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“Wow, great,” Romik rejoiced. “Thanks, you are so caring.”

They liked it all.

“We are not only caring, but also beautiful and sensual,” small doses of alcohol did their job, according to Jank, this was evident.

- Yeah? And in what this is expressed, - Romik did not miss such moments.

- And show you? - connected Oksanka.

- Of course, otherwise I may not know anything.

Oksanka turned to Yanke and took her by the waist. Yanka reached out to meet her.

“Fuck!”, Managed, briefly, to think of Romik, it was an exclamation and a statement of fact.

Hugging up, they started kissing, at first slowly and gently, then more and more depraved, with tongues.

Romik was even a little excited, but his head remained cold.

From an objective point of view, what was happening was good and bad at the same time. The good thing was that the girls began to liberate themselves, and it remained to send this emancipation in the right direction. It was bad that Oksanka apparently hung over Yanka. And under bad circumstances, there was a risk that such behavior would continue until the end of the evening and end in nothing. So, until all this has gone too far, you need to tear them apart. But how? Everything was clear with Yanka, but the girlfriend was not yet ripe, it was clear. If you do Yanko, Oksanka or closes, or will interfere with Yanke, and then completely take off home. The decision, for Romik, suggested itself, as it always did. It is necessary to rush, with grenades to the advantage, under Oksank, sacrificing Yanka. There were no other options. And there it will be seen.

“Listen, Oksan, I like the way you know how,” he walked behind her, coming very close, so that his chest touched her back, everything else would be overkill now. She, looking up from the Yankees, turned around.

In her eyes, Romik read the interest. And rather, not to him personally, but to everything that happens.

“This, of course, is unusual,” Romik continued, issuing the next phrase as a computer bot. And Yanka, straightening herself, built a “goat face” to him, looking straight at her, only managing to pronounce:

- Pfff!

There was a moment of uncertainty and everyone understood it clearly. Everything depended on a very large number of variables and it was not possible to calculate the situation. Lech entered the kitchen and Romik exhaled internally.

- Well, what have you got here? - asked Lech, on the move getting a cigarette.

“And all is well,” Yanka turned to meet Lech and took a step towards him.

Lech inhaled, inspecting all those present, leaning on the countertop.

- No, well, really, what are all the mysterious? - he asked.

“We waited for you to come,” Janka approached him closely.

- Well, here I am, come, and then what? - Lech glanced at Yanka, the fact that there was some kind of subtext, he already understood.

“May I have you for a minute,” Janka asked, looking Leh in the eye. She took his hand and pulled him into the corridor.

He looked at Romik, who was still standing behind Oksanki, with a completely flat physiognomy:

- I am now ... - Lech put out a cigarette.

Oksanka turned to Romika:

- You're with Yanka, sort of?

- And I like you Oksana, more like.

“Everything is more interesting and more interesting,” she did not leave, it was a good sign.

Romik took her by the waist with one hand, no reaction followed, then the other, and pulled her to him.

"Hmm, warm, ripe, and all this together."

- Maybe you will teach me something? - he asked.

- This is what? - clarified Oksanka, although everything lay on the surface.

“Like this one,” Romik leaned over and kissed. She reacted. Hugged Romika by the shoulders.

Romik was kissing timidly, she was also in no hurry.

“Fuck, you need to switch it to Dima, he promised the same. It's a pity of course, everything went so well. Straight unusually good, ebaaat, when else will this happen? Well, I will reptile, it is necessary! I will give him a chance, and there burn it with fire, let him climb out. "

“You know, Oksank, Dimka is not a bad guy,” Romik looking up from her, tried not to fake. And who could blame him, he was already at the limit.

- Who is this? A guy with a girl?

- Only not his this girl, and sister.

- Do you offer it to me?

- Look at him.

- Or maybe I like you more?

- We'll find out a little later, come on?

She pulled back a little.

“Fuck, do not overturn the joint,” thought Romik.

“Let's go to the room, we are long gone,” he added aloud.

In the corridor, Lech, with might and main, sucked with Yanka, holding and squeezing her in the corner. Janka squealed something there.

"Little bitch," thought Romik angrily, walking to the table.

Sat down. Lehi with Yanko was not. Dimik and his sister were depressed.

"Nothing, now rude," Romik encouraged himself.

“Ksyush, and I still remember you in school,” he turned to Dimika's sister, pouring him into glasses. Finally, a fully justified reason to talk to her appeared.

At Dimik's questioning look, Romik showed his eyes on Oksanku, act mol. It's time to go to tete-a-tete am.

- Rum, and I also remember you, you and my brother studied like, and then he called him often and I came up to the phone.

"Well, what are you clever," - well, that Dimik does not hear this, - "fuck, small of course, well, fuck him, let's break through."

- Let's drink, while these are not, - Romik shook his head at the empty places.

We drank, ate.

Dimik, started his own barrel organ, switching to Oksanku, his element was already there, the girl was completely warmed up to keep up a conversation with him. And let her want to communicate more with Romik, who intelligently froze, using the fact that he does not sit next to each other. But it had to go. Dimik knew how to competently ride over the ears, which was his chance. And if not, then ce la la vie, may later not be offended. He, Romik, and so did everything he could. Dimik drove the object at close range.

- Ksyuh, I'm a young expert here at five minutes, and what are you doing?

- I? Why, just entered, in September, go to the first course?

- Not tired of school, then?

“Yes, of course she’s tired, but where to go,” she smiled charmingly.

- Let's go, maybe we will dance, now I will turn on the bald one?

“Let's go,” she was stirring a little.

Romik turned on slow sensual music, looking at Dima.

He got up, took off his jacket.

“Let me invite you,” he said to Oksanka, who held out a pen in response.

- Please, - Oksanka skoketnichala.

Lech and Yanka weren’t going to appear, apparently they were fine there.

Started to dance. Two couples slowly spinning alongside, and Romik now and then met Dimik with his eyes. With gestures he showed Dimik to start using the moment.

Gestures were like: “come on, put your hands on your waist and put them on your ass,” “put your head to your neck and kiss,” and so on.

While Romik prompted, he didn’t pay attention that he demonstrated everything on Ksyuha, because she did not show any anxiety.

In Dimik, everything did not develop so well, Oksanka lifted his hands from her ass back to her waist, and this was a bad sign.

Dancing ended, Lehi and Yanko were still not there. Again sat at the table. Something from Dimik, the campaign did not go well. It was necessary to turn the tide.

It was getting dark outside.

“Okay, Ksyuh, let's go, I will see you off,” Romik volunteered, although in his soul the cats were scratching. And how scraped.

- Already? - innocently surprised Ksyushka.

- Yes Ksyush, let's get ready, - confirmed Dimik. Apparently her presence did not allow Dima to open up completely.

“Good,” she stood up without a murmur.

And Romik angrily thought:

“Expel all of you, pidaras, from here and leave her alone!” Nahuya, I generally subscribed to all this, ”but it was a second weakness.

Ksenia went out into the corridor, dressed, and Oksanka in ... Read more →

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