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Alain walked along the Hudson River. She specifically asked the taxi driver to leave her here, although they did not even drive half way. She wanted to walk to her hotel. The evening was warm and only a light breeze made you shiver a little. Alain, arms folded across her chest, walked at a leisurely step toward the business center. She regretted not taking the blouse to the party. She was wearing only a light cocktail dress and sandals with high, but comfortable heels.

To be honest, New York was already fed up with her, and she was glad to return to Moscow three days earlier. Tomorrow she will be home at this time ...

At 52nd Street, she turned left and she had nothing left to do. Almost faced with two drunk teenage girls, she drew attention to the small sign of some little attractive places. And although she was relatively close to her hotel and could have suffered with a toilet, Alyona bravely stepped inside. Going to the unshaven type behind the bar, she asked about the toilet.

“Only for customers,” he replied, and he already wanted to turn away from her when Alain pulled out a ten and asked him to pour something at his discretion. Smirking, the barman pointed to the door next to the kitchen.

Except for the strong odor of marijuana, then her journey into the room of the samogigeena ended without incident. Coming out of the closet, she had already gone outside, but meeting her eyes with the bartender, decided not to offend him and sit for about five or ten minutes with a cocktail in her hands.

Sitting down at the bar, Alain looked at the room and drew attention to those who were in the bar. The bar was clearly designed for simple hard workers who don’t care how they are served. Even Alain did not notice more than one white, except for the bartender and one ugly woman who sat between two blacks who, without hesitating, squeezed her in all places. She laughed merrily and pretended not to pay attention to their hands. Alyona grinned at the thought that someone, a reputable journalist and wife of a very respected entrepreneur, would see her in such a place.

Having swallowed a cocktail, Alain gladly determined that this is Long Island Isty - her favorite. When less than half was left from the cocktail, she heard “Hi, how are you today?”. Someone's quiet voice turned to Alain from behind. She did not even immediately realize that this appealed to her. Turning, she saw a man in front of her with a huge beer belly, from which she carried fumes. “May I buy you another drink?” Said the man. For her 27 years old, Alyona learned how to shake off well. Therefore, after a couple of minutes, this pot-bellied fifty-year-old drunkard of Puerto Rican origin returned to his seat. He was clearly not pleased and did not hesitate to express his displeasure interspersed with threats against Alena. “It's time to get out of here,” she thought.

Taking her purse, Alyona began to carefully descend from the high stool. Only now she realized how her legs looked on such a high seat. Suddenly she felt someone grab her by the elbow. Another drunk face of clearly African-American descent appeared before her. As soon as she (this face) appeared, she immediately disappeared, and another appeared instead of her. And the black man who was pushed away for some reason peacefully departed, without saying anything.

- My name is Mike. Let's go for a smoke in the fresh air, ”said the owner of this face and walked toward the kitchen.

Alyona stood rooted to the spot until he disappeared behind the door. She looked around the bar once more, saw several views interested in her and rightly decided to follow her new acquaintance. Opening the door to the kitchen, she went to the next door, trying not to touch anything, so as not to get dirty, and went out into a small courtyard surrounded by walls of other houses.Various rubbish and rubbish were lying around, and she had to step over the puddles of some kind of waste very carefully a couple of times. Only now she realized that the cocktail was strong enough and she was a little drunk.

Mike extended his hand and helped Alena step over the last obstacle. Then he silently pulled out two cigarettes from somewhere, lit them up and handed one to Alena. Alyona took a cigarette, immediately he took a deep drag on it, blew smoke out and again began to drag out.

- Strange taste in your cigarettes. What is it? - Alain could barely see her savior. He was wearing blue jeans and a well-worn T-shirt, and although he could be frightened, Alena felt confidence in him, she even liked her a little.

- This is marijuana. - he answered shortly.

- I thought so - She did not want to offend her new acquaintance, and so she continued to do little tightening.

Mike took a couple more puffs, threw the cigarette butt to the side and quickly approached Alain. He hugged her thin waist, grabbed the hair on the back of his head with his other hand and kissed her roughly.

“I thought that would be the end of it.” Well then it's better to let this one than those faces - thought Alena and answered the kiss. His right hand quickly turned on her ass, squeezed her painfully and again continued on her way down. When the hand climbed under the dress and tormented her ass, in Alain, desire had already awakened. Drunk cocktail and marijuana made themselves felt.

Mike pulled away from Alenin's lips, sharply turned her 180 degrees, grabbed her by the chest and began to crumple them roughly.

- What is your name, girl? He asked in a low but powerful voice.

- Alyona.

- Where are you from?

“I’m from Russia,” she replied, and leaned over Mike with her whole body.

- The best fuckers from Russia - Mike grinned and rudely pushed Alain forward, to the door to the kitchen. In the kitchen, he stopped Alain and ordered her to bend over. Alain readily fulfilled the requirement, she was surprised at how quickly and easily she obeyed the will of a man unfamiliar to her. Thanks to her beauty and mind, she always enjoyed her power over men. And here, as if it was replaced. Alain put her hands on the sink and spread her legs a little for balance. The picture turned out to be exciting: a long-legged beauty in an expensive dress and sandals on her heels, all well-groomed and well-groomed standing in the middle of a dirty kitchen depicting the letter "G". And while trying very hard to look sexy.

Mike pulled up the hem of her dress and saw a thin strip of panties between the two halves of her sticking ass, could not resist and hit her with his hand. Alyona, who did not expect such a dirty trick, cried out from surprise and pain at the same time. She tried to straighten up, say what she thinks about this and, loudly slamming the door, get away from her abuser. But Mike’s heavy hand brought her back to her previous position, and Alain immediately burned another blow to her ass. Her ass looked like a ripe tomato.

“I don’t like it when they don’t obey me,” said Mike, pulling off her panties from the conquered Alena.

Alain suddenly felt Mike's fingers between her legs. These fingers without ceremony penetrated her.

“I knew you were a slut!” - said Mike and pulled wet fingers from Alenina pussy. He raised his hand to Alenin’s face and put his fingers into her mouth. Alena was both ashamed and offended by such treatment. Suddenly she felt the head of the penis between the legs.

“I want you to plant it yourself,” said Mike calmly.

Alyona began to move backwards carefully and when the head was completely inside, Mike grabbed Alain by the hair and forcefully entered her to the end. For Alyona this was a surprise, but even more unexpected was that she began to finish loud and long. She shook her head from side to side as far as Mike’s hand allowed, her legs gave way, and if it weren’t for Mike’s deep blows that lifted her on her toes, she would be on the floor.

Mike obviously enjoyed it and tried to delay the final as much as possible. He did not care for Alain, for him she was just another whore in his bar.He just liked her - he had never seen such people before.

After 10 minutes of such a race, Mike finally pulled his dick out of Alena, who ...

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