Who did not score to study in the first year? So I had this story. Only she threatened me with expulsion and a direct road to the army, where I, for sure, a weak fat man with flat-footedness and intellectual manners would not be good. The faculty is hard. Two exams and test are inundated - goodbye! And so I went to beg for the test, since I definitely would not pass the exams and did not beg. There was hope for an old woman's heart, although the old woman was still. Brrr. Under seventy years, constantly in a tunic with riding breeches, belted by an officer's belt, with eaten lipstick on his lips. Often she yelled at us, she could have thrown the keys to the office at someone, and she adored repeating that we had to be torn like goats. Older inheritance courses gave us her nickname - Baba Galya. Therefore, I was not surprised when after hearing me she offered to visit her tomorrow at her home. And about what he was expecting. But better from her than a whipping from her parents, plus a bunch of restrictions on holidays. But first things first.

A little earlier than the appointed time, I was at an address in a village located forty minutes away by train from our town. It was a small brick house on the outskirts of the village behind a high wooden fence, thickly covered with grapes, hops and some kind of winding living creatures, surrounded by dilapidated and, most likely, non-residential huts and huts. It turns out that I was not the only “lucky one” - at the gate some guy and a girl were walking around, the first-year students were also going on a hike. I approached, said hello and looked at them closer. The guy (guy ... schmo bespectacled) was shorter than me, of loose constitution, his face was in eels, and this whole image was brightened by huge horn-rimmed glasses and the same huge drooling lips.

The girl was also, as they say ... Above me on the head, thick, with bulging eyes and constantly open mouth. And I - fat man. Damn - she does not like fat or what? We met - Vadik and Lesya. Vadik was like me, city, and Lesya from somewhere 200 km away. And, as it turned out - she is older than us for 2 years - barely enrolled from the third time. And if they expel her, they will kill her at home. And Vadik. And I will be taken to serve in the army. I, too, did not do it the first time. And before that, too, will be killed at home. In general, we have the same history and there are no ways to retreat. We began to wonder quietly - and what awaits us? Maybe the old witch will force you to do something about the housework, or once again take the test, or rather, not accept it, and everything is lost ... or ... But what we were waiting for, we definitely would not even see in a nightmare.

Exactly at 10 o'clock the gate opened and Baba Galya appeared before us in her unchanged military suit.

- Well, loafers, come in, if you came ...

We sluggishly squeezed past her into the courtyard, where she lined us up, lit a cigarette and, noisily dragging on and walking along our small order, creaked:

- So, my pigeons are doomed! You are all here because you did not want to learn. And plunged into what each of you told me and tried to squeeze the test. Fuck with you - I'll put it, but, fuck, this day you have to remember for a long time! And if you don’t have enough brains and your parents don’t give them away, maybe my punishment will help you to hold your head! But no ... So you are fucking hopeless! In general, she dropped the cigarette butt and spoke already quieter and with some fatigue in her voice — who is ready to receive — she passes the record book and the sheet from the dean's office. But I warn you - the day will be fun! Who is not - fuck you!

Mata, we did not expect from her. And from this red. And from the very speech they lowered their heads and looked at their feet. And they understood that in general everything is fair. And silently stretched the records.

She took them, lit a new cigarette and commanded:

- So! Now undress. Dowry!

After a moment of confusion, the first began to overlap his sundress Lesya over his head. When her milky-colored breasts appeared, Vadik began to unbutton his shirt.I bent down and began to untie my sneakers only when the witch handed me back my record book. Lesya first pulled off her white cotton underpants and covered her sundress with a sundress, and thick undergrowths between her legs with her underpants.

- Sandals also take off, you fool! And hang out your clothes on the porch.

When Les went to the porch, Vadik and I looked at each other, so that they could at the same time type our little families. And, when they were in the area of ​​the knees, both hung and stared at our girlfriend's bare ass in misfortune — neither Vadik, nor I had ever seen a naked heifer. Undressing, we also carried things and returned to the place. And furtively squinted at Lesya. Our painters began to slowly swell and it was already difficult to cover them with our hands. But then the old hag commanded "Attention" and we stretched out along the way.

While we were undressing, she was reviewing our records and now rendered a verdict:

- Both of you - pointed at us with a finger, - just quitters! And you need to tear up like a goat goat for assiduity. And you just think about jerking off! - and she fluttered at the records of our risen pisyunami. - masturbate?

Vadik and I were silent and got one more click. After which nodded their heads. She grunted with satisfaction and switched to Lesia:

- Well, you, shit ?! Well you are just stupid like boots! Cudgel stoorosovaya! Fuck already? - Lesia blushed and nodded. - Here! Why the fuck did you leave your cows !? Milked them b and fucked! No, fuck! Intellectuals decided to become, fuck!

After these words, Lesya got a slap in the book and began to sob. Vadik and I, too, began to pinch our eyes, and Vadik so even started a tear and sniffed several times.

- Early crying! Today you will bellow me like a beluga! You dilda - she showed a hand in the garden - - Go Narvi nettle. And you hands behind your head and legs shoulder-width apart!

- And you thicker tear, - she shouted Lesya after, - yes more!

Finally Lesya brought a huge bundle that she could barely hold by the stems with both hands. Our tormentor nodded approvingly and ordered:

- Now, let's postagay these Obdudev between your legs.

