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her hands and went to the door, shouting to the driver: - Hey, wait! Here we have a difficult client ...

Liza rode on it in darkness and moistening. Grandfather Pihto dumped her like a bag on a bench, and sat down beside him.

- Well, at least right now you can remember where you live?

- Third Communist, 27, apartment 40 - suddenly Lisa blurted out like a machine gun.

- Finally. They shook you, shook you in the club - they did not achieve a word, only “be” and “me.” You are a miracle in feathers! ... Well, how could you get so drunk?

- Get drunk?

- Well! I did not see it myself, they called me afterwards, when you were there in full fire. They say: the girl in a rattle, undressed, dances naked, splashed out on carpets ... I have this job, you see: to transport drunks and sweeps to homes. Honorable type excort. In general, I am an electrician, but so it was. Come on, say Ace, help me. Not for the first time. I have this clicker - Ace ... Rags your figs knows where, some shoes remain. They pulled my raincoat on you, they swept me up ... they wanted to call a taxi - and you’ll get the address out of you! Then the boys said: like on a trolley bus arrived. Bring her there, maybe he will, on autopilot pops up. Where there! I traveled two circles, like on a merry-go-round, and I'm with you like a bayonet. And where should you go? Leave the trolley bus - so the men in the depot you, naked, I'm sorry for the expression ... of this and that. Well, at least we know the address, you can call a taxi ...

With horror, Lisa saw that she was wearing a truly alien cloak, worn directly on a naked body.

“Nooo,” she suddenly jerked.

- What is not?

- I can not ... like this. To Mom. Naked, in this raincoat ... Better on the street ...

- You will live on the street, yes?

- Not. I'll spend the night ... and then my girlfriend's clothes ...

“Ha!” On the street. ”You say too ... Do you guess what will happen to you by morning? And you sniff your nose ... No, that won't do.

“And ... what a damn thing? ...” Lisa blurred.

- So, well, quietly here! I have enough of your concert in the trolley.

- Concert? And what, I ... said something?

- No, I played the piano! Don't you remember anything at all?

Lisa shook her wet head.

- Ah ... what did I say?

- First, I did not speak, but shouted. For the whole city. That about some cards, about the prince, about the executioner ... It roared, like right now, only better. Then she suddenly shouted a good mat. I laid ears straight ... So! You will spend the night at me. Call your mom, say you're with a girlfriend.

- Ah ... and ... there is no phone ... the handbag is gone ...

- Ёperesete! On, call from mine. Number though you remember?

Lisa nodded and, gathering all her strength, dialed her mother and screamed into the phone in a cheerful, as she thought, voice:

- Mom, it's me! Do not worry, I just sat down here the phone ... I'll spend the night with my girlfriend, okay? Anya, you don't know her ... We talked with her here, forgot about time ... I don’t want to go in the dark, I'm afraid ...

“Well, you do,” said Ace. - How to lie, so immediately vigorous such a straight cucumber. Can you go?

Lisa did not know how it happened, but on the way she dumped everything to him, including her Terrible Secret. After telling about the guy at the entrance, she began to justify herself, why she went to the club, and it turned out that it would not work if I didn’t tell the main thing.

The ace, whose name was Dima, listened attentively, and for some reason became gloomy from her story. The mystery was told easily, as if some rusty valve had finally opened in Liza. She knew that she would repent of her talkativeness, but her mouth did not close, the stream of revelations flowed and flowed until it was completely dried up, and Lisa did not feel a slight, tired void inside.

They entered silently to Dima. Lisa automatically unbuttoned her raincoat - and immediately she wore it down: immediately there were naked boobs under it.

- Come on, what I did not see there, - said Dima, but Lisa shook her wet head, hiding her eyes. - Let's better help you to wash. Take it off!

- I myself. - Liza tried to take off her shoes, but the floor suddenly fell apart, the walls swam upwards ...

- Yeah, "myself." You will still be killed in the bathroom. Let's go - he raised a sobbing Lisa, pulled off her cloak and dragged into the bathroom.

None of them said a word. Dima silently washed Liza without undressing, and Lisa silently watched in the mirror how a big man washes a girl with small breasts and a child ass.

Suddenly she bent her neck:

- What is it?

- Where?

- On my face.

- On the face? Are you talking about a tattoo?

- Tattoo? - Lisa croaked, looking in the mirror, so much so that she almost fell.

On her forehead she had a tattoo - a card-peak-heart.

- Eeee ... You were so beautiful in the club, right? Wait, do not cry, Dima told her, it is unlikely that they made a tattoo right in the club. Perhaps this is a decal, or henna ... Exactly. Do not worry, right now ototrem.

He got pumice. The heart, though not without difficulty, but wiped off, and Lisa was silent. She was scared to even think about saying something, because she was suddenly excited before the itch in the groin. She wanted ... she didn’t know what she wanted, but every Dimino touch bloomed in her nervous buds, and she struggled to keep herself from snorting under his hands and clinging to him like a magnet.

His pants adorned the bump, bulging forward on the palm. Lisa saw him, and Dima saw what she sees. He washed Lisa, trying not to look at her eyes, and Lisa, as she could, turned away.

