, assertive or shyly inept, desired or unexpected and sudden. But when a kiss is inevitable, and you suddenly realize it in a split second before your lips dissolve into it, this is precisely the moment that drove her crazy. For this she lived. For this sense of flight over the ordinary, she could give a lot. And gave. I gave all of myself, gave my position in society, gave my family values, my reputation and sometimes my future. Putting at stake everything that she had and that she could have.

This meeting was predetermined, she clearly knew this, although she did not belong to fatalists, she had never read horoscopes and fortune telling. She just knew in advance that it would be so. And when this happened, she had the effect of deja vu, and this made her feel scary and calm at the same time. She came there by chance, but as if everything led her to this place. It happens: some kind of procrastination, it seems that too much time is spent on something that is not necessary for a long time to be in another place, and as a result everything goes on as usual, and you render what is called in the right place at the right time . She walked with the children for a long time around the city, in the park, then went to the museum, then had a snack in the cafe, then the children asked to go to that fortress, well, remember, about which the girls from the tourist bureau talked? Yes, of course, but perhaps the local sights are enough for today, is it time for you home, girls? Why do we need to go there at all? Well mommy, please! Well, well, but let's not rush, everyone is already tired. And they went walking step, stopping along the way at different playgrounds, swing on a swing, eat ice cream.

When they finally reached the fortress, it turned out that the museum was closing, but since Madame with two cutest young ladies came, let them pass free of charge, because just 10 minutes before closing. Madame entered the territory of the fortress. It was an open-air museum, something of the type of our Kremlin, on the territory of which hut-benches were located, in each of them massed guides worked and invited inside to tell and show the life of the end before last and the beginning of the last century. Children were delighted! you can touch everything and run everywhere. But alas, they close and ask Madame to forgive them, but the houses are locked up and the smiling and hospitable guides leave to change into the clothes of their time. Well, except that that distant hut, the forge, is still open, the blacksmith lingered there, maybe you can make it there? They had time.

At first glance, a discharge ran through her body. That's why they went there. She immediately felt the smell of vice and realized that she was gone. And it's great, she loved to surrender to the power of vice, debauchery and pleasure. He was handsome, unlike traditional Russian blacksmiths, thick and with a belly, beard and mustache. He was tall and slender, but his hands were very manly, strong, they captivated her mind immediately. But excuse me, madam, I'm leaving. Oh yeah, I know, forgive us, the children wanted to see what was here. Come back tomorrow, and maybe I'll do something for your little ladies. Tomorrow? ... But we are far to get here ... I do not know ... I'm not sure ... The earth was slowly leaving from under my feet, is this really all? This is how it will end before it starts? ... Well, no. She, of course, will come here tomorrow. And let it be obvious to him and her, but both will play by the rules of etiquette and pretend that for the sake of the children this attractive blonde does not look like a lustful bitch looking for adventure.

And it was tomorrow. And she came again. And he saw her and said he was waiting. She was nervous, like a young girl on the first date.And he began to forge some trifle for her children, the children, as if spellbound, followed the miracle of turning a simple piece of metal into a graceful petal before their very eyes. And she could not tear her gaze from his movements, from waving her arms with a hammer, the rumbling along the anvil was music for her ears, she felt his every muscle under his clothes, every curve of his body and the tension of unsignedness that hung in the air filled the little forge dirt floor to a black smoked roof. He made each girl a petal and suddenly, when she was counting seconds of escape opportunity in her mind, frantically searching for new words for small talk, to somehow extend these moments and catch him, to make him understand that she wants more, he suddenly asked that he can manufacture for her.

For me?! (Oh God, thank you for a few more minutes and they are just for me) Everything you want is true, I will be glad for everything. I'll do something special for you. Well, of course, what else could it be, she thought. He pounded the hot steel with a hammer, making the contours smoother and rounder, dipping into cold water and reheating in the furnace again, they chatted about everything and nothing. “I want to do something so beautiful ...” There was a pause. She broke words from his lips, unsaid omissions, words that do not speak to unfamiliar women with two children, but she had already heard them, she prayed to God that he should say it out loud. "... as much as I can." She exhaled. Not that. I did not dare. Thanks and on this one. Unfortunately, I can not give you anything in return. Don't worry, really, it’s enough that you were just here while I was working. That's it! It feels like it's not a blacksmith, but a poet, at least, where did he learn to say that? Or is it for me?

  • May 18, 2015 8:17

    Chota, I did not understand the last line ... Record ...


    • Rating: 0
  • May 18, 2015 9:17

    By the way, Snezhana Denisovna) I really like the way you write, thanks to you I was here and turned out, so take this opportunity, so to speak, merci)
    What exactly is not clear?


    • Rating: 0
  • May 18, 2015 9:20

    she exhaled, she didn’t dare ... I didn’t understand the quotation marks or I didn’t understand the idea))))))))))


    • Rating: 0
  • May 18, 2015 9:40

    The quotes are turned out, there are a lot of typos in general) I will correct later
    There is the beginning of his phrase: I want to do something as much ... And the ending: beautiful, as far as I can.
    And she was waiting for other words, not breathing. With his last words, she exhaled, sadly realizing that he didn’t say what he wanted and what she was waiting for, did not dare to say it out loud.


    • Rating: 0
  • May 18, 2015 9:46

    Well written, I set +9


    • Rating: 0
  • May 18, 2015 9:48

    Thank you for noticing)


    • Rating: 0
  • May 18, 2015 17:01

    Well, I do not know what is more here: romance or lust - probably a bit of everything. And what, an interesting sketch, the heroine is quite understandable, offset.


    • Rating: 0
  • May 18, 2015 20:51



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