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“Let's fuck her together,” Lech suggested, excited, waving a cigarette in the air.

In a sense, he could be understood, he was only twenty, and youthful maximalism was in the air.

- No, well, here Romik decides, - Dimka gave a more restrained voice, - he nevertheless met her.

The three of them drank beer, near the playground, near the houses, sitting on a bench. It began to get dark, the summer heat relaxed and disposed to frank conversations.

Romik was slow, he was the oldest. With druganami, he corrected since childhood and always listened to their statements, whatever nonsense they carried. Moreover, they have gone through a lot together, starting from the drive to the police and ending with the fights with other micro-Sambs who have the audacity to swing rights.

“Not guys, well, I don't know, yet a really cool chick,” Romik's uncertain words suggested that a more detailed discussion should start.

- Romik, well, throw this topper, - Lech again flew up, having drank beer. He was all moving. - How many have you got? Fucking mountain! And the same will be what you lose? One more, the other less - Lech knew how to convince.

Romik graduated from college and was considered the most advanced. He was strong, handsome, but the most important thing was attracting girls to him, while not doing anything. Absolutely nothing. Because of this, he was alien to unnecessary experiences and suffering. He lived the way he lived and, naturally, like many, he wanted to get everything and more from life.

With Lehoy and Dimka was another story. It seems also normal boys, not freaks and without jumps. However, as far as communication with the female sex was concerned, everything flew around. Nothing worked, even if you burst.

From the point of view of Romik, yet they themselves were to blame for everything, Lech, with his harshness and hyperactivity, simply did not allow relations to flow along a normal channel. Dimik started to bleat constantly, trying to find a common language with the girls, but he always started to get confused in his bleating, which ended up not in his favor.

However, friends are friends, they are perceived as they are. Lehi, it seems, was already somewhere with someone, but where and with whom, nobody knew. Dimik did not conceal that he was a virgin and to get rid of this burden for him was a primary task.

“Guys, boys,” Romik called for calm, “I don't mind, but I can't vouch for her.” How she will behave is unknown.

- Romik, well, you are a pro, well, try, - Dimka, a born but unsuccessful diplomat, gave his voice, - well, prepare the ground, make everything beautiful as you can. If you need money, we collect, you know.

Hmm, with the money it was really stressful, and without them it was, a priori, unpromising to stir up any meetings with girls.

“Okay, guys, I’ll try, but I don’t promise anything, how it will go,” Romik said thoughtfully, lighting a cigarette.

- Well, in kind, let's capitalize it together, now on the horizon there are seams at all. If we succeed, we will never forget Romik, believe me! - issued a brisk tirade Lech, which meant "just do it, and we for you anything."


“Such a boy, such a boy,” Yanka did not shut up, telling her friend, “not like ours,” she meant general company. - I study with me, on a parallel one.

- Yank, well, what, tell me, - Oksanka, possessing the common sense of skepticism, tried to find out the details. Feeling that is being planned, something interesting.

“Well, how can I tell you this is a fly away,” Janka continued in her usual manner. - You know, cool such, I just stick, mmm.

Two friends met at school, and that they had the very dawn. Spree until the morning and continuous communication with those who are even interested in them.And it does not matter what he was interested in, as an interlocutor or as a potential object of lust. It was necessary to constantly quench the thirst for communication, and all life was still ahead.

“Describe him though,” Oksana asked, taking out a mirror and examining, making faces, her lips.

“Sporty is so tall, just sweetheart, and he has a smile ... You’d just see her,” Janka rolled her eyes. - Invites me to yourself, count up?

- This is already interesting. Will you go? - asked Oksanka, for a moment looking up from the mirror.

“Oksanchek, my friend, let's go together,” Yanka immediately began to whine, making a pitifully begging physiognomy, “please, it will be boring for me alone.”

Oksanka and Yanka were friends, do not spill water. They wanted feelings and relationships, they wanted tenderness. To carry them on hand, gave them tokens and said warm words. And all this in a beautiful wrapper of rose petals and never ending holiday.

However, the world was cruel, where there was one, there was no other. This guy was boring, the other is too rude, but the one who is not mature at all and sucks.

They were no longer girls, which they were proud of, but this did not go further. Physiology and only. But they had already managed to study each other well without clothes, immeasurable trust played a role. If relationships with guys do not develop properly, why waste time? When was that they could give each other, giving positive emotions. And being absolutely sure that everything is going smoothly. After all, they were equal.

Of course, none of them considered mutual sympathy seriously. It was a usual self-indulgence, without cause and effect, which could always be stopped. They understood this well, but so far this moment has not come.


“Guys, in short, the case is somewhat complicated, on the one hand,” Romik told his friends at the entrance, “there are two news, good and concrete.”

- Well, do not torment the soul, - Lech was not in the mood.

- In short, Janka, along the way, they definitely hit me ... - he sustained a theatrical pause, - she’s nothing. I think we will succeed with it. And about the second news, I told her that I would have a birthday and invited her. Rodak in the country will be.

- You have in November like, - corrected Dima.

- Yes, what the fuck is the difference, will be in June, do not worry, - retorted Romik, - but that's not all. She is not alone, but with a friend.

- Wow, is your girlfriend beautiful? - asked Lech.

- Yes, like a normal, Yanka said that her copy. Now, I don’t know what will come of it all, but if you want something to work out, listen here.

“You,” Romik, poked Leh in the chest, “you will be a gallant cavalier and come in a suit with a tie and so that I can’t see any workouts with sneakers there, understand?”

“Yes, I understood, I understood,” Lech hesitated, “I will wear the one in which I went to the graduation ceremony.”

- Socks fresh dress and do not run there, you will laugh, cover your mouth with your hand and so without sharpness. Now you, - Romik pointed at Dimka, - will dress like him, do not bother with your tediousness and keep quiet until you miss a couple of glasses. I will speak and they will appear as general topics, give a sign, then connect. And no need to contradict anyone, something to prove, philosophize and other crap to create. Just listen, agree with everything, and develop their themes, but carefully. Clear? Let them feel their worth.

- And how can we succeed if there are two of them, and there are three of us? - Dimka was in doubt.

“Well, bring your sister, and there will be three girls,” Romik disrupted, looking at Dimka's reaction.

- Here's another, - Dimik immediately pouted.

- Not in kind, Dimik, a good idea, by the way, bring your sister, they will relax. While she is wrapped up there, and then you give your sister a kick, she will slip unnoticed and dump, ”Lech unexpectedly supported.

“Yeah, if it were so easy,” Dimik doubted.

- And who is easy? - Romik exploded, - do you think it's easy for me to babysit? For you, stupid assholes try, it's all for me, in general, the dick did not blow! What do you think, I would not have brought Yanku to myself without you and would not fuck, how could ...

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