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Marina said nothing to me. When we went to bed and extinguished the light, the silence erupted. I don't know what my wife was thinking, but I know exactly what she knew, what I was thinking.

- Yes - her voice was calm, like that of a man who had measured the death sentence and knows that he will be shot tomorrow. The answer, dry and short, was none the less severe and extremely juicy. Yes, there was still something between them.

She of course formally answered the question and in general everything was clear, but I remained unsatisfied. I wanted more, I wanted to know EVERYTHING. I did not want my questions to resemble an interrogation, but I could not stop.

- So Andrew did meet with you, not Lena? - And before she had time to open her mouth, I tried to portray that I was not angry.

- I now understand that you did not want to say this in order not to strain me for no reason. I didn't need to ask about it ..

- No, you are not right ... But it doesn’t matter anymore - what happened, then passed, and there is no need to return to it. OK, honey?

Damn, why did she say such a simple thing so difficult? Sadist ..

“Did he meet with both of you?”

- He only met with Lena. What is today with you and this Andrew?

But I already suffered and while I did not know where the brakes were. My brain system worked at full capacity in an attempt to logically explain my wife's words.

- In short, girl, what happened between you and Andrew? - I already, in my opinion, did not hesitate to be impatient.

- Why do you need? - this snake felt me, and I felt her smile in the dark.

Neither my perseverance, nor my exacting demands did not disturb her at all. On the contrary, she was amused by my curiosity and impatience, very much like jealousy. Her words and behavior only increased my desire to know. Know everything, from A to Z and even a little bit more.

- To me. It is necessary. Know. - I did it clearly and distinctly, but I'm afraid, not without a shiver in my voice.

- Maybe you shouldn't, honey? - already without hope sounded her voice. And then - I am afraid you will be shocked, my love! - What is she reptile ..

- Do not shock, I promise. What is so shocking you can hear from you? Come on, girl, piss.

After several heavy seconds of silence, I finally heard:

- Ok ... I'll tell you what was

Her words sounded so theatrically teasing that it seemed to me that she had nothing to say. But I was wrong, and she started:

You already know that Lena and I rented an apartment and each had their own room. Lena met with Andrew and they were all in earnest. They have already made plans for a joint future. Therefore, by the time this all happened, Andrey very often stayed with us at night and was almost like a host on a par with us. Lena - still that bitch! - Marina seemed to be smiling again in the dark - Very often I heard the sound of sex over the wall of their room. In my opinion, she did it specifically to shock me and so that I envied her that she had a member with whom she could play, and I sleep alone again. Andrei has been with us so often that, willy-nilly, I got used to his presence, however, he has never been with us without Lena. But one morning when I was having breakfast, I suddenly saw Lena running around the apartment. She was going in a hurry, obviously late somewhere. In short, Andrei was still in bed and was not even going to wake up, and Lena was not going to wake him up, as she planned to return in an hour and a half. I was going to leave, so I did not care. Lena ran out of the apartment, and I, having finished breakfast, went to my room to gather. Passing by her room, I glanced in the open door and naturally saw the sleeping naked Andrew, barely covered by a sheet.

At the word "naked" I was already shaking, and my wife's voice lowered, she began to speak softly, with pauses.

- Andrew was covered with a sheet in the waist, almost to the knees, legs and arms to the side.At first I just ignored and went about my business, but then ..

This pause seemed to me especially long. She seemed to be catching up on some kind of tension, although in reality it was just hard for her to talk about it with me.

“... I quietly went to the door of their bedroom and carefully peered inside.

Now, in her voice, notes of arrogant pofigism, such as “yes, I am so !!!” were clearly traced.

“It just didn't seem like a peek,” she heard her voice again. And I boldly went into the room, like I was looking for something in the confusion of her room. Thus, I was very close to Andrew. He breathed evenly and deeply.

- Sheets barely covered his genitals and it seemed that you could slip the sheets slightly and literally slightly, and everything would be immediately visible. But I was afraid that he would wake up.

I have long been lying with my eyes closed and painted this picture in my head. I did not expect Marina to describe everything in such a detailed and colorful way, I thought it would cost two or three phrases and good night, my friend! ... And here it is ..

I suddenly felt captured by her story and catch every word of my beloved, I am even afraid to kill her with my loud sigh or with a simple movement. After all, I could not even imagine that such a decent and correct girl could suddenly behave so depraved and spy on the half-naked boyfriend of her friend. Marina continued:

- I still can not understand how I plucked up the courage and slowly lifted the edge of the sheets ...

I was not funny - I was expecting German porn like a kiss on the cheek, and here such debauchery.

“You make it all up, huh? ..”

- I saw his dick, - not noticing my words - she continued in a quiet and even voice. - He had a morning erection.

- Why did you do that?

- Out of curiosity. I wanted to know its size ..

- So how? ... big?

- Oh yeah!! - I heard admiration in her words, and if it was multiplied by my condition, then it is easy to understand how it affected me.

But, apparently, she was not very pleased with her answer:

- I have never seen such a big member, besides, he was tense!

Mdaaa, my little wife does not pity me at all.

- You have already come up with a start ..

- He was so big - she dreamily continued - you know, even angry somehow - Marina no longer paid any attention to my remarks.

- I wanted unbearably to touch him, to clasp my hand, to feel the whole palm. Andrei was asleep and it was not worth the trouble for me to reach his penis. And I ... pulled my fingers towards him, but it turned out to be so hard to touch him. I suddenly began to think how dirty it was, how bad it was towards Lena, what a shame it would be if Andrei woke up ...

- In short, I could not do it. I slowly lowered the sheets into place and quietly headed for the door ..

Marina is certainly not holy, and she will surpass any in sex, but hearing such revelations from her was something new and unknown to me.

Suddenly, I felt that Marina moved close to me, turned to the side, put her head on my shoulder and, before I had time to react, her free hand was in my pants in search of a member. To my embarrassment, this reptile stood and was firmer than a stone.

- I did not get that?! - the voice of my wife exuded genuine amazement.

I did not know what to say, I did not know what to do, I did not know what was happening to me. Did my excitement appear at the same time as jealousy and, apparently, was unusually strong.

A warm hand that clasped my cock seemed cool compared to my red-hot rod.

- Looks like someone liked my story - I felt Marinka smile on my shoulder.

- I do not know what is happening to me, why I react so - I hardly managed to say.

Until that moment I had been hiding from Marina what effect her story had on me. But why confess, I did not admit to myself. I was unconsciously afraid that she would notice, and did not want to. Too fast movement of her hands in my pants and in this game with such high stakes, ...

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