1. Hello Dedushka Moroz!
  2. Hello Dedushka Moroz! Again

Vika and Kostya have been married for half a year already and today they were going to celebrate their first family status in the New Year. Together. In a romantic setting. And so it was more interesting - they decided to play the game. Kostya - in the role of Santa Claus, and Vika - as a “bad girl”, whom the grandfather came to congratulate.

The young wife, while her husband was at work, spent most of the day in the kitchen, preparing all sorts of goodies for the holiday table. A couple of hours before the arrival, Bones began to gather herself. She took a shower, tidied up the bikini area, did her hair and makeup, and finally got dressed. She came up with her outfit herself. Red stockings with a belt, a red-white very frank swimsuit, some trimmed with fur, and a hat of the same color with a lush bomber jacket. Vika got dressed and meticulously examined herself in the mirror. It turned out very sexy and even defiant. A special piquancy to the suit was given by dark nipples translucent through the mesh bra, and after looking at the panties one could see its relief emerge through the thin fabric. In general, Vika was absolutely satisfied with her appearance, but she was still a little worried. After all, today she was going to make her husband a completely unusual return gift - a real full blowjob. She knew that he had long and eagerly wished for this: after all, during the year of their intimate life together, she had never orally satisfied Kostya, no matter how he hinted or asked. Not because she disdained. Not. Just had some kind of internal brake inside her. And today Vika finally decided.

She began preparations in advance, in two weeks. Daily she was engaged in a long self-hypnosis, and also trained on a specially purchased for this dildo, as a textbook using porn movies downloaded from the Internet. Vika was ready, she knew that, but she couldn’t manage to overcome her excitement. “Nothing!” She said to herself, “The main thing to begin, and there everything will go!”

At the beginning of the seventh the doorbell rang. Vika did not even throw a robe on herself, and immediately went to open it. She wanted to immediately surprise Kostya from the threshold. And she achieved it. The effect was amazing. When her husband saw her, he even lost his speechlessness for a while.

“Welcome, Grandfather Frost!” Vicka cooed with a smile and dragged her aback husband into the apartment.

Kostya was good! A carved staff, a bag behind his back, a chic scarlet sheepskin coat and a hat, generously lined with fur. A full beard, covering half of the face and white bushy eyebrows hanging over the eyes. His cheeks were thickly blush and his nose was completely white. Kostya made up his life perfectly: to meet Vika him on the street would never have thought that this was her husband!

“Uh ... Vika’s girl lives here ?,” Grandfather Frost rumbled in thick bass.

Kostya's voice also managed to change beyond recognition. Vika had no idea that her acting talent was hidden in her husband.

“I'm Vika,” the girl said, “go through the grandfather.”

The husband followed her into the living room while running, rummaging through his bag.

- Did Vika behave well this year?

- Oh, grandfather! I was a very bad girl, - Vick answered coquettishly, pressing her finger to her protruding lips, - Now I will not have a gift?

- Well, why ... There will be a gift, girl, if you promise to correct in the new year, and now tell me a poem or dance.

- I'd better dance, can I ?, - winked at her husband Vick, went to the switch and turned off the light.

Now the room was lit only with a multi-colored Christmas tree garland, creating a mysterious play of light and shadow in the twilight. Vika picked up the console from the music center and turned on the cooked slow song. Smoothly and beautifully moving to the beat of the music, the girl began to dance. Santa Claus stood at the wall like an idol, and fascinated looking at his spouse. Three months of practice in the class of strip plastics for her were definitely not in vain. This dance could revive even impotent.Vika was gracefully arched, turning this way and that, taking one pose more seductively than the other. Then she allegedly accidentally dropped one strap from her shoulder and blinked her eyes, portraying a frightened innocent girl. But the next second, she also took off the second strap, and then, turning her back, undid the bra clasp. When she turned back, her bra slid to the floor, but at the last moment Vika managed to cover her elastic high breasts with her palms. Then, for quite a long time, she teased her husband, until she opened her chest to his greedy gaze. Next came the turn of the panties. She got rid of them even longer, bringing her husband to the boiling point. She did all this at a respectful distance, and only remained virtually naked (except for stockings and hats), came close to him, doused with warmth of her heated body and delicate aroma of perfumes.

- Well, grandfather, did you like my dance?

- Ugum ...

- And I deserved a gift?

Husband again began to frantically dig in the bag and, finally, pulled out a huge doll with huge blue eyes and golden curly hair. Vika pulled out a gift from his hands and exclaimed with delight:

- I dreamed about such a child all the time !!! How did you guess?!

- Uh ... Well, I'm a magician ...

- Oh, grandfather! You really are a magician! You have no idea how you guessed with this doll! And for that ... I have a present for you too!