Lesia hesitated a little and slightly whipped me first from the bottom up. I was immediately burned, I closed my eyes, and Lesya received a new team and a ringing slap on the ass:

- You blow off the dust from it? Well stronger - and the finger pointed to Vadik.

After that, "stronger" Vadik whined and wept. Then it was my turn, then Vadik again, and so eight to ten times. Our hui not just fell off, but together with the eggs they shrank and became like babies - only the skin sticks out.

- Now assholes them go. - And Lesya in turn poured us a dozen.

- So ... Well ... Now you pinch it between your legs! Have you ever had such a bouquet? - Baba Galya screamed.

Lesya slightly spread her legs, lifted the “bouquet” and squeezed. And then she rolled her eyes and grimaced in pain.

- Stronger squeeze! So, now sit down. - Lesya sat down and roared. - And pussy, pussy crawl! You can not learn - get used to pussy to work out! Yes, shave, and then like a monkey!

While Lesya was sitting, Vadik and I cruelly scratched our asses and hips inside. Finally, the forest was allowed to get up and we were sent by hand to weed the garden.

- Do not trample on there, neuki!

Weeding took about an hour. Basically, at the expense of Lesin knowledge. Vadik and I sled off more and gazed at Lesina’s naked ass in blisters, which broke far ahead. Our pysyuny began to rise again, despite the fact that we poured sweat and we were bitten by horseflies and mosquitoes.

Babu Galyu notified Lesya about the end of weeding. She looked and seemed pleased. But this was not the end of punishment. We were ordered to go into the house, where dry peas were scattered on the steps of the porch. Yes, not the one that is peeled, which is sold in stores, but completely round.

- Kneel down and think about your behavior! - Baba Galya sat in a rocking chair and opened a book.

We got up and immediately felt all the tricks of torture. Only knees were placed on the step, and there were no supports for the feet. It immediately became terribly painful, and after a couple of minutes it was unbearable. But we stood. And wept. And they thought. And they promised themselves to learn. And Baba Galya fell asleep.

It seemed to us that we stood forever, but in fact only forty minutes had passed. Finally she woke up and allowed us to get up. It was scary to look at my knees - the peas dug into them almost completely and, when removed, delivered new portions of pain.

- Well, it's time to unpick you from the heart! - Baba Galya yawned and stretched. - Let's go to the garden.

A table with benches on the sides was dug in the garden. Under the table, in a perpetual shade, stood a tall jar of canned herring, half filled with water. And sticking out of it. I learned THIS. This is not just a piece of leather. This is the storm of all naughty asses. Once I was just once in such a childhood as a child grandfather - and the ass was sick for two days, and the bruise went for a week. It was a piece of thick, four millimeters thick and 5 centimeters wide, a belt of very rough skin. At the end it was divided by the letter "M". My grandfather ruled a razor about him. And he was dry. And here he is wet, it means much harder. I was sad, and my legs and ass began to twitch.

First Baba Galya smacked Lesia. (Especially for eroticspace.info) She stretched out on a bench, and Vadik and I were ordered to sit on her hands and feet. Baba Galya swung her heart out and put a belt in her ass. Lesya screamed and twitched, and I saw a belt loop imprinted on my buttocks with a scar. But Baba Galya did not pay attention and continued to take a measured smack, after each stroke making a pause for ten seconds. Our segments with Vadik rose again from the sight of this spectacle. Vadik was more fortunate - even though the view of the wriggling wood in my ass was better when she jerked her head, she caught her dick with his cheeks and chin. But it was not long - only 25 blows. But ass ... Ass looked terrible - swollen scars ripe tomato with lilac contours of the belt.

And then Vadik was less fortunate - he was whipped next. And I was told to sit in my arms, and Lesa, who was still sobbing, was put on his feet. And now Vadik ter with my puffy cheeks my standing member. And sometimes I got on it with my big lips.

Then Baba Galya smacked me. And Vadik also planted in front. But after whipping his pisyun cringe and I did not have to touch him.

But that was not all.

“Well, doves,” said the old one, examining our asses and knees. - Now for sure you will not be to the beaches of three or four weeks. Maybe you will take it by the head. In the meantime, to consolidate, so to speak, a lesson, take you the things of this milkmaid and pussy to the station with gardens. Golokom. And I'll put the tests and send it with your things in pursuit. Everybody's Free!

In the next semester, Vadik and I (he was from a different faculty, and we got to know each other in a general lecture) passed Baba Ghali perfectly, and dildo-milkmaid Les at a solid C grade the first time. And with curiosity they glanced at those students and students from our stream who relaxed in her semester on her subject.

  • July 30, 2014 6:36 AM

    I don’t know from which dusty shelf you got this mossy image of an aged machine gunner Anki, but I liked it. Original, and Hochma on top. Is that, with color and mats overdo it, but, all the same, interesting.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 30, 2014 23:24

    Thank you, very nice!
    The image ... it is collective. I studied at six schools, not counting school. And there were the mothersha-granny (but the lectures were interesting); and an unmarried forty-year-old bitch who really wore a tunic, a skirt Prada, and an officer's belt; and an uncle associate professor who took out hopeless doubles for field work.
    And if we’re talking about a bookshelf, then we google “Tomorrow was a war” by Boris Vasilyev and admire the image of Comrade Polyakova, who, by the way, dressed like this, made cigarettes, had a voice and often whipped her daughter an activist-komsomol officer belt ...


    • Rating: 1

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