Alain waited this day with impatience and anxiety. Today, she and her husband move to their new home, which has been built for so long. Finally, the house is built, new furniture is placed, grass and trees in place. It remains to transport only personal items, which turned out to be amazingly many. It's amazing how quickly a person becomes cluttered with all sorts of junk in a relatively short amount of time. Alain once again looked at the pyramid of luggage, boxes and bags. Everything is good. It remains to fill one chest, and in an hour the movers will arrive to take everything to a new house. This chest was designed for Alena. Once she and her husband argued and agreed that in the event of an alaine lesion, she would spend three hours in this old chest, bound hand and foot and gagged in her mouth. And three months later, my husband remembered the old favor, and Alena was to move with all the things in the truck. A husband entered the room, looked at his beautiful wife. - It's time. Take off your rags. Rolling her eyes and sighing reverently, Alyona took off her dress, panties and bra. The cool room air instantly made her nipples petrify.

Alyona simply refused to explain her nipples in a different way. The husband went to the naked girl, walked around her and calmly said: - Hands behind your back. It is not known where the handcuffed leather handcuffs forged the alenins of the wrist. The feeling of discomfort only intensified when the second pair of handcuffs was fastened just above the elbows, forcing the girl to bend her back so that her breasts became somehow demanding, and even brazenly bulging forward. And only Alyona tried to open her mouth and ask to remove or at least loosen the handcuffs, as something very large and strongly resembling a man's member climbed into her mouth.

No matter how she twisted Alain's head and did not try to delay or push this “member”, she achieved nothing except slapping her ass, who somehow reassured her at once. I was reassured not because it was painful or humiliating to get my ass up to her age, but simply somehow reassured or even calmed down, although Allen kept her brow furrowed and demanding. The tongue was pressed, and the tip of this artificial member reached the throat. Alyona tried to say at least something, but nothing came out except for mooing. Meanwhile, the husband fastened the lock on the back of his neck and pulled the iron ring through a special strap. Then, pressing Alyona’s shoulders, he lowered his wife to her knees, put her breast on the chest and, lifting the legs together, put a leather belt on her ankles, which held both legs tightly together. Sharply pulling Alain by the hair, he gathered them together and made a taut tail with the usual hair tie. Having finished with the hair, the spouse pulled out a very long and thin leather belt with small rings along the entire length and began to wrap the knitted beauty around them. I started on top slowly going down, not forgetting of course about the breasts, and after such “knitting” Alena's breasts somehow rose even more. Behind the leather belt is so strong. pressed his hands to his back, that apart from his fingers nothing could move. Alena felt a bit creepy, and her squeezed chest did not let her breathe. When a handful of small straps appeared in her husband’s arms, Alyona had already guessed herself that even the fingers of her fixed hands would be connected. She turned out to be only partially right - her husband plus everything used one of the straps to tie two big toes.

Putting Alain on the floor face down, the spouse demanded that she lift her ass and spread her legs in the knees. It is not as easy as it may seem at first glance, besides Alyona suddenly felt that she was so wet between her legs that she didn’t really want to give her husband so much excitement. But after several sensitive slaps, she just stopped thinking about resistance and lifted her ass, spreading her legs as much as possible. Then my husband seemed to remember something and removed the leather chains from his feet.Alena felt better, she spread her legs even more and pulled out her ass. Alain presented how she looks from the side and it seemed to her that she would only finish with one thought about it. She began to sway back and forth, while trying to look as seductive as possible. And she did not hide the fact that her husband just need to substitute his own member, and she fucks herself to them. In addition, her excited nipples rubbed so pleasantly on the cold floor that she could not stop. While Alyona was engaged in catching a member of her man, he put leather shorts on her and lowered them just above her knees. Then he pulled out a decent-sized vibrator and simply inserted Alena between his legs. While Alain thought what was happening, he put another vibrator in her ass. Both of them entered so easily and quickly that while Alyona was just beginning to think what had happened, he had already pulled the shorts on her hips and fastened them. Without losing time, he immediately fixed three straps: one above the knees, the other below and the last at the ankles. Such betrayal Alain could not stand and began to spin and squirm, something like a fish thrown on the hot sand. But unlike the fish, Alain did not hesitate to express expressions that she thought on this topic. Only nobody could understand it. When the last strap, worn on the toes, was fixed, her husband with a grin slapped her round ass and said:

- Thanks for the vibrators. I know that we did not agree on this, but when I thought that you had to spend three hours alone, I felt sorry for you. But now you will not be very boring. I programmed both vibrators to work for a maximum of two minutes and turn on at different random intervals. So bear in mind - if the vibrator turns on, then you better finish quickly. all of a sudden it will work only ten seconds. Now I will pack you in a chest and get you out of there in the new house. At first I wanted to close the chest to the locks, but who knows what will happen on the way - therefore only on the deadbolt. In addition, some additional fears that someone will reveal you will add pepper to the situation. I hope you do not need to explain why it is better not to make sounds? If Alyona could, she would have scratched his entire face, although somewhere in the depths of her soul the situation was seriously instigating, but with vibrators, of course, he is wrong - this is probably a bust. She will not endure such torture ... - Are there any questions? No questions - summed up her husband, a scoundrel, and began the last stage of work. With the help of a rope, he connected the ring on the back of Alena's neck with the rings on the leather belt that entangled the beauty's body. All rings were located along the spine. After that, the belt was threaded through handcuffs and a strap in shorts. The last strap was on tied ankles.

As soon as the rope passed through the ankles, she again returned to the back of the head. The rope was again threaded through the ring on the back of his head and slowly began to tighten. Alain was forced to first bend her knees, and then her head stretched toward the legs. The rope didn’t stop tightening until Allen arched her back so that her breasts rose above the floor and her excited nipples were visible. As soon as the captive of her husband arched, her captor fixed the rope with several strong knots and let her go. - There are only two things left, girl. With these words, he pulled out a small chain with clamps at both ends and immediately hooked them to the nipples of the woman. Alain tried to move or moan to express her protest. Of course it did not help. - And the second moment is a silk scarf for your eyes - the spouse solemnly said, plunging Alain into darkness. Having smoked a cigarette and having observed his immobilized wife, he finally approached her, picked it up and carefully lowered it to the bottom of the chest. Having fiddled with straps for several minutes, he attached Alain to the chest, found the vibrator buttons through the shorts, turned them on and slammed the lid. At the same moment he heard a knock at the door. Movers arrived.

America 2012

P. S.looking for beautiful and proud women who occasionally want to be the heroine of my stories ...
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  • March 22, 2012 9:20

    Intresnenko, but as it is not finished. There is a seed, the main action has been started, but the further complication and ending ... And this is quite interesting, detailed, with psychological moments. In general, we are waiting for the continuation.


    • Rating: 1
  • March 26, 2012 17:07

    class) my favorite type)) looking forward to continue


    • Rating: 1
  • May 8, 2012 11:32

    mmmm buzz)


    • Rating: 0
  • slob11 (a guest)
    October 6, 2012 10:37 pm

    the beginning is awesome! to be continued?


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