Kostya did not have time to answer anything. Vika knelt down in front of him, spread the floor of his sheepskin coat and began frantically unbuttoning the jeans hiding under him. The belt was easy, but I had to tinker with the buttons. Lowering her pants along with her underpants down to her knees, Vika felt the hardened member of her husband and brought her face close to him. She did all this with her eyes closed: it seemed to her that it would be easier for her to do what she was going to do. Wrapping her wooden trunk with her palm, Vika tilted it slightly down and timidly clasped her head with her lips ...

She turned out to be right in her assumptions: it was just hard to start. Sensing excited male flesh in her mouth, Vika instantly aroused herself. And the further - the more! After 30 seconds, she sucked dick with such greedy passion that one could think that this was her old favorite activity. That she cannot live without it and indulges in this way of love at every opportunity. Vika rhythmically immersed her husband's dick in her mouth, as she could, helping herself with her hand. And the obscenely-depraved slurping sounds and the deaf moans of her husband made her even more challenging the girl. The result was not long in coming. Having fallen back on the wall, Santa Claus growled in his womb and threw the first generous portion of his sperm into Vika’s mouth. Vika swallowed it mechanically, even without immediately realizing what had happened. But all subsequent emissions she swallowed consciously, listening to her feelings and appreciating the taste. “And she’s not at all nasty,” Vika thought cheerfully when the content of Santa Claus's testicles dried up, “I shouldn’t refuse. It's even fun! Only I will not indulge him often, otherwise I will get used to it and emotions will no longer be the same. ”

“Did you like the present, grandfather?”, Vika purred, raising her pleased face to her husband.

- Ummm ... Not the right word, girl! But ... I have to go now. Other kids are waiting for me.

- Of course, of course, grandfather. I understand. Come on, I'll take you.

The grandfather walked to the door with an unsteady step, apparently still not fully moving away from the experience. Vika opened the door, handed the bag to her husband and smacked him good-bye in his cheeked-up cheek ...

* * *

Kostya, dressed as Santa Claus, took the elevator, impatiently anticipating a meeting with his wife. He developed a whole script and experienced a hard riser, just scrolling through his head. He will ask her if she was a good girl. Vika will answer that she was a bad girl. And he will punish her. Lay her stomach on his knee, pull down her panties and begin to spank on the elastic bare ass. And then she will begin to caress her pussy with her hand, then, when she is sufficiently excited, put her finger in her ass. And, if everything works out, even fuck her there. Oh, how he hopes for it !!!

The doors of the elevator noisily parted to the sides, and Kostya immediately saw a peasant dressed like himself. He stood in front of the door of Kostya's apartment and stared, puzzled, at the number plate.

- Zdraste, help you with something?

- Uh ... yes ... Is this 27 flat?

- Yes.

- And the house?

— № 5

- And the seventh where?

- Seventh next. Lost?

- It seems that yes ... Damn it!

- What?

- Yes, the girl is waiting for me in the 7th house. Vika. And I lost her gift ... let's say so ...

- Vika? My wife's name is Vika too.

- Yes? Do you live here?

- Yeah. Husband. Here, she decided to make a surprise.

- Surprise? “Well, well,” the stranger nervously laughed, slipped past Bones and hurried down the stairs.

  • December 30, 2014 9:01

    Pleased Kozyavin! Beautiful New Year's gift made Vika to her husband. Even a little envy. The truth is not quite what he expected, but I think he was glad to stay))))


    • Rating: 0
  • December 30, 2014 9:24

    Thank! Today lay the continuation of the story.


    • Rating: 0
  • December 30, 2014 9:08

    I liked the class!
    just a couple of questions: was it really impossible to see by voice that it was different. and in size - really the same, that the husband that Santa Claus.
    P. S. 10


    • Rating: 0
  • December 30, 2014 9:22

    There are no problems in my opinion. As for the voice - she decided that he very artistically changed it. And about the member - she never gave her husband a blowjob, and could not know how he felt “tastes”. And she took it with her eyes closed.


    • Rating: 0
  • December 30, 2014 10:31

    What a confusion! Thank you for an interesting and easy story. Made a smile. Only my husband pity. I hope Vika will have the strength and determination for the second round.


    • Rating: 0
  • December 30, 2014 15:07

    Great story. If there is a continuation, it is generally excellent.


    • Rating: 0
  • December 30, 2014 15:18

    Continuation already threw on check. If moders have not stepped on the cork :), today they will publish with the next update


    • Rating: 0
  • December 30, 2014 19:57

    10 out of 10!!! Easy, fun, and terribly exciting !!! Although in my opinion it would be funnier if the heroine realized the change, bending over a member. But your ending is more exciting ... and makes you believe in miracles !!!))))


    • Rating: 0
  • Sphinx (a guest)
    December 30, 2014 20:52

    I am alone in this story most of all sorry for the girl from the neighboring house, who now does not receive the promised doll?


    • Rating: 0
  • December 31, 2014 10:06 PM

    That's why he and Santa Claus, let him get out and find another doll. Is it possible to deprive a child of a gift? And the New Year's Hochma turned out quite well.


    • Rating: 0

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