But still their views intersected.

“Ah ...” Lisa opened her mouth, and stopped.

Several times both of them sighed to say something, and immediately stopped short.

Finally, Dima slowly said:

- That's what. Listen up I understand. I do not consider you ... well, whore, or both. You told me everything. I understand. And now ... I see everything, Lisa, you do not think. But then I'll be a scumbag, you know?

Lisa was silent. She understood, but could not say either yes or no because she had forgotten how to speak.

- I also really want ... but it will be wrong. See for yourself: I went to the club to look for adventures, you got drunk there, this is the most ... And then - here I have ... After all, I immediately realized that you were not from that audience, that you were the first time. Even when you wandered into my shield, and I kicked you out, scared that you would make a deal ... How many? Nineteen not yet?

“Yes,” said Lisa in a wooden voice.

- Do not write. Probably eighteen no.

“Eeee,” Lisa said, offended. - Eighteen is. Fair. Half year already.

- Yes, a lot ... Do you understand me, Lisa?

He paused, looking at her. She was silent too. Then she began to sob.

“No,” ringing in their silence, was so unbearable that she suddenly threw herself on Dima's neck. He pressed her, wet, to himself. His lips tried to say something, but his hands were crushing the naked, steaming body of Lizino, and it was already too late.

They started kissing. Lisa did it for the first time in her life and tried to bite all of Dima out of the way, as much as a puppy from a bowl. Dima crushed the bud, gratefully butting him, then pulled away from biting lips and asked:

- Well?

... It was not at all like in her dreams. Without violence, without exorbitant ecstasy - a little shameful, a little scary, a little painful, but at the same time - as intimate and desirable, as it only happens between people who almost lost each other.

They went to bed, holding hands. Lisa solemnly laid down, Dima put her pillow under her ass, slightly smacked her chest and tummy, rejoicing in the velvet skin, then climbed on top and gently swam into it, piercing right away until it stops.

With a breath, Lisa looked at him inquiringly, and he nodded to her - “yes.”

Slowly, smoothly, so as not to hurt, he fucked her, pressing her eggs into the soft cheeks of her priests. The numbed Lisa clumsily podmahivala him, not getting into a rhythm, and quietly squeaked like a mouse. ( She wanted to moan louder, but she was shy. Dima walked in it, tightly pulling on wet walls, not accustomed to touching, and it was new and strange, as if she had a new sense organ. The vagina, pulled on a huge dick, was slightly sore, especially when Lisa was bucking her hips, doing like real adult mistresses. She was even a little sick because she had gotten so deep, but each push gave her a small spark of sweetness, and that was enough to sit on the cock again and again, despite the pain and lightness.

Soon the pain subsided: it was completely supplanted by the joy of merging two bodies, animal, calf, heated by a sweet pool in the depths of the body. Dima suddenly became a mother and family, and Lisa wanted to get all her skin into it - every time and every cell. Sharp, desperate jerks, she sat down on him, spilling out all the nightmare and all the lust of her dreams.

Finishing off her tummy, Dima took up her clit, and after a couple of seconds Lisa whimpered in an orgasm, splashing tears ...

Then she sobbed for a long time trying to retell her dreams to Dima. Thoughts and words were confused, mixing in a muddy stream; impressions of a crazy day settled somewhere in the depths, and the aftertaste of an orgasm flooded them with peace, and sleepy Dima’s hand on her bottom was strong and surprising, like in a fairy tale, and his breathing was near and dear, and ...


“... and here I am again.” You won this time, - the Joker smirked. - Congratulations!

- You're lying! - shouted him Lisa. - I didn't play. This is life, this is not a game!

- What is our life? A game.

- Not! Not a game! Not a game! I didn't even take your stupid card ...

- Why do you need to take her if she left alone? Here she is. Ace of spades, - he showed her the card. - Lucky card. You won, Queen of Spades. But we will meet again ...

- I recognized you! Still in the club learned! You and your buddies, - screamed Lisa. - You were there, on the train, when you all ... I recognized you, and Prince Hermann, and ... and ...

“Think about who this“ i ”was. See you, Queen of Spades!


Waking up, Lisa was afraid to see the trolleybus salon again.

Therefore, she opened her eyes gradually, peering into the shape, floating between the half-open eyelids.

Understanding nothing, she finally decided to reveal them properly.

I saw the light from the window, an unfamiliar room, a crumpled blanket. Dimin heard a voice from the kitchen singing something ...

She sighed with relief.


Screamed for joy.

Then again - three times louder ...

Dima looked in:

- What's wrong?..

When they were overwhelmed, Lisa, dressed in Dima's shirt and shorts (the belt somehow kept them on her hips), stood in the doorway, ready to run to her mom, Dima suddenly took out the phone:

- Wait. I almost forgot. Isn't your mom having fun like that? Just kidding. Just besides her, none of your friends know my number. And none of mine knows about you.

He showed her a text message:

Message from JOCKER:

Congratulations on your winnings, Lisa! See you, Queen of Spades!

- What is this Joker so all the same? ... Uh! - said Dima, grabbing the pale Lisa by the shoulders. - Are you okay?

