1. My upbringing. Part 1
  2. My upbringing. Part 2: On Vacation
  3. My upbringing. Part 3: Wedding Night

On that day, I flatly refused to go to the nudist beach - I was ashamed of my smoothly shaved pubes and buttocks, which still showed signs of a two-week spanking.

- So in the evening you will be severely punished! Your disobedience to me now! - the wife made a characteristic hand gesture at the throat, frowned and quickly moved towards the beach.

- Well, dear, well, do not be angry! - I went after her.

“Get ready ...” she said ominously without turning around.

For the rest of the day, she practically did not talk to me, went to dinner alone, and told me to cleanse properly.

I was sad. "Good" in our language with her meant that I had to clean not only the anus and intestines, but also the stomach. So the punishment will be really serious.

After completing all the unpleasant procedures, I took a shower and, without dressing, stood in the corner to expect the return of my wife. She took the time and I spent at least an hour in the corner. Finally, the door of the room opened:

- Good boy! - the wife has praised me. - Get out of there and lie down on the bed!

I left the corner and lay down on the wide double bed ass up.

- Asterisk! She commanded, and I spread my arms and legs wide open.

- Schoolgirl! - A new team, and I am in the knee-elbow position with my back arched diligently.

- Girl! - I'm on my stomach again, but my arms and legs are together, and my body is stretched with a string.

- Ass! - knees pulled to the chest, ankles clenched hands.

After a couple of laps, she was bored with this game by the elders with the rookie and she settled on an asterisk. Carefully tied my arms and legs to the headboard and went to the wardrobe.

I expected that she would get a strapon, but she only changed into a trouser pair and began to preen by the mirror.

Suddenly a door knocked on the room. My wife came out to the hall, let the visitor in and let me hear a dialogue:

- Your order. Maybe you cut? - a thin girlish voice of our maid in broken English.

- Oh no! - Laugh wife, - This is not in food, this is for punishment. Naughty boys. Do you have a boy

- Yes, but I do not punish him.

- In vain! I will have a request for you - the characteristic rustle of bills. - Somewhat unusual, but nothing complicated. Agree?

- What do we have to do?

“My spouse is tied up in the bedroom.” He is punished and knows this. All voluntarily, no violence. I need to leave for a couple of hours, and I’ll ask you to insert such a fresh piece into his ass every half hour. Can you handle it?

“I'm not sure,” the maid began, but again the notes started rustling. - But I'll try.

- Great! And so that you do not doubt that everything is legal, - the wife raised her voice so that I could hear, - He will ask you about it. Now go for the gloves, this is a very stinging thing. Come back - do not pay attention to the "do not disturb" sign. I think your four visits will be enough for him.

Finally, the door slammed shut and the room was empty.

After five minutes to seven, the door opened again and knocked on the bedroom.

“Yes, come in,” I invited.

Our maid entered the room, a plump young teen with a butt plug from ginger.

“Your wife ...,” she began, but I interrupted:

- Yes that's right! Please insert this thing in my ass.

Even through the dark skin she could see her blush. But she turned out to be an executive girl, and in a couple of minutes the cork took its place.

- Thank you! I wait in half an hour.

The burning began as soon as the door slammed behind the maid. Thai spices are several times stronger than ours. It is terrible to even imagine what will be at the peak of the action. The main thing is not to compress the ass, the main thing is not to compress ...

Minute on the fourth, in spite of my efforts to relax, the anus began to shrink instinctively, which brought even more pain and burning. The more you squeeze - the more juice is released and, accordingly, a greater burning sensation.I knew it, but I could not help it with my ass. At the peak of the action, it seemed to me that a soldering iron was inserted, and I groaned. Finally, the burning sensation slowly began to go away, but the anus was still throbbing. I didn’t carry the next three traffic jams anymore so hard, but I didn’t manage my anus any more - it shrank and unclenched like a fish thrown on land and swallowing air.

