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two fingers ... And then there is a friend and a big guy, and everything is on a platter, as you like. And he, you see, bring his sister for an hour. You do not swell hour?

“C'mon, c'mon,” Dimik retreated a step, realizing that the conversation was taking an unnecessary turn, “no bazaar, I will.”


- Ale, Oksank, do you hear me?

- Yes, yes, I listen.

- He invites me to the day.

- Wow, will you go?

- Yes, but only with you.

- when?

“Tomorrow at five, can you?”

- Yes, tomorrow is fine.

- I bought him such a gift, in general, death. The sign of the twins is like that, on a silver chain, and all this together, in a chest. What do you think?

- Normal pancake. I'll buy something too.

- Yes, you do not really go broke there. Just to mark their attention.

- Naturally.

- Come on, Oksanchik, tomorrow I will call with Utrechk, let's go together.

- Come on.


Preparations were in full swing. Lech helped Romika in the kitchen. Dimik and his sister were supposed to pull up later. Everyone understood that it was not an easy task for Dima and did not stifle him.

- What do you think Romik, something will turn out? - Lech cut salad.

- If you want to succeed, do not ask stupid questions. When you think about it, this is the first step to failure, believe me. Anyway, behave with dignity, and sooner or later, it will happen anyway. “Just do not treat this as a global event,” Romik said, putting the plates on the table.

- Damn, well sykatno, Romik.

- Lech, yes you calm down, if you do not trample, then just sit, rest, and run away, what do you lose?

“Well, yes, it’s also true,” Lech confirmed.

- Do you know what your problem is Lech? Just imagine, you need to attack the enemy, and you and Dimik are a weapon. So, you are a long-range gun, you get to know everyone, but you cannot hold anyone at close range. And Dimik, this is a melee weapon, he needs to get ready to take action, which he cannot provide. Got it?

- And then you, who? - Lech began to grasp the philosophy.

- And to me, it's all like, I'm a station wagon. So, you know what I said? Stay close to Dimik, and everything will work out for you, enjoy the benefits of each other. Start you and cover Dimika, and then, on the contrary, he will cover you.

“Fuck, you commander,” Lech marveled.

- To each his own. Do not forget that I will steer, direct you to the goal. And the main thing is that Yanka will stick to me, I will move, for me you are a priority. Clear? And do not lean on vodka. Booze is a lot of losers.

- Noticed, Romik. I am your eternal debtor, although you yourself know about it.

- Come on without it. The situation should ripen and you can not either miss it or squeeze, you will have one attempt. And you should use it.


The doorbell rang, Romik went to open. Dimik came with his sister.

Romik was preparing for anything, but not for this.

“Fuck, this is who he brought ?!” - Romik already dropped his jaw, and he almost choked on a bone from a cherry. "What's this? Sister? Fuck yourself. Such a petty one was in its time, and here you are ... ”

Dimik went into the room where everything was already covered, and greeted Leha, while Romik could not tear his eyes away from the backside of his little sister, covered with jeans.

“%;?! + No, well, who would have thought !!! When did I last see her? Probably a few years ago, while still at school, she was running around, so, with pigtails ... Vashche, fucked up! And full ales. It seems, Ksenia was her name. ”

Sit at the table. Ksyuha sat next to Romik, Dimik was behind her, then left a place for one of the girls, then Lech, and another free space - so the circle was closed. The girls, it was decided to disconnect, so they sat next to all the guys. Well, do not want their business.

Romik, in advance, wanted to sit next to his sister Dimika, but he could not imagine that she would be so beautiful. I thought, simply, will take over part of the routine on standard courtship.

It was decided to gradually begin and slam to warm up.For the background included music.

- Ksyush, well, you know Romika and Lech. Here a couple more people should come up, Dimik mumbled uncertainly to his sister.

- Rum, I'm sorry that I have no gift, - Ksyuha turned to Romik and he immediately looked away from the cut-out of her blouse, - Dima called at the last second.

“Don't worry, everything is fine,” he answered.


Yanka and Oksankoy were approaching the entrance.

- You know, I put on such a beautiful underwear lacy. I'll show you later.

“You think it will reach the linen,” smiled Oksanka.

“Just in case,” Janka laughed, “maybe he will stay.”

They rode the elevator.

- Will there be a lot of boys?

“He said his friends are a couple of people, you’ll see for yourself,” said Yanka.

- Not a lot, - Oksanka straightened her hair.

- The main thing that was not boring. If you don’t like it, we’re losing it together, it’s never too late.

The door opened Romka.

“Come in, come in, we are already waiting for you,” he greeted him as a warm host, kissing Janka on the cheek.

We went into the room, where two more guys and a girl were sitting at the table. Greet, met.

Oksanka village between Lehoy, who poured out, and Dimik, and Janka closer to Romik. The girls drank wine. Lech guys poured, on the floor glasses, as it was agreed.

- Let's go. For the meeting! - Romka got up.

We drank. Slight silence.

Romik looked around the table, all the girls were beautiful. Oksanka, a girlfriend of the Yankees, is also quite a person, but cold - he immediately understood, here you need to melt and melt. This is the primary task. Otherwise, nothing happens. And so in general Dimiku fit, his type. But before that you need to live.

He looked at Lech and Dimika, the enviable gentlemen turned out. In unbuttoned jackets, ties, shirts. Shorn. Lech and generally hussar. Gil-til-mena fucking, Harvard is resting.

Well, the picture is clear. Romik got the role of the toastmaster, it was clear to the fool. He started with probing the soil to understand what to cling to.

An hour has passed. There was a general conversation at the table, in which everything that Romik sought was accomplished. There were no imbalances. A couple of times drank. Lech took care of the girls and kept himself in hand. Dimik, as agreed, kept the conversation in a conciliatory form, he did not impose his own topics. Everything was going great.

Oksanka went to the toilet, from where she wrote sms-ku Yanke:

"And the guys do nothing like me."

Yanka gazed at Romik, he answered her with meaningful glances, and he himself thought of Ksyuh, who had appeared, to give some kind of a good irritant to his nervous system.

It took another half an hour.

“So, well, let's go and have a smoke,” suggested Romik, looking at Yanka.

“Yes,” she agreed, right there.

Oksanka and Lech also began to rise. Dimik and her sister continued to sit, they did not smoke.

Lech looked at Romik and met his eyes. Romika's palm, slightly hit the table - like, sit for now. Lech sat back.

Let's go to the kitchen. Romik, passing by, leaned over to Lech and said quickly in his ear:

- In ten minutes you will come, - Lech nodded and spoke to Dimkina's sister.

- How is it ok? - asked Romik dragging on.

- Cool, - answered Oksanka, exhaling smoke.

“I thought you wouldn’t come,” Romik said.

- And why is that? - Yanka was surprised, having raised eyebrows, - agreed.

- Well, you never know, - Romik warmed up the topic, - Yank, and you look good and you have nothing with your girlfriend.

“Yes, we are,” Yanka retorted, “they tried for you, by the way, I almost forgot.”

She went out into the corridor, returning a few seconds later.

“Gifts to you,” Yanka smiled and handed Romika a pink gift bag. In which, lay a little trunk with a chain and a perpetual shaving ... Read more →

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