/ p
  • Liebe (a guest)
    June 2, 2014 10:09 PM

    Welcome back, Maestro :)


    • Rating: 1
  • June 2, 2014 10:14 PM

    Ufff ... Like a rollercoaster ride)) Thank you, Chelovekus, the story is simply gorgeous!


    • Rating: 1
  • June 2, 2014 10:34 PM

    Glad you are back, the unsurpassed master of the word. Captures as always. As for the story - too complicated for my perception, too much unreality not very related to reality


    • Rating: 2
  • Liebe (a guest)
    June 2, 2014 23:12

    Hesse reminded me of the “Steppe Wolf” in some places.


    • Rating: 1
  • Afina (a guest)
    June 2, 2014 23:59

    Luxuriously! Pelevin is resting :). Man, and maybe it's time to go to the "big stage"? in the sense of being published in a separate edition, or at least in some thread blog? you can't hide such talent ...


    • Rating: 2
  • Chimera (a guest)
    June 3, 2014 21:38

    Uryayayaya))) Man has returned))))

    Shl I support Athena, maybe it's time to start to learn or blog? Nice to be)


    • Rating: 0
  • June 4, 2014 10:33

    For the first time in difficulty what to say about your creation. The author is the same, beloved little girl, looking at the world with wide open (or closed) eyes - also, on the spot, but not affected. And it was superbly raised, with three boxes (no, really, not bad): “three, seven, ace”, and the rest ... But, it didn’t go away either as a whole or in parts, it passed me by. Maybe I'm stuck - I do not know.


    • Rating: 1
  • June 15, 2014 8:29

    Evgeny, apparently, and I got stuck :) I haven't looked in here for a long time. Now I read two stories of the Man in a row and ... Just the girl was very sorry. And that's all.


    • Rating: 0
  • Inna (a guest)
    June 4, 2014 10:54 PM

    “Phantasmagoria” - this is what your work is good for, it's cognitive :) Now it's clearer what this term means)


    • Rating: 0
  • June 5, 2014 0:23

    Inna, I guessed that you wanted to smack. Maybe try again? :)


    • Rating: 1
  • Inna (a guest)
    June 5, 2014 2:20

    but with telepathy, you don’t really, probably.)) Although, on the other hand, to the next story, “like Putin’s zombies” really wanted to notice something. And here I really liked the plot and such things? as “the genre of theatrical performance in Europe in the XVIII — XIX centuries, in which frightening images were shown in the background with the help of a“ magic lantern ”: skeletons, demons, ghosts.”) (Wikipedia), which more or less there are also long been like.


    • Rating: 0
  • June 7, 2014 2:20



    • Rating: 0
  • June 8, 2014 11:37

    Under your influence, by the way.


    • Rating: 1
  • Inna (a guest)
    June 8, 2014 15:15

    is it a joke?) where could my influence be picked up?

    But I also wanted to ask about the last digit in the bottom of the date of birth) just in case.


    • Rating: 0
  • Inna (a guest)
    June 8, 2014 15:19

    I realized that the influence of the previous commentator.
    but the question about the date was asking for it and it remains :)


    • Rating: 0
  • June 8, 2014 17:23

    About what date, Inna? I'm stupid: (


    • Rating: 1
  • Inna (a guest)
    June 8, 2014 18:09

    you have the last digit in the day of your birthday, for example, if October 23 is 3


    • Rating: 0
  • June 8, 2014 10:06 PM

    I will not say :) I was conspiratorial.


    • Rating: 1
  • Inna (a guest)
    August 18, 2014 1:11

    pity, although I don’t think that the suspicions are justified, rather, they are based on manifestations of the noosphere, so to speak)


    • Rating: 0
  • Lana (a guest)
    June 6, 2014 10:42 pm

    It was great! Loved it =)


    • Rating: 0
  • June 11, 2014 20:10

    I understand that the author on the "you" need to contact?
    smiled several times ... especially from comparison with a puppy ... it seems that everything is in place and "under duress", and "fairy tale", and "classic", but something has disappeared from my sight. .. perhaps because drunkenness is alien to me ... otherwise the story fits very well in the head, does not hurt the eyes, and even taking into account its not small size, it is very pleasant ...


    • Rating: 0
  • June 12, 2014 16:23

    Great job! Thank


    • Rating: 0
  • Michel (a guest)
    June 15, 2014 15:52

    You can’t leave the feather so long ...
    Degradation begins ...


    • Rating: 0
  • June 15, 2014 20:02

    Perhaps. No wonder they accuse me of her last 3 years;)


    • Rating: -1
  • June 24, 2014 10:28 PM

    And I have no words. always wondered how you can describe the feelings experienced by a woman.
    Waiting for the continuation of May-September. Very very.


    • Rating: 0
  • mary (a guest)
    August 2, 2014 19:50

    Recently read the story. Fantastic ... I love science fiction, but only in this story something unexpectedly reminded me of the stories of the Man. I do not know, maybe I'm wrong. There was nothing familiar at first glance in that story, but only one detail made me suspect))))) A harmless recognizable fetish in one of the episodes.

    If I was not mistaken, you are indeed a Maestro. :)


    • Rating: 0

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