Then the door opened and the hall filled with the clatter of heels and female laughter. After a moment, the wife entered the room, leading by the hand a huge secret with a horse face. Obviously a prostitute - she was wearing a screaming make-up, high-heeled shoes, in a short pleated skirt and a topic.

- How did you behave? Was a good boy ?, - the wife laughed. - And I brought you a girl here. With a surprise!

After these words, the “girl” smiled, exposing a series of huge crooked teeth, and lifted the hem of her skirt:

- Syulpilis! - in Thai she said Thai. Between the legs she had a good sized cock.

I immediately understood everything and prayed:

- Honey, maybe you shouldn't ... - One thing is a strapon, and quite another ...

- You must Fedya, you must! - the wife answered with a favorite saying and started slowly nadrachivat secret.

Reluctantly, her bolt began to grow in size and rise. Already it seemed and began to fill the head, the size of a children's cam. The wife accelerated movement and the bolt gained cast strength and elasticity. About such people say that they can raise buckets.

- Ebat? - pointed to me secretly.

The wife nodded, secretly put a condom on and gestured for a lubricant. But the wife only smiled, shook her head and put a gag on me.

A prostitute-trance lay on top of me and started crawling a member between my buns, and my wife comfortably sat in the chair opposite and began to watch the performance. Finally, the secret was able to “grope” the hole and she began to press. The anus instinctively shrank, but not for long, and, at the time of relaxation, the "sausage" began to penetrate into me. When the soft head passed and it was the turn of the trunk, tears spilled from my eyes, and the gag stifled my cry. The snake slowly but non-stop crawled into me until I felt the spiny pubis on my clean-shaven buttocks. Taika stopped for a few moments, enjoyed the pulsation of my stretched anus, and then began to tear me up. It is to fight, not to fuck - hard and fast. And I began to howl. It was insanely painful., And she breathed in my neck and whispered something in her tongue. Finally, she froze, but her “sausage” pulsed in me and it seemed as if boiling water was splashed into my insides. I squealed a falsetto, and the Thai fell on me and relaxed.

Through tears, I considered that my wife had left the room and returned with the “tutor”. So she called the scrap belt - very sick thing. Heavy and practically non-bending piece of leather. Sitting after whipping is so decidedly impossible for a couple of days, and bruises disappear for about six weeks. I tried to persuade her, but the gag ...

- This is so that you remember the lesson for a long time, dear! - and his wife handed tutor secretly.

So I have not been flogged. Taika - a former healthy man - turned out to be much stronger than his wife and I screamed through the gag like a little girl. And my wife very gently stroked my head and almost gently “taught”:

- And do not tell my wife! Listen to your wife! Listen Do not stop ...

All the next day I lay in the room on my stomach. A day later, meekly undressed naked on a nudist beach and, to the approving applause of two elderly feminist German women, addressed my wife and the contemptuous looks of the other beach dwellers, ridiculously otklyachiv ass and spreading wider than usual legs, hobbled, led by the hand of his wife, to the sea.

The wife was right. I remembered the lesson for a long time and she did not have to punish me on trifles for several months.

  • November 15, 2014 18:31

    I would like to continue


    • Rating: 0
  • November 17, 2014 1:00

    for this subject quite well.it makes sense to develop the image of a spouse - as long as she appears to be something between a continuation of a mother and a device, but it is assumed that in addition to the need to educate and punish the main character, she also has her sexual needs?
    well, and more character faults)


    • Rating: 1
  • November 18, 2014 1:41

    Thanks for the constructive! But ... I can hardly describe the sexual experiences of a woman from domination over a partner (((Let's dwell on the fact that this is their prelude, and sex is a routine)))).
    Regarding the misdemeanors did not understand - the punishment is too strict for a single offense? So it seems like this particular offense has become the “last straw” in the series ...


    • Rating: 0
  • November 19, 2014 11:45

    No, about the fault - this is also the development of the plot. I suppose that with this character they have to go through the narration with a red thread)


    • Rating: 0
  • November 19, 2014 21:45

    for some reason it seems to me that it is the punishment (s) that should pass through the “thread”, and what led to him (them) is secondary))))


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